I loved the MIRV...the problem is there are only so many things in the Capital Wasteland worthy of being shot by it. I used it to take out the Behemoth at Evergreen Mills (and 90% of the raiders) from the cliffs above......even that was a ridiculous amount of overkill but it was always amusing. Weapons like that which do over the top amounts of damage are fun....but if the devs don't limit how often you can use it self-control is required lest they take the fun out of the game.
I'm with you on having that sort of power because it is pretty fun being able to wipe the floor with opponents. It just gets a little old when you do it too often... At least for me.
Sorry, I'm on an all cheesecake diet... Oh I love cheesecake. Do you have any?
I don't think anybody has a reason to be angry at all. It just wouldn't make much sense to have it in the game is all. I can understand missing some things from Fallout 3 (

What doesn't make sense? That I don't think it was a good weapon? There's no doubt that it was incredibly powerful but it was too powerful for it's own good. It had no place in the game in my opinion because of this.