Violence, especially extreme violence, gore, torture, mutilation (all of which are present in Oblivion and Morrowind) are heinous beyond measuring, and are ALWAYS harmful by their very nature and intent.
Any morality which condones those horrors while shying away from or casting shame on nudity for any reason, including the ever spuoted and utterly foolish "but children may be watching" argument (p.s. you are proably damaging the children more by instilling a sense of shame in them towards the human body in general), is a corrupt pseudo morality. :brokencomputer:
P.S. I salute you on using Bottecelli's Birth of Venus as your contraban. Brilliant! :foodndrink:
That said, good luck with your cause. I fully expect your thread to be shut down any moment now. lol.
Thanks man

Took your advice and changed the spoiler