Nudity without six?

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:44 pm

From Bethesda's standpoint it is simply a matter of weighing the number of new customers nudity would attract against the number of lost customers it would cause. I can't see any benefit to Bethesda here. How many people are there who would purchase the game with nudity included who wouldn't be purchasing it anyway? Probably not very many. But there are a lot of parents who would decline to buy the game for their kids if they knew it contained nudity. And yes, I know it's not targeted at kids but who are we kidding?

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Cagla Cali
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:29 pm

First of all kudos for separating nudity from six. I guess it makes sense to have nudity in some instances, like the example you mentioned. I don't have a problem with it in that context. For the record, I have not played the Witcher 3 so I am taking your word for it. Not sure, do they show full frontal nudity for both sixes?

In some instances the painted on underwear is kind of strange though I totally agree that I don't want to strip a corpse of their underwear.

I really wouldn't want to see the strippers completely nvde in FONV (but then I am a woman). I am sure that there are mods for that sort of thing.

I totally agree from your description that it would seem natural for people to be nvde in that scene.


I wonder if they could do a toggle in the menu to address this issue? Would it change the rating?

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Adam Kriner
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:00 pm

No nudity for nudity's sake, for me. I'm not at all against it being in the game though. As the OP mentioned with FNV, having the strippers clothed seemed sort of out of place. Everything about the Fallout universe (post-nuke) and the history of Las Vegas would justify it. The bath scene from Witcher 3 is another great example. It's just there - that's how it should be. As much as I'm against just including six/nudity in for crits n jiggles, I'm also against completely avoiding it where it would absolutely make sense just because "ewww, they're naked".

I guess what I'm saying is, don't make something feel forced - either way you want to spin it.

------ EDIT -------

Either way though, this discussion is pointless: mods are going to remove it if it's there or add it if it's not.

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David Chambers
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:40 am


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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:16 pm

Wait for the body mods, and the underwear will be optional.

Personally, when I drop off my armour and start binge drinking, run out, and head on down to the nearest alcohol/drug source, I want to do that without my dike flopping around, terrifying my people. Being an [censored] with a drinking problem is going to be bad enough.

Besides, can you imagine how unsanitary and uncomfortable that raider armor must be without something covering the crotch? Maybe *less* underwear, but you have to have *something* at least on the bottom.

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Charlotte X
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:29 pm

Didn't you know that nudity (even without six) is damaging to the minds of teens under the age of 18?

Bethesda doesn't want to be damaging any brains. At least not with nudity. I mean, it's such a crime, according to most parents (and other people).

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Rex Help
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:49 pm

As I posted in another thread, BGS is plenty edgy in their own way (e.g., very highly charged sixual jokes and innuendo of various kinds).

For people who don't understand why these topics always bring up both six and violence, it's because America (with Bethesda being an American company) focuses on violence as being "cool" and "badass" while nudity=six="immoral" and "sinful" and "bad".

In addition, it isn't a matter of what is practical for a company or what they might personally prefer to do. Instead, it's a matter of legal issues that they have to deal with or be concerned about if someone in a target market for their product decides to issue them a lawsuit (or even just make a public outcry, for that matter). Remember that you have video games as a (relatively) new art form and medium for entertainment, so they are and have been a huge target just as other new media have been when first introduced. You already know (or should know, anyway) that the formation of the ESRB in America was due to public pressure on politicians and the industry's response to keep federal laws out of the industry (with academics such as Dr. Henry Jenkins testifying before Congress in order to argue for the freedom of the industry and the art form to have whatever content they wanted as long as it was rated). You have also seen how movie ratings have changed and that TV programs are now rated where they were not rated in the past. Censorship is all over the place. The only reason that you do not see more censorship of books and other written media is because the American Library Association (ALA) is constantly fighting against efforts to ban various books in different areas of the country (you can see a banned books list on their web site and their efforts to prevent censorship of such literature).

Any smart media business in America is very aware of these issues and seeks to avoid them rather than fight the establishment. The establishment changes over time, but that's due to changes in public views, not so much via outright legal means. Instead, the laws change due to public views changing, then the laws get updated (sometimes) to match the public change. Few businesses are interested in attempting to fight the established system in order to make some type of commentary regarding a specific topic. That's not what they are in business for, after all, although they may support efforts to create change via donations or other forms of support.


One more example is the popularity of Japanese entertainment. I've studied Japanese entertainment and Japanese culture since the 1980s so I have witnessed the changes both there and in America (and elsewhere to some extent) firsthand. The companies offering such products in America used to be smaller and little-known, so they got away with not paying to have their products officially rated and simply marked them as "Unrated" (just as small film publishers do, for example). However, the Japanese do not have a problem with nudity or sixuality as they have a different culture and history. Various works that wound up in the hands of youth under the age of 18 (and not only works with explicit six, but also works that just had basic nudity, including bath scenes) created a huge public outcry and forced companies to become much more paranoid about how they handled importing foreign products. This also created backlash in Japan and helped to pressure them to create stricter standards for various products, standards that were largely based on cultures and social mores that were not their own but that they listened to because doing so is very much a part of Japanese culture.

