I saw anatomical drawings in textbooks I studied as a teenager that showed human genitals and no right-minded teacher would try to keep us from seeing those. I think part of the problem here is thinking nudity automatically means six, in reality, nudity can occur in a lot of contexts which have nothing to do with six, but still, when it occurs in entertainment, people often seem to automatically assume it's pormography, and I doubt that attitude is really helped by the lack of oportunities to be exposed to nudity in an entirely non-sixual context.
Certainly, not every game needs to have nudity, but I do believe that, if developers decide that nudity would benefit their game in some way, they should have as much right to put it in as they would to have dismemberment or blood. I would say that violence should logically be seen as worth than nudity shown in an entirely natural, non-sixual context. Violence brings harm to people, and is not something you want people imitating, that can lead to people getting hurt or killed. Nudity, on the other hand, is not really in itself harmful, unless you go naked out in the cold, of course, but if you're child does that, I think having seen a nipble in a game at one point is the least of his problems. But really, I think both things can have their place in games, and that developers should be allowed to portray them, if it will help them make the game they want to make. Regardless of whether nudity is appropriate for children or not, if we can have violence, drugs and swearing in games, I don't see why we can't have nudity. If ESRB doesn't think it's appropriate for children, then they're free to raise the rating.
On a side note, though, since the nvde corpses in Oblivion were brought up, those don't count because they don't actually show anything. There's probably something wrong with the fact that it's apparently better to show a corpse with a whole where those parts should be than to show a living person with a healthy, intact body showing those parts too, but that goes back to the whole "Violence is more acceptable than nudity" thing.
I don't usually see other people in my life naked either, because I live in a society where being naked in public would not be seen as acceptable, however, I see myself naked every day.
Regardless, though, I also don't usually see people getting killed with swords in every day life (In fact, I'd venture to say I've never seen that.) but that doesn't mean I don't expect to see it in Skyrim.
Excellent points. ESPECIALLY your point about nudity not being pormography, but that still being the crux of the issue.
It is one of those "hate the sin not the sinner" type deals, but in this instance the nudity is no sin, and the "sinful" thoughts which it may arouse in viewers, natural and innate to mammals and to all humans aged puberty and up as they are, are the products of the way that those viewers think, NOT of the nvde imagery itself. If it is not depicting sixual content . . . then it isn't actually sixual content. It is just nudity, and is harmless and blameless. Will lots of people, both those desiring it and those detesting or decrying it, look at it and have sixual thoughts. Of course. And you know what. . . they were going to have sixual thoughts anyway, have already had them, and will continue to have them. If a person's thoughts are so sixually oriented that they are going to strip an AI NPC down to their barest essentials just to oggle them in an erotic manner. . . the mere fact that they are attempting to do so makes the censorship moot. Its like closing the barnyard door when the horses have already bolted and run afield. The person who strips down NPCs for any purpose related to the erotic is going to be thinking just as sixually about a character who is partially clothed in a loin garment or leather underpants, as they would about a completely nvde NPC. They might not get the same gratification, but that is beside the point. The point is, that the intended goal of curtailing "debauchourous thoughts" is not achieved by the removal of nudity, because the presence of nudity is not the source. The nudity only becomes eroticised when viewed by parties with, as the saying goes, "Lust in Their Hearts." And if you have lust in your heart. . . it is not going to go away because some game doesn't allow nudity, any more than the game allowing nudity will create an hitherto absent interest. This is more an indictment of the social mindset than the game, so I will not go too far off on this path, but your statement is full of truth and needed mentioning.
Your points are well made. And violence is certainly worse than nudity. The one being at all times an infringment and an evil, and the other being a blameless natural state.
Does Skyrim have to add nudity? No. But in refusing to do so it falls further short of realism than it has to, and supports an illogical and backwards ideology in the process.