Nudity in Skyrim?

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:04 pm

Your spoiler comments should have been in the original post. Of course nudity is natural and no more harmful on a human than on a horse, generally speaking.

Violence, especially extreme violence, gore, torture, mutilation (all of which are present in Oblivion and Morrowind) are heinous beyond measuring, and are ALWAYS harmful by their very nature and intent.

Any morality which condones those horrors while shying away from or casting shame on nudity for any reason, including the ever spuoted and utterly foolish "but children may be watching" argument (p.s. you are proably damaging the children more by instilling a sense of shame in them towards the human body in general), is a corrupt pseudo morality. :brokencomputer:

P.S. I salute you on using Bottecelli's Birth of Venus as your contraban. Brilliant! :foodndrink:

That said, good luck with your cause. I fully expect your thread to be shut down any moment now. lol.

Thanks man :) Glad you agree

Took your advice and changed the spoiler
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Felix Walde
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:07 pm

I'd rather that nudity just be made available in mods. I'm still a minor (for another year) and my family would most certainly not appreciate there being naked women in the game. Added to the fact that my little sister watches me play a lot and nudity is a recipe for disaster.

But they are okay with blood, gore and mutilation? Honestly, I sometimes wish someone would go around and literally start slapping sense into any and all parents who honestly accept assination missions in a game, and will let their children have things like Mortal Kombat with all the HIDEOUS things those games feature . . . but get funny about nudity. If your young adolescent is looking for in game nudity, odds are he was and is already familliar with. . . self stimulation, let us say, without it. Thus, your foolish fears are already realized. A little nudity in a game is not going to make your teen a lustful beast. Mother Nature has already taken care of that, as has been the case since the beginning, as will be the case ever after. :facepalm:

To the ratings argument. . . Dead Or Alive three had partial in game nudity, in the form of fully displayed naked buttocks. That game was rated teen.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:28 am

I'd rather that nudity just be made available in mods. I'm still a minor (for another year) and my family would most certainly not appreciate there being naked women in the game. Added to the fact that my little sister watches me play a lot and nudity is a recipe for disaster.

To put it simply, adding nudity to the game would limit Skyrim's potential market. I started the Elder Scrolls back when I was twelve with Morrowind, but I'd never of had that opportunity if nudity had been included in the game. Just remember the reaction towards the topless woman in Oblivion's game files. Bethesda doesn't cater only to advlts, and it'd be fiscally (and socially) unwise to introduce nudity into the Elder Scrolls now when modders can so easily add it and save Bethesda from any bad rep that might otherwise accompany the inclusion of nudity.

The reaction towards Oblivion having topless women was due it being rated T. A Teen game should not contain nudity. Skyrim is going to have graphic combat and will therefore be MA, if they added nudity it would be appropriate with that rating. A twelve year old should not be playing a game meant for an older audience such as L.A. Noire, and Duke Nukem Forever, which both contain nudity and violence. Of course, we all know they'll be playing it anyway. Also I guess parents are more accepting of violent depiction than sixual ones, even though the nudity presented in Skyrim would probably not be sixual in anyway.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:46 pm

But they are okay with blood, gore and mutilation? Honestly, I sometimes wish someone would go around and literally start slapping sense into any and all parents who honestly accept assination missions in a game, and will let their children have things like Mortal Kombat with all the HIDEOUS things those games feature . . . but get funny about nudity. If your young adolescent is looking for in game nudity, odds are he was and is already familliar with. . . self stimulation, let us say, without it. Thus, your foolish fears are already realized. A little nudity in a game is not going to make your teen a lustful beast. Mother Nature has already taken care of that, as has been the case since the beginning, as will be the case ever after. :facepalm:

To the ratings argument. . . Dead Or Alive three had partial in game nudity, in the form of fully displayed naked buttocks. That game was rated teen.

I agree with you completely. Censorship is completely backwards. Blood, gore, flying limbs -- that's all well and fine, but show a pair of briasts and red flags start flying. It would seem that in this day and age we're not allowed to know about human anatomy or what goes where -- unless it's a knife cutting into a guard's throat!
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:55 am

I agree with you completely. Censorship is completely backwards. Blood, gore, flying limbs -- that's all well and fine, but show a pair of briasts and red flags start flying. It would seem that in this day and age we're not allowed to know about human anatomy or what goes where -- unless it's a knife cutting into a guard's throat!

Moreover briasts being considered not as bad as male nudity.
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:52 pm

I hate nudity in video games. Why is it necessary? Really? Why? What can you possibly gain from having it there other than a few cheap thrills? As much as people like to whine and say nudity isn't sixual, it is. Hate to break it to ya.

