The wannabe Operatives will eventually settle down to a different class................the good ones will stay.......
Took us five pages to nail the entire point of the thread? O.o loljk.
Anyways, I just demo'd Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (as many people here probably know, ET:QW was made by Splash Damage) last night (there's a free demo available for Xbox and Playstation) and I actually had a lot of fun being a Medic. Never got bored, running around healing my friendly 'bots. In the single map available, the attacking Engineers, Soldiers, and Covert Ops (Operatives) each had sequential objective to complete in order to progress through the match. Plus, despite the single map and gametype of the demo, you can alter a healthy number of the settings from being a stroll-through-the-park 2v2 to a 8v8 festival of carage and blood and anything in between. I recommend every potential Brink player try it and get a (admittedly very rough) idea of how the Brink classes will work.