OBGE Liquid Water

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:42 am

Have you considered making the lava slowly become browner and browner/blacker and blacker/[fog colour]-ier and [fog colour]-ier as it nears the horizon? Sure, lava is bright, but it looks... wrong.
Also, there's http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/558653617736998859/FFC843B1BF61F2C32ACC31668676597824D5E112/.

I have to say, though - this mod is amazing! The game even seems to be running smoother because of it!
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brenden casey
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:33 am

Have you considered making the lava slowly become browner and browner/blacker and blacker/[fog colour]-ier and [fog colour]-ier as it nears the horizon? Sure, lava is bright, but it looks... wrong.
Also, there's http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/558653617736998859/FFC843B1BF61F2C32ACC31668676597824D5E112/.

I have to say, though - this mod is amazing! The game even seems to be running smoother because of it!

ya ive seen that to http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/112767920-4.jpg

the edge of the lava could look better http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/112806336-4.jpg maybe like the water ?
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:47 am


edit: Also, any more comments about what places should have unique water settings?
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:50 am

Been loving this so far :D but what seems to be making the 'blue paint' syndrome is that only one half of the ripple is reflecting, the other half is just coloured blue. Is this deliberate to get the water to look... blue? I think if the inner fog instead was tinted a slight blue and then the entire water's surface reflected everything it would remove the issue, but still keep it blue. I'm just brainstorming as i still see the blue paint peek up when watching the water surface.
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:23 am

It's not deliberate, I just think it has to do with the choppiness being too high by default, as the normal map is intended to be used with physical 3d waves.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:52 am

That looks awesome! Yep, that's definitely better.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:20 am


edit: Also, any more comments about what places should have unique water settings?

yes like that :)
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:51 am

edit: Never mind, I really had done something daft. :blush:

On the topic of lava again though, I do seem to remember it moving (at least a bit), prior to using OBGELW. :shrug: It'd be nice, either way.
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:28 pm

Still tweaking with settings, but this is how I have my game looking currently with your amazing water tomerk!
Please let me know if you guys think I could use some changes.

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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:15 am

Still tweaking with settings, but this is how I have my game looking currently with your amazing water tomerk!
Please let me know if you guys think I could use some changes.


oh nice can i have your water setings
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:17 am

oh nice can i have your water setings

Not much changed on the water settings for me. Just caustic strength set to Palidoo's suggested level of 0.5 and I changed the waters distant LOD back to tomerk's original settings from his first release.
I play with HDR on. The only thing about the distant LOD normals looking more like "waves" is that it might not look very good on lower resolution displays. I'm pushing 1920x1080 with 32x AA, so the distant water LOD looks pretty smooth at those settings :)

// OBGE Custom Water
// by Tomerk

/* User Editable Input Variables, Default Values In The Comments */

static const float causticsStrength = 0.5; //The strength of the caustics (0.35)
static const float choppiness = 1.0; //How choppy the waves are. The higher this value, the choppier the water (1)
static const float turbidity = 1.0; //Density of particles in the water. Lower values make water more transparent (1)
static const float inScattCoeff = 0.18; //Scatter Coefficient of the water (0.18)
static const float3 inExtCoeff = float3(0.3984, 0.2684, 0.2602); //Extinction Coefficient of the water (0.3984, 0.2684, 0.2602)
static const float depthDarkness = 0.1; //Affects how quickly the water volume gets darker with depth underwater (0.1)

/* Plugin Input Variables */

extern float waterHeight = 0; //Height of the water in the cell
extern float4 sunColor = float4(1, 0.71, 0.33, 1);//

extern float fogStart = 4096; //above water fog start
extern float fogEnd = 170000; //above water fog end
extern float4 fogColor = float4(0.39,0.57,0.75,1); //above water fog color

extern float lava = 0; //Whether its currently rendering lava

extern float FOV = 75;
extern float frame = 0;

