For Elder Scrolls Online will the NSA get all comments and voices in the game and will be watching you 24/7? will there be NSA guilds running round recording people?
For Elder Scrolls Online will the NSA get all comments and voices in the game and will be watching you 24/7? will there be NSA guilds running round recording people?
Likely not, but an algorithm in a database likely logged the fact that "NSA" was mentioned in the title.
Gotta be the best job ever, play in a guild to "monitor" suspicious activity....
Where do I sign up?
Absolutely. You know online gaming is classified as a sign of terrorist activity, right?
That's not a joke, btw. It really is one of their warning signs.
I doubt it - though at this rate their ability to make themselves look foolish or like an arm some global conspiracy is downright funny.
The NSA is likely too busy playing Secret World. Think about it that game is their collective fantasy.
I still say the whole NSA spying in WoW thing came about when some guy got caught raiding on the job
"What are you doing there, Johns?"
"uhh uhh...I'm finding terrorists! it's uhhh.... this new group called 'the horde'!"
"Brilliant man! You're a God damned American Hero, you know that?"
"uhhh... yeah sure! thanks boss!"
And that is proof this country has lost it's god damned mind.
Philosophically, the ego's Nazi-istic grip on the rest of the mind / body suppresses natural law to the point of revolutionary pressure to revolt against said grip. As those forces build and the system in place feels threatened, it feels it must squeeze harder to force it's control over the whole - which leads to more dramatic forms of revolution. This cycle continues until the natural is released from tyranny (an inevitability). The damage to the whole is equal in measure to how hard the controlling force squeezes. If it simply lets go, all will be well, if it demands absolute control, eventually cataclysmic ends will result.
But no one said humans were smart so... I sit with my popcorn and wait.
The point is, watching the rising of tyranny is just like watching someone slip into absolute insanity.
"Oh my god, gamers could be terrorists! Don't hire them, watch them closely, sneak into their vent chat and troll them to see what they believe. If they don't agree with our government's choices they must be evil head hunting suicide bombers!!!!!1111one"
Absolute insanity.
Thank you, Psymon.
My country is not too involved in this NSA business, so I don't mind really.
Yeah, that's what you'd like to think, but they are watching you too.
What country is that? I'm highly dubious of your assertion as well.
Then so ... I'm certain you heard the story of "when they came for the _____, I didn't say anything because I was not ______. Now no one is here to say anything when they come for me." Story.
The mission of the NSA is foreign SIGINT collection and anolysis.
Not sure what they'd gain in Intelligence value by snooping ESO, unless Islamic extremists are hiding out as characters and passing coded communication via characters.
I live in Hungary.
And I've written not too involved, just to be sure.
Even if they did realize something suspicious, they wouldn't bother.
Edit: And my apologies, if that "Thank you" sounded a bit ironic, it was intended as a normal representation of gratitude.
No likely your country wouldn't - but they would be complicit in letting others do it.
Or they could just collect all messages sent in the game like they do all posts on these forums. Save it for later.
Now you have done it. Giving advice to a terrorist organization, that's exactly what they are looking for.
That's what Kim Dotcom thought, until he got raided by New Zealand Police on orders from the U.S. for copyright infringement.
they have even come right out and said that terrorists logg in make a character and then post messages on when to detonate, or attack, and where to attack.
but, let me ask OP a question:
would you feel better if zenimax and even the NSA said "No. we have no plans to monitor or record ingame chat?
would you believe them?
i wouldnt! i know they lie
im an american citizen and i admit that im very embarrased and ashamed of my gov.
Big brother always see you.
PS: For all of you uneducated players. That was a quote from George Orwell's 1984 witch is a dystopia novel about a society where the government always watching over every one. A most read for any one who is interested in society.
I actually recall a story about how the NSA had a specific task force to monitor WoW. So, you know, keep the terrorist rhetoric to a minimum.
I'm from the NSA, or National Sandwiches Association.
NSA will have to pay a sub fee as well..LOL
Crazy to even think about something like this, but sign of the crazy times we live in,,
Probably pick Imperial too We are all joking ofc. Not serious.