Have anyone considered how weird it would be with "moderate nudity"? nvde backs, but no frontals. I mean, how would that even work?
You're walking into a bedroom where a woman is standing naked before you and you think "Well, that's a cute bum, isn't it?". Then she turns around and HOLY CRAP!

hmy: Her genitalia and nipbles is either blurred or covered up with some sort of weird piece of clothing, which would make no sense whatsoever. WTF? :glare: The only way that they could implement moderate nudity is probably through cut scenes (which I'm not a big fan of), or they'd had to go all in with nudity and not censor anything. However, I'm not playing TES to see nvde chicks, I want to go kill monsters and find ancient artefacts!
In this case, I think limiting nudity to back scenes wouldn't work in the Elder Scrolls. In a game which relies heavily on cutscenes, it would be easy to just put the camera in a position where you can't see any details,
I believe you both made false anologies. I play the game to do violence and to do magic, not to see them. That is why violence and magic are important to the game. If I were to argue for the importance of showing nudity in the game, I might attempt to liken it to showing trees in the game.
Then perhaps a more accurate comparison would be that when I kill people with a sword, I expect to see blood. In the same way, if I get to a situation where there should logically be nudity, I expect to see it, and it becomes just slightly unrealistic is the nudity gets censored by out of place clothing. Now, not every game necessarily has situations like that, just as not every game necessarily needs graphic violence. But just as combat with axes and swords looks unrealistic without some blood and gore, there are also situations that can be unrealistic without nudity. And in these situations, developers should have as much right to include nudity as violence, otherwise it's just hypocritical.
Will Skyrim be like that? We'll see, but going by past games, I'm inclined to say "Yes". I mean, in past games you could strip off every shred of clothing, to the point you were naked, and in Morrowind, NPCs would even respond as though you were naked. In this case, it was a little unrealistic that you're character apparently had sergically attached undergarments, unless you were playing a Khajiit or Argonian, in which case, you just lacked... "attributes", Skyrim will likely be the same as past games in this regard. Still, as long as they avoid making characters stripped down to their underwear often show less skin than fully clothed characters like in Fallout 3, it's not too bad.
But you don't kill those people and take their clothes... I hope.
Escept in the Elder Scrolls, you do that a lot, because clothes are items that can be looted from enemies and their clothes might be valuable items. I don't always loot clothing from corpses, of course, only when I want their clothes.