I bought that place in Whiterun.
Now, don't remember where i got it, but i had a "butterfly in a jar".
Placed it on top of a bookshelf as a decorational item, as it had no apparent other uses.
Few days later i noticed it was gone.
I had also noticed NPCs entering and leaving my house at will.
But i wasn't concerned, coz one of the loading screen tips clearly states, that the stuff in your own place is safe from being stolen.
Errr.....yeah, right !
Ok, so just a deco item gone, no big deal.
But why can't i LOCK the door to my house ? Even the NPC houses are locked..at night at least.
Afterall, i DID get the key after purchasing the place. Can't be that difficult to implement a small thing like that ?
Right....any tips as to which nogood NPC nicked my butterfly are welcome. :biggrin: