
Dun dun dun.
Oh, almost forgot: if anyone's interested in what all I'm using to do this:
Created a script with some help from others as my scripting skills do not exist:
scn StatueScript
;Makes nothing happen when you try to talk to the person
begin OnActivate
begin OnRun
pms EffectStone ;adds the stone shader
setisghost 1 ;makes them unkillable
Attach that script to a generated NPC. Then, via the CS, create an item under Miscellaneous Objects, attach the following script to it:
scn (Script Name)
begin OnLoad
Then from character -> Idle Animations, created a new thing on the list (I called it "Token Animations", but it doesn't matter) and created a few children of that heading. For each one, I selected the .kf file I wanted, and clicked the "new" button down at the bottom; I selected "GetItemCount" under Condition Functions, clicked the box under Argument Parameters and selected the item I created, clicked >= in the drop down box and set the value in the last box to 1, so whenever I put the item in an NPC's inventory (which I have to do via the CS for the "statues"), they'll strike that pose or perform that animation on loop.