I don't like extreme gore either. Neither of those things add anything of value or interest to my video games. In the case of Bethesda their understanding and modeling of anatomy has always been abysmal. (Though they are getting better. Slowly.) I want to go on an adventure, not be bombarded by boobies (or other bits, but come on, you know people are only complaining because they want naked women). I personally find the human body ugly anyway.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:19 pm

Moreover briasts being considered not as bad as male nudity.

Well we must protect those devices of power from the staining eyes of infidels!

Edited for censorship . . .
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:43 am

I'll probably use whatever turns out to be the most popular body replacer among the modding community, and it will probably a nvde one, so I don't object to nudity in my game. However, I don't really see how shipping the vanilla game with nudity would contribute to it's ultimate financial success and ultimately to the creation of future Elder Scrolls content, so I voted no. I think the game markets better without it.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:23 pm

Personally I hate nudity in video games. Why is it necessary? Really? Why? What can you possibly gain from having it there other than a few cheap thrills? As much as people like to whine and say nudity isn't sixual, it is. Hate to break it to ya.

How very wrong you are, sir. It is known that in early age children make no differentiation between traditional "sixual organs" and all other appendages. To them, a finger or arm is just as sixual or non-sixual as a [censored]. Thus greatly supports that what we consider to be sixual in terms of nudity is purely a fabrication of our society.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:04 am

My views on this topic are expressed

To this long post, I do have something more to add.

I found that saunas were popular in Skyrim. This constitutes yet another occurrence of situations where nudity could (should, in my opinion) be expected in Skyrim.

By no way nudity is incompatible with ES lore, mostly because nudity does exist in our world.
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A Dardzz
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:27 am

How very wrong you are, sir. It is known that in early age children make no differentiation between traditional "sixual organs" and all other appendages. To them, a finger or arm is just as sixual or non-sixual as a [censored]. Thus greatly supports that what we consider to be sixual in terms of nudity is purely a fabrication of our society.

We all get that in Holland you want to see everyone naked.

Lets talk about asinine policy though: why are you going to restrict admission to your pot cafes to only locals?

You think we come there because we like your cool last names?

No, we want to eat shrooms and smoke your ultra-danks.

There's a reason rip van winkle was KOed for 20 years
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:34 pm

How very wrong you are, sir. It is known that in early age children make no differentiation between traditional "sixual organs" and all other appendages. To them, a finger or arm is just as sixual or non-sixual as a [censored]. Thus greatly supports that what we consider to be sixual in terms of nudity is purely a fabrication of our society.

Bringing up children in a discussion like this is pointless because human beings don't have a libido until they hit puberty. Once you're at that age then nudity is seen as sixual, regardless of how you've been raised. Find me proof that it isn't and I'll eat my fedora.

I found that saunas were popular in Skyrim. This constitutes yet another occurrence of situations where nudity could (should, in my opinion) be expected in Skyrim.

People who use saunas often have towels on. You'd be hard pressed to find a public sauna where there wasn't anything covering your bits.

By no way nudity is incompatible with ES lore, mostly because nudity does exist in our world.

So do computers, but you're not going to find them in Skyrim.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:29 pm

Bringing up children in a discussion like this is pointless because human beings don't have a libido until they hit puberty. Once you're at that age then nudity is seen as sixual, regardless of how you've been raised. Find me proof that it isn't and I'll eat my fedora.

If you think that all post-pubascent humans automatically associate all human nudity with sixuality you're sorely mistaken. I shouldn't even have to find proof. Just look at renaissance era art, or Roman/Greek artworks.

People who use saunas often have towels on. You'd be hard pressed to find a public sauna where there wasn't anything covering your bits.

Many people NOT in the United States (they do exist) don't use towels and you may be hard pressed to find a sauna where there is something covering your bits in some countries. In some cultures it might even be disrespectful to use a towel, such as in Japan.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:48 pm

Dryads or whatever sure. Otherwise, I don't care.
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:20 am

I shouldn't even have to find proof.

You can't, can you?

Just look at renaissance era art, or Roman/Greek artworks.

I'd rather not, but if you want to bring up artwork...the Venus de Milo for instance is thought to be a sculpture of Aphrodite, who was the goddess of sixuality. You're not helping your case.

Many people NOT in the United States (they do exist) don't use towels and you may be hard pressed to find a sauna where there is something covering your bits in some countries. In some cultures it might even be disrespectful to use a towel, such as in Japan.

First: Why are you assuming I'm American?
Second: Have you ever even been to Japan?
Third: Public baths =/= saunas.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:11 pm

You can't, can you?

I just listed some in that post.

I'd rather not, but if you want to bring up artwork...the Venus de Milo for instance is thought to be a sculpture of Aphrodite, who was the goddess of sixuality. You're not helping your case.

I'm beginning to think you're trolling here...this point about one particular goddess is so very irrelevant.

