So, nudity is a scandal in Skyrim, but grisly decapitations

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:54 pm

Oh boy, it seems its still cool in Europe to hate America and all it's inhabitants. You people are ridiculous. I have no problem with people disliking the soccer moms who cause these things, but the whole "Lulz Americanz are fatz and dumbz and liek to hurt thingz." gets pretty [censored] annoying.

EDIT: inb4 close.
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:39 am

i tell you the thing we europeans hate the most about americans are not soccer moms or fat people, its the word soccer. its FOOTBALL! otherwise your pretty cool.

That's understandable, but I just can't take it when people run around shooting stereotypes out the [censored] and regard them as irrevocable facts.

But lets stop this and get back on topic.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:29 am

And I dont really wanna play TES with wood anyway.
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:09 am

American logic. :P

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Laura Tempel
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:07 am

Americans are obsessed with nudity.

The rest of the world, that's the vast majority of the planet, doesn't have the same hang ups.

Thankfully I'm an American who can deal with both violence and nudity in his games. Daggerfall knew not to tend to the kiddies and the Orthodox Christians on top of the lazy fart sniffing parents who refuse to just not let their child play the game.

Edit: And this is not a hate directed toward any religions.

Edit2: Actually I feel I should note that the reason I mentioned Christians at all is I dislike people telling other people how they should live. Frankly its absurd. I mean if a person's way of life hurts no others then why depict them as monstrous, abnormal or shunned?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:03 pm

That's understandable, but I just can't take it when people run around shooting stereotypes out the [censored] and regarding them as irrevocable facts.

But lets stop this and get back on topic.

but thats sadly what the world is like and its unlikely to change soon.
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:11 am

"It is good the people wear clothing. M'aiq wears clothing. Who would want to see M'aiq naked? Sick, sick people. Very sad."

Then I swing my Steel Battleaxe cleanly removing his head from his shoulders. Good times apparently, as long as you are clothed that is.

Oh boy, it seems its still cool in Europe to hate America and all it's inhabitants. You people are ridiculous. I have no problem with people disliking the soccer moms who cause these things, but the whole "Lulz Americanz are fatz and dumbz and liek to hurt thingz." gets pretty [censored] annoying.

Maybe I'll start parading around saying "Lulz Brit's have bad dental care and haz tea time and wear top hatz." because that's really what you all sound like.

Or you could just remind them how they would all be speaking German if it wasn't for us. :hubbahubba:
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:13 pm

but thats sadly what the world is like and its unlikely to change soon.

Well dont get on the internet then.
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Jay Baby
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:44 pm

Well dont get on the internet then.

it also happens offline
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:47 am

Don't want to see willies and johnsons in my game. I get enough of that visiting forums.
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:38 am

Half naked is still a long ways from full naked.

Anyways, after a year, why am I surprised to see you still going on about wanting nudity in the game? You seem rather obsessed by it.

Say rather, I am disgusted by the contrast between the attitude evinced towards it versus the attitude towards truly and inescabably dreadful and deadly behaviours. . . like, oh, slitting someones throat, or sacrificing their innards to a vile, sorcerous harpy. Just saying.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:12 am

Or you could just remind them how they would all be speaking German if it wasn't for us. :hubbahubba:

Doesn't apply to us finnish :hehe:
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:53 am

I saw a movie last year that went on about how silly the groups that control ratings can be and how their views tended to ruin things for everyone. one of the main points was that some of these guys seem to believe that seeing a woman's briasts are more likely to offend, upset and warp someone than seeing someone brutally murdered in some horrifying gruesome manner. which when you think about it, probably causes more than a few conflicting messages to the kids and others.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:28 am

Say rather, I am disgusted by the contrast between the attitude evinced towards it versus the attitude towards truly and inescabably dreadful and deadly behaviours. . . like, oh, slitting someones throat, or sacrificing their innards to a vile, sorcerous harpy. Just saying.

maybe they left it out cause you can have it in real life... unlike brutal murder.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:37 pm

"It is good the people wear clothing. M'aiq wears clothing. Who would want to see M'aiq naked? Sick, sick people. Very sad."

Thank you for supplying M'aiq's quote in all its foolishness. One wonders what M'aiq thinks of those people who would happily see his head swept from his body to go bouncing off the rocks into a deep ravine. I guess he would be more comfortable with that? :teehee:
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:13 am

Sounds just like real life then.

Blame Hollywood.

