Thank you for answering Dysfunction, I understand your point of view and it is very interesting for some points, like the UAV or friendly fire but I can't agree with everything but I suppose you are not playing on PC. You tell about helping your team, assault teammates are supposed to kill frontline opponents (just one planting) to allow the medics (which are supposed to stay behind) to follow and deal the heal, while, if you are down, can choose to revive yourself or not, engineer have turrets as suppressing fire, if you can't blink your eyes doing an objective/healing/repairing or so as you say, meaning taking heavy fire doing it, that suppose the team in which you are playing is failing, not the game, and so it is quite normal if you don't manage. You must know you need 4 sec to arm a crate in BFBC2, an objective which is most often in wide open space, 3 sec in hardcoe mode, under heavy explosion/burning/fire and I (like many others) do it every day with random teams preventing enemies to kill me while I'm arming a crate, covering at the same time while I can be oneshot with a shotgun/nade/rpg/40mm/missiles or so many others, and i would say happily that I can be prevented from doing and objective if we don't do it in a proper way, that's the way you can win, playing as a team or fail. What is the point if you can get objectives staying under fire? So I would eventually just need to use teammates as a shield to arm and win? I don't think so, taking cover is natural, leaning is reintroduced in the game for this purpose, otherwise it's called Bulletstorm and you can stay under fire as long as you like. And in the purpose to get some kind of hardcoe/realistic mode, I repeat we would deal some more damage (I don't tell how much cause I sincerely don't know) but it would be balanced with the fact that we wouldn't have the crosshair anymore so that we loose some accuracy in close combat which keep a good balance. I'm playing on PC btw, so I don't speak about consoles cause it is not the same thing because of the controls and the cooperative more difficult on them. There always have been hardcoe gamers on PC and we are used to playing like this for years and some kind of more realistic mode would be so great !
That's true xShadowcat, BF is my reference for years but i really want something different, but there are something i'd like to see or rather not to see like HUD and crosshair, just if i can switch off my crosshair and HUD in options I would be happy, it is not about realism you know, BF is already not so realistic after all, there is arma 2 and it is so boring, I never played COD online either, I'm not interested in realism in Brink otherwise I would not be here, just a way I like to play as i switch off crosshair in l4d2 because i prefer playing that way, realistic or not, and I hope that's not a big deal to get that option