/* End of Input Variables */

static const float3 extCoeff = inExtCoeff * turbidity;
static const float scattCoeff = inScattCoeff * turbidity;

texture thisframe;
texture Depth;
texture watertexture
string filename="effects\\water_NRM.dds";
texture lavatexture
string filename="water\\alternatelavaX.dds";
texture reflection;

sampler frameSampler = sampler_state { texture = ; AddressU=Clamp; AddressV=Clamp;};
sampler depthSampler = sampler_state { texture = ; AddressU=Clamp; AddressV=Clamp; };
sampler waterSampler = sampler_state { texture = ; AddressU=Wrap; AddressV=Wrap; MagFilter=Linear; MinFilter = Linear;};
sampler lavaSampler = sampler_state { texture = ; AddressU=Wrap; AddressV=Wrap; MagFilter=Linear; MinFilter = Linear;};
sampler reflectionSampler = sampler_state { texture = ; AddressU=Clamp; AddressV=Clamp;};

matrix m44world;
matrix m44view;
matrix m44proj;
float4 f4SunDir;
float2 rcpres;
bool bHasReflection; //Whether the reflection map is available

static const float animFrames = 32;
static const float3 eyepos = float3( -m44world[3][0], -m44world[3][1], -m44world[3][2] - waterHeight );

static const float nearZ = m44proj._43 / m44proj._33;
static const float farZ = (m44proj._33 * nearZ) / (m44proj._33 - 1.0f);
static const float Zmul = nearZ * farZ;
static const float Zdiff = farZ - nearZ;
static const float depthRange = nearZ - farZ;

struct VSOUT
float4 vertPos : POSITION;
float2 UVCoord : TEXCOORD0;

struct VSIN
float4 vertPos : POSITION0;
float2 UVCoord : TEXCOORD0;

VSOUT OUT = (VSOUT)0.0f; // initialize to zero, avoid complaints.
OUT.vertPos = IN.vertPos;
OUT.UVCoord = IN.UVCoord;
return OUT;

float3 toWorld(float2 tex)
float3 v = float3(m44view[0][2], m44view[1][2], m44view[2][2]);
v += (1/m44proj[0][0] * (2*tex.x-1)).xxx * float3(m44view[0][0], m44view[1][0], m44view[2][0]);
v += (-1/m44proj[1][1] * (2*tex.y-1)).xxx * float3(m44view[0][1], m44view[1][1], m44view[2][1]);
return v;

float readDepth(in float2 coord : TEXCOORD0)
float posZ = tex2D(depthSampler, coord).x;
posZ = Zmul / ((posZ * Zdiff) - farZ);
return posZ;

float correctDepth(in float depth, in float2 coord : TEXCOORD0)
coord = (coord * float2(2.0, -2.0) - float2(1.0, -1.0));
float corr = pow(cos(radians((FOV/2) * coord.x)), 1.5) * pow(cos(radians((FOV/2) * coord.y)), 1.5);
return depth * corr;

float2 get2DTex( float3 tex )
float2 return_tex = float2(0, tex.y);
return_tex.x = frac(tex.x)/animFrames + round( tex.z*(animFrames) )/animFrames;
return return_tex;

float3 getWaterNorm( float2 tex, float dist, float camera_vector_z, inout float3 specNorm )
float lod = 1;
float2 uvLOD = get2DTex( float3(tex / 1024, frame) );
float2 temp_norm = tex2Dlod( waterSampler, float4(uvLOD,0,0) ).rg * 2 - 1;
float3 norm = normalize(float3(temp_norm * choppiness * lod,1));
specNorm = normalize(float3(temp_norm * choppiness * max(0.5, lod), 1));
return norm;

float getFresnelAboveWater( float3 ray, float3 norm )
float temp_cos = dot( -ray, norm );
float2 vec = float2(temp_cos, sqrt(1-temp_cos*temp_cos));

float fresnel = vec.x - 1.33 * sqrt(1 - 0.565*vec.y*vec.y);
fresnel /= vec.x + 1.33 * sqrt(1 - 0.565*vec.y*vec.y);
fresnel = saturate(fresnel * fresnel);

return fresnel;

float getFresnelBelowWater( float3 ray, float3 norm )
float temp_cos = dot( ray, norm );
temp_cos = max(temp_cos, 0.659325);
float2 vec = float2(temp_cos, sqrt(1-temp_cos*temp_cos));

float fresnel = 1.33 * vec.x - sqrt(1 - 1.769*vec.y*vec.y);
fresnel /= 1.33 * vec.x + sqrt(1 - 1.769*vec.y*vec.y);
fresnel = saturate(fresnel * fresnel);

return fresnel;

float4 Water( VSOUT IN ) : COLOR0
float4 color = tex2D(frameSampler, IN.UVCoord);
float depth = readDepth(IN.UVCoord);
float3 camera_vector = toWorld(IN.UVCoord);
float3 norm_camera_vector = normalize( camera_vector );
float3 world_pos = eyepos + camera_vector*depth;

float falloffStart = correctDepth( fogStart, IN.UVCoord );
float falloffEnd = correctDepth( fogEnd, IN.UVCoord );

