NPCs wont sleep

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:55 pm

They dont eat, they are standing trough the chair when they should be sitting, they magically appear standing after being knocked down, and sometimes they go through walls, or can be seen standing in the sky a few meters high. Thats all NPCs in the game for you.

I'm nearly positive this is because of the MAO tweak in wyre bash, but i dont know why, and i dont think that it was happening a few weeks ago, even though i had been using the skeleton tweaker then. Also, archives are all invalidated where they should be.

FYI, i have everything in place where it should be for MAO to work, and the idleanims folder is in place too. It just seems to be though that the game is ignoring it. Any idea why?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:21 pm


Nobody's got a clue?
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:47 pm

TI'm nearly positive this is because of the MAO tweak in wyre bash...

Isn't that easily tested by unchecking it and see if it fixes it?

Otherwise I guess a posted load order would be helpful.
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David Chambers
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:12 pm

Sorry for what seems like a neco thread, but my computer's been deleting its own OS as of late, so its been a while since i was on.

Yea, it's defiantly the bashed patch, there's no question about that. And it's also because of the MAO tweak setting in the bashed patch. No questions there either.

But my problem isn't that i dont know whats causing it, it's that i dont know why it's happening, and i dont want to give up the MAO tweaks over some silliness such as this.

My question is rather, is there any way to fix this issue, while still being able to keep the benefits of MAO? Like i said, i dont recall this happening before, but i could be wrong. Any input from others with experience using MAO (or the bashed patch equivalent) would be helpful.
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sunny lovett
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:37 am

Well, i looked into it a bit more, and the only solution seems to be for any given NPC to use the default location for animations.

I dont think this was ever a problem mentioned by the author of MAO.... I would think something this large would have been noticed though.

And no one else here who has used MAO?!?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:31 pm

Are they otherwise attempting to perform their AI?

I don't use MAO (not even sure what that is) but it sounds an awful lot like AI overload symptoms to me because you can get the same behavior even without using that Bash tweak.
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Kelly James
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:38 pm

Are they otherwise attempting to perform their AI?

I don't use MAO (not even sure what that is) but it sounds an awful lot like AI overload symptoms to me because you can get the same behavior even without using that Bash tweak.

Yes actually, they are. If i enter a cell where an NPC was otherwise attempting to preform an action (ie sitting) that NPC will be seen standing in the chair.

MAO== Mayu's animation overhaul, and its goal was to make the player and NPCs use separate animations from each other.

The problem is defiantly NOT AI overload, because i set a companion of mine's animation path back to the default characters/male and he was back to normal. Everyone else on the other hand, they're still unable to access the idleanims folder. Aside from that, MAO achieves it's goal of keeping the player's and NPC's animations separate.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:35 pm

Ok, maybe i'm going about this the wrong way.....

Is there anything i should be aware of in terms of Oblivion engine faults?

I cant remember if it was morrowind or oblivion, but wasnt there some sort of bug where if the folders+filename's charaters exceeded something like 32, it would cause errors of some sort.... Does oblivion have this problem?

I'm going to try more experimenting and see what i can come up with.

Also, do brackets [] in folder names cause problems?
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:46 pm

Ok, i made a VERY interesting discovery.

Apparently, if this is some case of ai overload, it seems to be a very selective overload, or one that is not across the board.

When using the bashed patch's MAO tweak, the idleanims folder is inaccessible to the NPC. However, if i instead use the MAO esp, things are fine and dandy. No problems whatsoever.

This would prompt me to believe that the bashed patch tweak is bugged somehow, BUT that is also not the case, because i have a few esps of my own that also achieve the same effect as MAO, allowing particular NPCs in it to use their own animations. Now get this: They cant use the idleanims folder either.
I have played around with the configuration every which way, double checked and triple checked the file paths in MAO and the bashed patch, and i have tested things extensively, and what i ended up with, was the conclusion that, for some reason or another, only the actual MAO esp does not keep the idleanims folder from being used. But this is only on my PC.

Can anyone else confirm my results?
I encourage others to try out MAO:

You will need to download it from mods reloaded, under mirrors on the tesnexus page. If you have trouble downloading it, let me know, i might be able to upload mine somewhere.
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Jessica White
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:01 pm


There is more to be done than just changing the animation path, apparently. Looks like there's more work to be done on the MAO tweaker in the bashed patch.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:09 pm

I guess most people haven't had enough of a problem to need to look for something like MAO?

Good that you tracked it down though.

Like I said, you can get the same kinds of problems even without using the tweak. I've seen a few NPCs standing in chairs they should be sitting in, though they usually correct themselves if you hang around and wait long enough. Happens a lot more outdoors than indoors.
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