Yet another person who doesn't realize M'aiq is just a giant middle finger to these forums.
Oh, Jeez ... I mean, I don't really see how M'aiq ribbing the fans over forum quotes - he
is, after all, an easter egg - is any worse than my putting a character in one of my mods that basically took the mickey out of all the half-assed lore-weaselling that there is in Morrowind. It's not like I hate the devs or think they're stupid or disrespect them in any way - it's just lighthearted teasing.
Being offended by M'aiq is a lot like being offended by the movie Galaxy Quest or the Comic Book Guy in the Simpsons. "Worst ... character ... ever."
I like how he bashes players, I bash those same people too. Everyone complained, [censored]ed and moaned that things in morrowind were too hard, now they complain that Oblivion is too easy.
It actually happens with almost every game - in fact, I think Bethesda's fans have got off lightly in the grand scheme of things.
For a start, the membership of these forums represents only 5% of the entire number of people who bought even Oblivion, which doesn't even take into consideration people who have only played Morrowind or the Fallout games or whatever. We are only a sample.
Beyond that, we are the
extremist sample. People don't bother to register on forums to say that they have no strong opinions either way: you pretty much have to love it or hate it to want to tell people about it.
Out of that 5%, only 10% post regularly (according to a report I read on general forum use), and only 10% of those post daily.
So the opinions you see every day on these forums represent 0.05% of the fanbase, expressing only the most extreme of opinions.
I say we got off lightly because the devs did at least try to cater to those opinions (with things like level scaling) and when they "got it wrong", the game was still broadly enjoyable. When they've got it
right, it's made me want to cuddle them - not least because it's just been gravy on a game which would still have been great if they'd have just stuck to their guns and ignored the lot of us because we're not developers and by definition don't really know what we're talking about. What we
think we want and what we really want aren't always the same thing.
Thinking of other games where devs have taken rather more notice of those shouty few, the entire game's been ruined when they've scrabbled around with the balancing systems, overpowering some weapons and underpowering others in a shooting game where that stuff's important. That was a huge mistake - not least, of course, because they were catering to the whims of a shouty few instead of the wider generally-contented fanbase who were happy with it the first time.
I can't believe that anybody would want the Adoring Fan to make a return. He has to be the most annoying character in The Elder Scrolls history.
Hahahaha ... yeah, he certainly gave Fargoth a run for his money.
I'd love to see Caius again, and I really love Barenziah. She's very integral to the series for me. Even if she doesn't physically appear in the game, I want to know how she's doing.