Two days ago everything was going fine and I created new NPCs and dragged them into my scene without issues.
Then when I load my .esp today this pops up to all of them:
(and so it continues for all textures/models)
None of their meshes can be seen in the preview window, but are still on the scene. All of them work properly when I play the module.
However, now when I create new NPCs and drag them into the scene it still tells me the same warnings as above NPC, and they do not appear when playing the module nor in the preview window.
EDIT: Worth noting is that the M-markers (that is, the markers for LvlDraugr/Lvlenemies are not showing up in the preview window either).
EDIT2: A lot of my NPCs are also holding the "GhostAbility". Is that what makes them bonkers?