Sad? Yes. But this is the world we live in, c'est la vie.

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Dan Scott
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:25 pm

Maybe for some. For others it's more a matter of private vs public. six is not immoral, sinful or bad (as long as you are taking the precautions to insure that you aren't having kids that other people will have to shoulder the responsibility of raising, at any rate) ... but it is a private bodily function much like using the toilet. Now clearly, the bodily function associated with using the toilet isn't wrong; virtually every living critter on the planet does so regularly. But does the fact that there is nothing wrong with it mean that you want to watch people doing it? Does the fact that you'd probably be more interested in seeing a gunfight on TV than watching some perverted toilet cam mean that you think that toilet use is worse than gunfights? Of course not.

The whole 'people think six is worse than violence' straw man needs to be put to rest.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:16 pm

I don't mind nudity, where it fits in... Eg. showers... Tho I prefer people in the sauna, to wear a damn towell, so I don't have to sit in pools of other people's sweat. o.O

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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:50 pm

Lets be there a couple things at play here, and ill voice my opinion to both of them.

1. Its already been said but nudity AND six without a point is unnecessary. If beth can not come up with a way to add it maturely, then it should not be in there. It would be a means of adding additional world believability and help with suspension of disbelief, but lets be honest would they really succeed in achieving those goals? Or would it end up being nudity for the sake of M rated sixual interaction.

2. Does bethesda want to be the company that challenges America's stigma of six? Again no, they have (OPINION WARNING) much better things to work on within their games than this minor and arguably unimportant aspect of a game. For example writing on their end needs to improve ten fold before I would consider handling a loaded subject and serving it to Americans.

One mans opinion on it.

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Madison Poo
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:56 am

Looting armor =/= looting panties & bras

Never got the idea behind that request. If they had an item called "underwear" and you looted it, okay. But you're not looting undergarments, you're looting armor or clothes.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:00 am

Doubt it, even more so then the actual six occurring.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:59 pm

I remember this giant debate in FO3 as I searched for a topless painspike armour for the female raider. I wanted 1 out of the 4 variants to be topless just like the male ones. The problem is, here in NA, as soon as someone says nipble one of two things happen; we start talking six and violence or how nudity equals six.

My vote, leave the underpants on, make all genders with nipbles and don't worry so much about a bunch of boobs!

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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:58 pm

I really seriously doubt any Bethesda game will ever have anything other than perma -undies.

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jason worrell
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:23 pm

Pretty sure those feral ghouls I kept killing were naked! :D

Really though I don't care if there's nudity as long as it makes sense and involves both genders. I really don't want to play a game with a bunch of naked women at weird moments but all men are fully clothed clearly meant as fanservice for teen boys.

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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:18 pm

If you want nudity, it'll be there*. Though I hope they don't shy away from having six workers. There was one in Fallout 3, thought there should have been a couple more to add to the ambiance. The oldest profession isn't going to go anywhere.

*If you play on the PC. If not, sad day for you.

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Sarah Knight
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:44 pm

The NPC ghouls in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas are never naked, even when you loot their dead bodies. They have tattered clothing on.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:44 am

Maybe they're basing it from looking around at the average American waistline and thinking what a bad image that would be.

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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:35 pm

See now if I was one of those SJW I'd be reporting you right now for personal insult on all Americans. Lucky for you I'm not made out of tissue paper. :D

Honestly the old lady in the Bath House scene wasn't something I wanted to see ... it did make more sense than her wearing a towel.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:52 pm

fallout is a 18 (or equal ) in every country so its advlt only if you compare them to films that would include hardcoe porm so nudity SHOULD be fine but games are not rated fairly, a game with nudity and violence levels that would get a 15 (not sure how that matches US) if they where films get 18s. since we all see this unfairness we need to understand that if Beth did make a truly advlt fallout it would get banned in many places , so tho nudity should be fine its not going to happen. i personly could not care less about nudity in fallout but if 'paint on pants' are used make them match the setting and only cover what is needed eg thong not granny pants and a bra not t shirt

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:44 pm

:D Yeah, honestly I agree with you and I don't have any problem with it, think it adds to immersion.

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Jenna Fields
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:39 pm

Honestly, if they're not going to put in realistic nudity, then they shouldn't have any strippers or prosttutes. It's like when they feature strip clubs on network television: the 'strippers' are wearing more cloth than you'd see at the average beach. If you slept with someone in 3 or New Vegas, you literally slept with them. If you're not going to do something right, don't do it at all.

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Stephanie I
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:07 pm

Strictly speaking, Bethesda did have barebriasted statues of Dibella in Skyrim. I doubt Bethesda will waste their time trying to turn Fallout into a peepshow, but I would like raider corpses not to don mormon vault underwear when I strip them of their scrap metal panties and spiked bras. Find them something less ridiculous to wear underneath at the very least.

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Jennifer May
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:07 pm

Considering how awful the character models in Bethesda games look, I suspect that Bethesda's artists haven't actually seen a naked person before.

I don't care how much nudity there is as long as body models don't look like clumps of clay.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:53 pm

Mods will fix any nvde problems.

Its a strange culture we live in where bloody violence is okay but our nvde bodies is obscene.

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