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Thomas LEON
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:26 am

Thank you for supplying M'aiq's quote in all its foolishness. One wonders what M'aiq thinks of those people who would happily see his head swept from his body to go bouncing off the rocks into a deep ravine. I guess he would be more comfortable with that? :teehee:

"m'aiq knows life is tough sometimes"
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:44 pm

Then I swing my Steel Battleaxe cleanly removing his head from his shoulders. Good times apparently, as long as you are clothed that is.

Or you could just remind them how they would all be speaking German if it wasn't for us. :hubbahubba:

Yeah so would we. Germany was so close to getting long range Flying Wings and atomic bombs.

People are forgetting that the temple of Dibella is chalk full o' ti tties. Besides, why do you need nudity so bad? I guess you dont get enough of it in real life?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:40 pm

I think that Bethesda just wants to give the community the honor of making 500 different nvde mods.
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Craig Martin
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:03 am

a head exploding is definitely better than a nipble. A nipble will corrupt young children and make them go on shooting sprees at school.
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:36 pm

Now, with all that in mind, go about Skyrim in your loincloth for half a minute. . . and you get a TON of flack from the locals. Seriously? Half of the population is composed of barbarians who run around half naked all the live long day anyway, but for the bear pelts. And then one recalls Maiq's comments on nudity in previous games.

I don't know, my character would get a ton of flack from the locals if he went round their town beheading (since I'd be beheading them and that would be a crime and all).

But anyway it is kind of a normal social thing historically - brave warrior goes out and slays monsters and enemies and all that, the locals all gather round for an entertaining execution, but people would have a negative reaction to some person wandering the local market place wearing nothing at all (depending on the culture). And partially naked doesn't equal completely naked.

One starts to wonder. . . is Todd Howard part of Pat Robertson's 700 Club or something? Is he channeling the late Reverend Jerry Fallwell? The Daedric Demons and the Idols to various gods Aedric and Daedric would suggest not, but what is with the backwards morality message? Am I the only one who has noticed? Burned corpses, impaled corpses, viscera and organs splayed arcross the tables of necromancers, wicked, cannibal witch-crones and professional torturers, heads flying left and right. . . but a hostility towards nudity et al that rivals that of the most zealous evangelical bully. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?!

For shame.

I'm pretty sure most of the examples given there are the visual evidence of "bad guys" doing bad things.

Ultimately though it is the culture in which the game has to be released. People who play it might be mature (or immature) enough for nudity and gore but there is a vocal group outside of the gaming culture (and some within it) who can exert pressure in society which could damage the games potential to be profitable - they don't seem to have as much of a problem with violence as they do with nudity or sixual themes (not that there isn't plenty of anti-violence noise). The only way this will change is if designers/producers are brave enough to do something and the consumer buys it and uses it in a mature fashion - demonstrate that the hysterical anti this and anti that crowds arguments don't hold water and the culture changes.

Plus I guess in terms of game design it is relatively easy to add a reaction to a character wearing nothing but their Skyrim boxers, but harder to have the citizenry accurately respond to a violent character (unless they are killing townspeople) - I do remember some of Arcanum's perks though. Run down the main street of a city with no clothes on and you'd be the "Pevert of...", kill everyone somewhere and I think you get the "Butcher of..." which would have a corresponding social affect on a character.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:30 am

Inclusion of violence discourages real-life violence.
Exclusion of nudity encourages real-life six rather than virtual pron.
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maya papps
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:21 am

Inclusion of violence discourages real-life violence.
Exclusion of nudity encourages real-life six rather than virtual pron.

or maybe the other way round
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:40 pm

Oh not to mention I dont wanna see anyone's wang but mine... ever.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:46 pm

I heard Todd speak excitedly about how you could have a pleasant surprise when an enemy head goes flying. . . and I saw it more often than I would have liked. I didn't bother with that perk, but my Dremora Lord had it and didn't mind showing it off. So much for the "don't like it, don't use it," method.

Now, with all that in mind, go about Skyrim in your loincloth for half a minute. . . and you get a TON of flack from the locals. Seriously? Half of the population is composed of barbarians who run around half naked all the live long day anyway, but for the bear pelts. And then one recalls Maiq's comments on nudity in previous games.

One starts to wonder. . . is Todd Howard part of Pat Robertson's 700 Club or something? Is he channeling the late Reverend Jerry Fallwell? The Daedric Demons and the Idols to various gods Aedric and Daedric would suggest not, but what is with the backwards morality message? Am I the only one who has noticed? Burned corpses, impaled corpses, viscera and organs splayed arcross the tables of necromancers, wicked, cannibal witch-crones and professional torturers, heads flying left and right. . . but a hostility towards nudity et al that rivals that of the most zealous evangelical bully. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?!

For shame.

six is evil. But Death is the Christian way. Don't ask me to explain. I'm only an Atheist.
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