/* Render water surface from above water */
if ( (world_pos.z <= 0) && (eyepos.z >= 0) )
float4 refract_color = color;
float uw_pos = world_pos.z / camera_vector.z;
float2 surfPos = world_pos.xy - camera_vector.xy * uw_pos;

float3 specNorm = float3(0,0,0);
float3 normal = getWaterNorm( surfPos, depth - uw_pos, -camera_vector.z, specNorm);

float2 refPos = IN.UVCoord + 0.01*normal.yx;
float3 refract_world_pos = eyepos + toWorld( refPos )*readDepth( refPos );

if (refract_world_pos.z <= 0)
refract_color = tex2D( frameSampler, refPos );

refract_world_pos = world_pos;

//Render Caustics
float3 dx = ddx(world_pos);
float3 dy = ddy(world_pos);
float3 waterfloorNorm = normalize(cross(dx,dy));

float3 causticsPos = refract_world_pos - f4SunDir.xyz * (refract_world_pos.z / f4SunDir.z);
float caustics = causticsStrength*tex2D(waterSampler, get2DTex(float3(causticsPos.xy / 512,frame)) ).b;
float causticsAngle = saturate( dot(-waterfloorNorm, f4SunDir.xyz) );
refract_color.rgb *= 1 + caustics * causticsAngle * sunColor.xyz - 0.3;

//Calculate Refraction color
float refract_uw_pos = refract_world_pos.z / camera_vector.z;
refract_color.rgb *= exp( -extCoeff * (refract_uw_pos - refract_world_pos.z) / 70 );

float SinBoverSinA = -norm_camera_vector.z;
float3 waterVolColor = scattCoeff * fogColor.xyz / ( extCoeff * (1 + SinBoverSinA) );

waterVolColor *= 1 - exp( -extCoeff * (1 + SinBoverSinA) * refract_uw_pos / 70 );

refract_color.rgb += waterVolColor;

//Calculate reflection color
float4 reflection = fogColor;

if (bHasReflection)
refPos = IN.UVCoord + 0.05*normal.yx;
float3 reflect_world_pos = eyepos + toWorld( refPos )*readDepth( refPos );

if (reflect_world_pos.z > 0)
refPos = IN.UVCoord;

reflection = tex2D(reflectionSampler, float2(refPos.x,1-refPos.y) );

float4 fresnel = getFresnelAboveWater( norm_camera_vector, normal );

float4 water_result = lerp( refract_color, reflection, fresnel );

float specular = saturate(dot( norm_camera_vector, reflect( f4SunDir.xyz, specNorm ) ));
water_result.xyz += pow(specular, (depth-uw_pos)*0.3 + 750) * sunColor.xyz;

//Add above water fog
float fog = saturate( (depth-uw_pos-falloffStart)/(falloffEnd-falloffStart) );
water_result = lerp(water_result, reflection, fog);

//Smooth shore transitions
color = lerp(water_result, color, saturate( pow(saturate(exp(world_pos.z/800)), 90) ));

if (lava)
float lod = saturate( (norm_camera_vector.z*norm_camera_vector.z) * 64 * m44proj[0][0] /(rcpres.x * eyepos.z/-norm_camera_vector.z) );
color = lerp( float4(1,0.33,0.1,1),tex2Dlod(lavaSampler, float4(surfPos / 2048,0,0) ), lod );
color.r += 0.6;

/* Underwater rendering */
if ( (eyepos.z < 0) )
/* Render Underwater Caustics */
float sunDist = max( -world_pos.z / f4SunDir.z, 0 );
if ( world_pos.z < 0 )
float3 dx = ddx(world_pos);
float3 dy = ddy(world_pos);
float3 waterfloorNorm = normalize(cross(dx,dy));

float3 causticsPos = world_pos + f4SunDir.xyz * sunDist;
float caustics = causticsStrength*tex2D(waterSampler, get2DTex(float3(causticsPos.xy / 512,frame)) ).b;
float causticsAngle = saturate( dot(-waterfloorNorm, f4SunDir.xyz) );
color.rgb *= 1 + caustics * causticsAngle * sunColor.xyz - 0.3;

