Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:01 pm

For the past 2 hours I have been searching all over for a solution to the problem I'm having with OBGE, and I am very tired. Please help.

Here's the problem: GodRays and Depth of Field don't show up, and these are the two effects I wanted most. When I use the little key in the inventory, I get the effects menu like I'm supposed to, and I shift-click on GodRays and Depth of Field to turn them on, and I get the little plus signs next to them... But the game doesn't look any different. No GodRays, no Depth of Field. Other effects like Cell Shading will work, but not the ones I actually care about.

I have tried adjusting the values for them, no help.

I have tried updating DirectX, no help.

I launch it in OBSE, so that's not the issue. Any ideas? Please?
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Angelina Mayo
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