NPCs Hostile When I Have Werewolfitis......

Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:49 am

I figured I might as well try here in case this is an issue that someone else has run across. I couldn't find anything on the Nexus forums so here goes. I recently did a fresh install of Skyrim and all my mods. Everything was downloaded brand spanking new. Unfortunately the last few versions of NMM haven't give up to date info on version numbers so I am not sure which mods were updated from my previous build outside the ones I actively track.

For some reason whenever I give myself werewolfitis with Moonlight Tales certain NPCs are instantly hostile to me when previously there was no issue. I am of course talking about being in human form as I would expect them to be hostile if I turned in my ex girlfriend in front of them.

It seems to only be the Immersive Patrols skirmish soldiers and Vigilant Tyranus for some reason. He is the guy in front of the House of Horrors in Markarth. Normal soldiers and patrols and even the Dawnguard patrols from Immersive Patrols seem to be fine with it.

Thanks in advance for any help. :smile:

Edit: Apparenlty the quote box doesn't make it smaller like usual. Sorry about the long list.

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