/* Render Water surface from underwater */
float uw_pos = abs( eyepos.z / camera_vector.z );

float specular = 0;

if ( world_pos.z > 0 )
float2 surfPos = eyepos.xy + camera_vector.xy * uw_pos;

float3 specNorm = float3(0,0,0);
float3 normal = getWaterNorm( surfPos, uw_pos, camera_vector.z, specNorm );
float2 refPos = IN.UVCoord + 0.02 * normal.yx;

float refDepth = readDepth( refPos );
float3 refWorldPos = eyepos + toWorld( refPos )*refDepth;
float4 refract_color = color;

if (refWorldPos.z > 0)
refract_color = tex2D(frameSampler, refPos);

refDepth = depth;

if (refDepth / depthRange >= 0.999)
refract_color = sqrt(refract_color);

/* Render Above Water Fog */
float fog = saturate( (refDepth + eyepos.z / camera_vector.z - falloffStart)/(falloffEnd-falloffStart) );
refract_color = lerp(refract_color, fogColor, fog);

float fresnel = getFresnelBelowWater( norm_camera_vector, normal );

specular = saturate(dot( float3(1,1,-1)*norm_camera_vector, reflect(f4SunDir.xyz, specNorm) ));
specular = pow(specular, 750)*(1-fresnel);

float4 reflection = float4( scattCoeff * fogColor.xyz / ( extCoeff * (1) ), 1);

color = lerp( refract_color, reflection, fresnel );

if (lava)
float lod = saturate( (norm_camera_vector.z*norm_camera_vector.z) * 64 * m44proj[0][0] /(rcpres.x * eyepos.z/-norm_camera_vector.z) );
color = lerp( float4(1,0.33,0.1,1),tex2D(lavaSampler, float4(surfPos / 2048,0,0)), lod );
color.r += 0.6;

/* Render Underwater Light Scattering and Absorption */
float waterfogDist = depth;
float3 waterVolColor = float3(0,0,0);
float SinBoverSinA = abs(norm_camera_vector.z);

if (camera_vector.z > 0)
float SurfRay = -eyepos.z / camera_vector.z;
waterfogDist = min( SurfRay, depth );

float v = saturate(SinBoverSinA) * 0.5;
waterVolColor = scattCoeff * fogColor.xyz / ( extCoeff * (1 - v) );

if (lava)
waterVolColor = float3(1,0.55,0.1);

waterVolColor *= ( exp( extCoeff * (1 - v) * eyepos.z*depthDarkness / 70 ) - exp( -extCoeff * (1 - v) * (waterfogDist) / 70 ) );

waterVolColor = scattCoeff * fogColor.xyz / ( extCoeff * (1 + SinBoverSinA) );

if (lava)
waterVolColor = float3(1,0.55,0.1);

waterVolColor *= ( exp( extCoeff * (1 + SinBoverSinA) * eyepos.z*depthDarkness / 70 ) - exp( -extCoeff * (1 + SinBoverSinA) * (waterfogDist) / 70 ) );

color.rgb *= exp( -extCoeff * ( max(-world_pos.z + eyepos.z*(1-depthDarkness*depthDarkness), 0) + waterfogDist ) / 70 );
color.rgb += waterVolColor;
color.rgb += exp( -extCoeff * uw_pos*depthDarkness / 160 )*specular * sunColor.xyz;

return color;

technique t0
pass p0
VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 FrameVS();
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 Water();

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Justin Bywater
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:56 pm

is that 32X AA, CSAA or MSAA or one of the AMD ones like EQAA + edge detect? also what are your frame rates like, mine tank the second i start using RAEVWD from a solid 40 to 15-20.

im running I7 @ 3.8
12 gig ram
6950 flashed to 6970 OC'd to 950/5560.
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:36 am


edit: Also, any more comments about what places should have unique water settings?

Looks awesome man ;)

SI as said before perhaps?
Perhaps one around the IC, making it a little darkbluegreenish where there is deep water? I remember jonwd7 posting a few pics on the normals and such a loooong time ago now, where it kinda looked like that. And it looked really nice :P
Not sure though, but above was just a thought.

How are lakes and such above water-level going? Is there still that strange bug that I saw on a YouTube video before? If it's possible, different water settings for those places could work. Making them look more shallow perhaps.

I'm kinda jealous how your file has gotten 30 FotM votes already! I'm releasing my new mod today (or tomorrow) and I was hoping for at least some place on FotM :P
Your mod definitely deserves it more though. Absolutely awesome :thumbsup:
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jadie kell
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:22 am


So intense. Having more fogginess in the Oblivion realm would also get rid of the need to do anything about distant lava, since you wouldn't see it. I'm pretty sure you can edit that somehow using All Natural's .ini, but don't hold me to that. I still haven't looked into the changed lava yet.

