outlast(game)...that is all
I can think of some things that is mature, but doesn't belong in the game just because they are mature. Gotta draw the line somewhere, and take what fits the game, and discard what doesn't.
Really? Then post them. Right now. Because I doubt you do.
Only males play video games, and no self-respecting male could survive seeing another man's wang (digital or not) with his unquestioned sixuality intact. Therefore, only female nudity is acceptable in video games. Duh.
Well the first page or so was talking about six scenes so....
I dont really think it would make a difference. nvde or not you can get an idea of how the raiders are by looking at the heads atop polls, people strung up etc.
I can't really see where nudity would add anything to the game other than people wanting to actually see six scenes.
Metro: Last light has a first person six scene, but it is part of the story, which i don't mind.
Nudity for the sake of nudity though, i do not like.
Although i do have a genuine issue with man-parts, like, the sight of them makes me physically ill.
I guess I look at these games differently than some, if not most. I don't see them as a video game as much as I view them as an entertainment avenue not unlike a novel or movie. I'm an old man and when people find out I play, they don't see an elderly gentleman sitting there reading and listening to dialogue of an advancing storyline. They see a little kid, belly down in front of the TV.
That is the very reason I utterly oppose any notion that censorship should be implemented for the sake of being a gaming genre.
How many of the same that say, no because it's a game, will sit down tonight, if not within the hr, and watch a violent film or raunchy college coed feature?
My gaming experiences should not differ from any of the other outlets at my disposal.
A few posts removed.
Keep it constructive and on topic.
Nudity is fine if it's done right, has the right tone and isn't there just to be there. In a post apocalyptic setting it absolutely can work and would have to include all body types and not be in every scene of course but in the right circumstances would be realistic. But unfortunately here in the States a lot of people are very prudish because we were founded by Puritans lol. But that aside Nudity for the sake of Nudity doesn't belong. They do it in movies, TV ads hell even Jewelry ads here in the States. If it makes sense story wise and is realistic then by all means.
I have nothing against nudity; in fact I like it. However, not once in this game have I said to myself, "wow this scene would have been so much more complete if only that person was nekked." Gratuitous nudity is a little juvenile. Is there a reason to be nvde in the wasteland? I imagine not. Wouldn't want to get any radiation or other filth up in my bits. Consequently, I find it perfectly normal that people keep their clothes on.
Should the PC be able to wander around totally nvde? When role playing an escaped mental patient, of course. I would be ok with that, but only if they included unique dialogue from NPCs making note of your condition and that hardly seems worth the effort.
Yes. Don't even try to tell me the wasteland would be devoid of strippers or the world's oldest profession.
^ Sick and tired of all this censorship bullcrap that has been going on for years. If mommies and daddies don't want their precious 10 year old playing the damn game then don't buy it.
I can be online at 3am on a school night playing M-rated video games and run into just as many 8-12 year olds as I do advlts. What's worse is their language is worse than anything you find in these games.
A game made for and rated for advlts should not need to censor its content, period.
I agree completely.
Lemme preface by saying that on their (CDPR) forums I saw a lot of bad things like insulting customers from their moderators and developers. I also thought the way they handled the graphics and some other things was pretty shady; however, they also showed a lot of things I'd like to see more of in developers.
On the CDPR forums I saw developers actively engaging their fanbase. I saw CDPR taking advice, listening to suggestions and complaints, etc. They also didn't cave into a lot of pressures like you stated. The same can be said about Obsidian when they were developing New Vegas as well.
My absolute favorite developer is Hideo Kojima and I have always respected him. I wish we could have more developers like CPDR, Obsidian and Kojima. I saw at one point during an interview with Kojima where he actually admitted that some of the edgier content (torturing and what not) might lose him sales, but he didn't want to compromise his message or quality.