So what happend if nukes droped? You can chose If your area was hit with alot or few nukes
me i'd search a gunstore first and loot a sniper 9mm pistol, an assult rifle, some gernades and ammo then go to then return home and booby trap the place and stay there until run out of food and make my way to a grocery store and get as much food as I can and repeat.
Do what would you do if nukes fell?
Realisticly. Presuming you've waited a couple of weeks until its safe outside, you've just been shot by the forces of order (Military/Police). Martial law is king, and you're a looter. There is only one penalty and you don't get a lawyer (heck, be thankful if you get a judge).
Um, go watch 'Threads' and get back to us.
I think people have a strange fantasy about what life would be like the day after the bombs. Civilisation wouldn't just disipear - The Police, Military, Fire Brigades, etc are all going to try to keep doing their job as much as they can - some because its just simply "what they do" and don't know how to do anything else, others because they believe they have a higher calling. Its not going to be nice, but you're also not going to be able to just be out for yourself.
I think threads is the most likely outcome. Someone in some sort of Authority locally will take some charge (it might not be the person the pre-blast law says should, it migh just simply be the person in charge of the police/military and can get their way via force). If you loot, you've committed an offence on the same scale as murder in this new community (you're stealing the food out of everyones mouth!), justice will be swift and harsh.
Everyone who can will work in the fields - or no food for you. It will be hard work; Don't expect to see a machine working the field - wheres the oil coming from? Think "Soviet Gulag" and I think you're close to the conditions you can expect (Little food, lots of work) Yeilds will be low - little if any pesticides or fertiliser (but heck, at least it will be organic
If your shelter is habitable, you will probably be forced to take in those who have none. You will not have a choice in the matter - Did I mention justice will be swift and harsh?
Presuming you followed the "sensible advice" and didn't leave your shelter for two weeks to miss the bad radiation and didn't eat something you shouldn't have in desperation to put *anything* in your stomach, you're still probably as good as dead. The resources of entire UK health system nationwide if put in one place would not have the resources to deal with a single UK city in the aftermath of a nuclear war. There will be little if any medicine. If you need an operation your anaesthetic may just be something to bite on for the pain. But don't cry too much for those that do surcumb - I hate to say it but each death in this situation slightly increases your own chance of survival, or at the very least your food ration.