I have a "phenomenon" where NPCs are slow to arrive at their positions, and as a result conversations tend to occur which are "one sided"
F.x. as I walk past Adrianne Avenicci she has her conversation with Idolaf about his need for more weapons WITHOUT him present - he arrives later
If I wait long enough then he does arrive, and the conversation happens as normal. So its not a game-breaking bug, just annoying
This is not just occurring in Whiterun, but f.x. also outside. I cannot work out if its happening because the NPCs are walking sslowly (if they are, its not that slow), or because they do not start walking when they should. Or indeed, something else
I am running a heavily modded (c. 220 esps) game, with tweaks to allow for the large number of scripts running. Does anyone know what could be driving this behaviour? Any one specific mod or just general overload?