Who says nudity will get an AO rating? The witcher eventually released a nvde patch with no ill effects, and the witcher 2 will have a lot of nudity and six but it still an M game as far as I know, which will be interesting to see how people react. Nudity will NOT automatically create an AO rating(god of war, the witcher, etc), I think we have finally moved beyond that point. Its just that it was a hot item for a while and publishers are a bit skittish. However, I do not know why, That is the best publicity you can get, the worse than can happen is family groups will try to get the game banned at wall-mart, but thanks to digital distribution getting more and more popular, I think developers can start pushing the envelope again with less fear of reprisals since people can buy the game digitally(what are parent groups going to do? Stop buying steam games? HA!). With that said, I really doubt family groups will still be on this bandwagon. They like to jump from hot topic, to hot topic and its time for something else to hit the news.
Lets review a brief history of controversy:
Fictional book material like Dracula (too violent at the time)
comic books (leads to violent)
rock and roll (leads to violence and debauchery)
DND games (leads to devil worship)
Movies (leads to violence/corrupting youth)
Cable TV (leads to violence and corrupting youth)
pormography (leads to rampage men who will become fiends)
Internet (violence, fiends, devil worship,)
Video games (leads to violence and corrupting youth)
Nudity in video games (leads to corrupting youth and fiends)
See a pattern? They were all blamed for the worlds ills and were boycotted by family/religious groups at the time, now they are just about all considered tame and nobody looks at them much anymore. Oh, we have a few brief flare ups during slow news cycles or a politician is trying to get votes(silly since the average gamer is an advlt now and the old guard is dying off), but it always goes down after a while. Like I said, I think nudity has fallen off the radar mostly, as soon as some new convenient scapegoat comes around, it will be something else turn.
All very well stated my friend.
And I had ALMOST forgotten the old Dungeons & Dragons leads to Devil/Satan/Demon worship argument! That was a BIG issue years back. Lol. (Don't you Daedra cults go proving those folks right, now :nono: ) lol.
One wonders where all the rampant violence, rapine, plundering, prostitution (some of it forced), child marraige, murder, war, and torture came from back before the advent of television and gaming.
I almost left this whole topic alone, not wanting to draw a load of heat and perv accusations. . . but that would be craven, and as bad, on a lesser scales, as what the gaming industry does by tip toeing around this issue as though those clamouring against it actually have a point. . . which, in fact, they do not. Purely on the basis of logic versus irrationality, I felt something more needed to be stated on this topic.
No teen is going to be corrupted by the image of a bare buttocks in a video game. There isn't a teen alive who doesn't already have a good notion of what a nvde looks like. Mother Nature pretty much does the lion's share of the work in making sure they have all the required interest and motivation regarding such things, and the presence of a little more bare flesh in a video game is not going to exponentially increase that interest, any more than mandatory full armour and clothing would do much to make it go away.
Anyway, there just seems to be something deeply wrong in the world, when comments like "I hope the game will let us knock a guy's head off" is met with general acceptance and approval, but a comment like, "to achieve a more genuine sense of being a forest dwelling barbarian, I want my character to be able to run around buck a** naked," is met with shock, scorn, and screams of "what about the CHILDREN?!" Sometimes you just want to say, "ma'am, I don't mean any harm, but if your child really has no awareness of the fact that evey normal person on the planet has a behind and also has no notion of what they look like. . . you might want to invest in a special education program." :huh: