A few points:
1. :grad: Nudity is a normal facet of life. Much more common and normal than violence in fact. We enter the world sans appearal, etc.
2) ES is a game series which deals heavily in customization and verisimilitude. Now, I completely understand that this is not going to extend to any truly risque depictions or features, nor should it. But something as rudimentary as the revelation of basic buttock or briast . . . it really isn't that outlandish.
3) For all the talk of preserving the moral propriety for the sake of the Teen audience and not getting an advlt rating (in a game where you can murder, assasinate, and be party to acts of torture), rare indeed is the teen who has seen nothing of nudity, and who does not have at least a basic knowledge of what an unclad body looks like. Without getting too much into the details of my teen life, I will suffice it to say that I knew what a nvde body looked like, and so did most other people in my age group. :grad: Indeed, in most states and nations the consent age is 16 (don't ask "consent for what" either, we all know and there is no need to spell such things out), so the perception of there being peril for people in that age group to partial nvdes in a video game is beyond bizzare.
4) :read: There are already games rated Teen or M which feature partial nudity. The God of War games, Conan and the teen rated Dead or Alive games. Indeed, the DOA game included a nvde shower clip, and was rated teen, so I do not know that the argument that partial nudity would instantly equal an A rating is legitimate.
5) And, admittedly this is a damnation of cultural idiocy as much as anything else :poke: . . . in a game with the heavy violence content of ES, in which there are scenes depicted of torture, of desecrated and mutilated bodies, of corpses that are both nvde AND mutilated (have you SEEN what was done with some of the corpses in Oblivion and in the dungeons of Necromancers? Does mention of Vlad The Impaler bring any imagery to mind?). . . what is the big deal about nudity on a living character? It is so inane it is hardly to be belived. I don't think there is anything inherent to basic partial nvdes in "live" characters that would merit more censorship or a harsher rating than the violent depictions already in the game merit. If the matter even came up for rating or legal arguments, it could be easily one on lines of logic.
To be candid, I don't have to have nudity in Skyrim, nor in any other ES game I play. It is not a HUGE deal to me. However, I find it ridiculous that the topic is so controversial, especially in light of the dark and relatively mature nature of the game. Developers and moderators seem to go bug eyed at the mention of the word naked. . . all the while overlooking the unclad corpse I saw dangling from a noose outside of every cave in ES IV with a Worm Acolyte hiding out in it. I don't think the inclusion of partial, basic nudity would merit an advlt rating, and might not even cause an M rating. And if the ratings boards tried to force one on foolish grounds. . . whatever happened to standing up to these oligarchal boards on legal and logical basis and saying, "That is BS for the following reasons, and we are challanging it in a public forum." :slap:
I just don't understand it. It is about as native and natural as drawing breath, yet industry types walk around it on egg shells like it is plague. Do a pack of hypocrite politicians and moronic commities really frighten them that badly?