I have doubts, I would like my american friends enlighten me:
In europe we have a rating system (PEGI) based in age (3,7,12,16,18).
#1: What are the MAJOR differences between M rating and A rating?
#2: What is the age at which a person ceases to be considered "Mature" and becomes "advlt" in USA?
#3: If we have canibalism and the possibility to kill kids in Skyrim, the game will have A rating?
Yeah, there's alot of oddness in the whole thing, due to various US attitudes towards nudity/six.
1) Main differences would be a) A would most likely be explicit nudity or six; and b.)
would never be stocked by any retail store (hence, no non-porm company will ever put out an A rated game.)
2) Typically, you can do alot of things at 18 (vote, join military and actually kill people, buy porm, get arrested for having six with a 17 year old because they're still a "kid".....) But movie and game ratings use 17 as the cutoff for some reason. And, again, no company will put out an A game, since it'd never be stocked or advertised, so the ages really don't matter.
3) Cannibalism was in Fallout 3, which was just M. But that second thing..... that gets threads asking for it locked. And most games either make it impossible (kids are invulnerable and don't get into combat) or just have no kids at all (Oblivion, for example) to avoid this. There would be massive outcry (and probably A rating) if that was possible. (edit: hmm, now that I think about it.... that Dead Island trailer was pretty brutal to the kid. Wonder how that'll go.)
#4: I rebember that TES IV: Oblivion in USA obtained M rating, and in Europe obtained PEGI 16. But i see that Skyrim trailer is now PEGI 18, but only "M" in USA. What is the reason for this apparent mismatch?
US ratings aren't divided up as much. Non-kiddie games have basically only two ratings, T and M. (since A, like the NC-17 movie rating, doesn't really exist since all it means is "no one will stock your game/movie") Having only two usable ratings means you can't really get that fine a grading like you can with 12/16/18.....