First: Why are you assuming I'm American?
Second: Have you ever even been to Japan?
Third: Public baths =/= saunas.

First: Sorry I should have said North American.
Second: Yes I have lived in Japan for an extended period of time.
Third: Onsen and public baths aren't really that different than saunas when it comes down to it
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:51 pm

Save it for the modders. One of the top 10 files on the nexus at any time is usually a nudity replacer
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:20 pm

People who use saunas often have towels on. You'd be hard pressed to find a public sauna where there wasn't anything covering your bits.

Well, from what I know, not ine every culture. Nudity was common in Roman public thermal bathes. In Scandinavia, from what I heard, people are often naked in saunas. This may occur for example when people want to make commercial agreement on long term, for appearing naked in front of the interlocutor is a way to convince him/her you have no hidden intents, precisely by hiding nothing to him/her. However, I have no ease to use clichés about a society that I haven't verified myself, and I don't want to offend Scandinavians, so could someone better informed confirm (or falsify/invalidate) this?

So do computers, but you're not going to find them in Skyrim.

Thanks for pointing inaccuracy in my resoning. What I should have written, of course, is that by no ways it could be incompatible with Skyrim because it does exit in our world, in a way that is independant of any culture or era, merely as a fact of Nature one never can deny. (At least, I think that nudity existed in eras and cultures of which Skyrim is by some ways reminiscent from. I believe that nudity existed in Middle Ages, but I didn't witnessed it, so who knows... :confused: )

(Anyway, my arguments were more convincing in my previously cited long post, in my opinion.)
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:23 pm

I'm beginning to think you're trolling here...this point about one particular goddess is so very irrelevant.

Why do you ignore the point?

While your dikes may be attractive, nobody cares about them except you guys that live there.

Vote against van der hoosen or whoever it is that is trying to keep your pot to yourselves. You will lose all your tourism revenue if you dont.
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:32 pm

I agree with you completely. Censorship is completely backwards. Blood, gore, flying limbs -- that's all well and fine, but show a pair of briasts and red flags start flying. It would seem that in this day and age we're not allowed to know about human anatomy or what goes where -- unless it's a knife cutting into a guard's throat!

Well said. It needs to be said more often, more forcefully, by more people.

That is one of the reasons why all the acquiescing and bowing the game industry does to the immoral "moral majority" bothers me so much. Because history shows time after time, that no matter how damned stupid, backwards and even flat out wrong a rule or restriction is. . . as long as people who know better sit around and shrug and say nothing, Stupid, which is especially talented at making a lot of damned noise and has no qualms about doing so, will always win the day.

:stupid: :slap:
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lillian luna
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:36 pm

What point? Anyone who's taken any art history class knows nudity in art is not always sixual.
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Yama Pi
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:28 pm

Why do you ignore the point?

While your dikes may be attractive, nobody cares about them except you guys that live there.

Vote against van der hoosen or whoever it is that is trying to keep your pot to yourselves. You will lose all your tourism revenue if you dont.

Wat. :blink:
Maybe try to keep it on topic...
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Nick Swan
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:19 pm

Bringing up children in a discussion like this is pointless because human beings don't have a libido until they hit puberty. Once you're at that age then nudity is seen as sixual, regardless of how you've been raised. Find me proof that it isn't and I'll eat my fedora.

That isn't entirely true. See also puppies and what they will do to your leg if you don't dissuade them. <_<

That said, what the OP said about differentiation is largely true.

Now, all that said, once we do enter puberty. . . well, virtually EVERYTHING becomes sixualized doesn't it?

The hilarious irony of it all is that any fool who tries to censor media to keep adolescents from falling prey to lustful thoughts is closing the barn door to keep in a horse that is already half way to the next county. It is an object lesson in moronic futility.

Making a big deal out of nudity, which is only as sixual as the mood and mindset of the person viewing it ( i.e., if you find the sight exciting and it causes your mind to stray to lecherous deeds which are not actually being depicted, then it cannot possibly corrupt you, as you are already a raunchy creature to begin with) only makes the entire deal more tantalizing by virtue of the forbidden fruit syndrome.
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:36 pm

You can't, can you?

I'd rather not, but if you want to bring up artwork...the Venus de Milo for instance is thought to be a sculpture of Aphrodite, who was the goddess of sixuality. You're not helping your case.

He could just as easily have provided you with naked art and sculptures of Zeus, Apollo, Hermes, David, Herakles, Baast, Isis, Astora, Ishtar, Gilgamish, etc. etc.
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Mimi BC
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:23 pm

That isn't entirely true. See also puppies and what they will do to your leg if you don't dissuade them. <_<

Hahaha thats true! I have seen them do it! Even female puppies! Cats don't do weird things like that. I really like cats :D
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