NPCs have shut up. bug or feature ?

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:53 am

y'know how NPCs comment all the time as you walk past em ? like Nazeem and "Do you get to the Cloud District often?..." etc well he's stopped doing it.

he still says it if you click him and a few others still say stuff but also a few others seem to have also stopped (like Olfina Grey-Mane)

i'm lvl 42

so i'm wondering is this a bug or do they stop commenting as you progressively get to a higher level or complete quests ?

i did reload a lower level save on another char and they were still all dropping comments "as usual" but then i thought maybe save corruption or something i dunno

anyone else noticed this ?

just looking for conformation that "i'm not the only one" or something :S

PS. ive already checked the integrity of game files etc as best i can through steam
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