EDIT: Also, I thought I would point out a weird issue regarding using fire damage around the water: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v510/mattkaine/Oblivion/Oblivion2011-04-1010-43-00-04.jpg It's not that big of a deal if it can't be fixed, but I thought I would point it out in the event that it was just something little that had been overlooked.

And by the way, in terms of new areas having unique water, I think it'd be great if sewer water was murkier looking. Right now it's just as clear as the water outside, so it's hard to tell that the water is even there, especially since the water level is so shallow.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:37 pm

is that 32X AA, CSAA or MSAA or one of the AMD ones like EQAA + edge detect? also what are your frame rates like, mine tank the second i start using RAEVWD from a solid 40 to 15-20.

im running I7 @ 3.8
12 gig ram
6950 flashed to 6970 OC'd to 950/5560.

32x CSAA (8color + 24 cv samples)
8 gig ram
running i7 @ 3.4 (2600k sandybridge)
2x 580GTX

I'm using RAEVWD but not any city plugins, city architecture or imperial architecture.
I'm seeing about 45 FPS everywhere with 25 ugrids loaded. BUT, I'm still adding to my load order, so that could change some.
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Heather Kush
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:24 am

I'm totally conflicted about your using the old distant water. On the one hand having some distortion is preferable to the "pure reflection" for distant objects in the water, but the aliasing is going to be too much for anyone using a resolution smaller than yours. Which is why I could never do it.

Also, buy me a new computer lololololol my game never goes above 30fps
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laila hassan
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:28 pm

1.1.2 is up.

- Improved Lava Rendering
- Added customizable LOD settings to the water.
- Added a customizable Reflectivity setting to the water.
- Changed the default settings to remove the "blue paint syndrome" and to make the water a more realistic hue.

The fire "burning away" water is caused by issues with transparency, can't be fixed. And no progress has been made yet with regards to the water height issues
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:13 am

Heh, I copied my changes to Water.fx before installing the new version (I think I skipped the last one) only to find that a lot of the variables now use values close to what mine were! Hooray! Also thanks for including the LOD settings, now I can get a compromise in the direction of what far327 has without it being either extreme or nothing.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:01 am

Yeah, I decided so many people wanted a fix to it I may as well include it as the default settings :P

And realistic water is now #1 in most endorsed file these past two weeks, while this is #5 :rolleyes:
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:17 pm

Yeah, I decided so many people wanted a fix to it I may as well include it as the default settings :P

And realistic water is now #1 in most endorsed file these past two weeks, while this is #5 :rolleyes:

You should add two comparison pictures. One of Liquid Water. One of Realistic Water. Both in the exact same spot, and view-direction, so people can actually see how much better your is. :P
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:24 am

Hey that guy who reviewed Realistic Water did one for your mod too.


Also how far away are we from a fix for the water ripples?

Also since you are now showing up on the Hot Files slideshow. you might want to see about adding a better shot for the front pic. like mid day or a sunrise.
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marie breen
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:07 am

Haha, I feel so bad for tomerk because the beginning of that video is a bit of a fail that doesn't represent the water very well. And he mentions a performance hit but could be a lot clearer explaining the difference between OBGEv2 and the water. Hopefully it doesn't turn people off who view that video, but I can picture tomerk with his face in his palm lolol

Also, I'm really not trying to be down on that guy and his review, it's all appreciated, but EDITING, man! Sometimes I wonder if the "YouTube Generation" understands the concept of editing. But look who's talking, do I ever shut up?
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:08 pm

I tried to set a different shot for the front pic (the "sunrise" shot) but for some reason it didn't update.

Don't expect a fix for water ripples anytime soon, it has the same requirements as a fix for water height: It might end up happening at some point in the future, but if so not for a while.
Also, I added some comparison screenshots to the tesnexus page, thanks for the suggestion.

More specifically, it has the same requirements as a fix for water height because it requires OBGE to hook and replace the vanilla water shader.

edit: Looks like tesnexus finally updated the front pic.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:33 am

...but EDITING, man! Sometimes I wonder if the "YouTube Generation" understands the concept of editing.


I should have the blog post up about it either tonight or tomorrow.
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:44 am

Thanks for the video, added it to the TESNexus page
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Lyndsey Bird
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