OBGE Liquid Water

Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:45 pm


Indeed your videos are always edited wonderfully!!
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NAtIVe GOddess
Posts: 3348
Joined: Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:46 am

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:20 am

You should add two comparison pictures. One of Liquid Water. One of Realistic Water. Both in the exact same spot, and view-direction, so people can actually see how much better your is. :P

Trouble is, it's only when OBGELW is in motion, that it shines as much as it should. Whereas Realistic Water only looks good (sometimes) in snapshots.

Tricky to convey, with images.
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carley moss
Posts: 3331
Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:05 pm

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:53 am

Indeed your videos are always edited wonderfully!!

Thanks! I should post videos related to mods in their corresponding threads here more often. The views for that one increased exponentially!
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Shianne Donato
Posts: 3422
Joined: Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:55 am

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:27 am


First of all, I finally got to try your mod, and the water is magnificent :).
I however, encounter a bug when I enable night-eye, despite not using any custom night-eye shader.

Windows 7 x64
ATI Radeon HD 5870

Screenshot depicting the problem : http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/1779/nighteye.jpg

Shaders.ini :

;=============================================================================; SSAO Filter Choice     ONLY CHOOSE ONE		Toggle On/Off;=============================================================================set OBGEWater.enableRingSSAO 			to 	0 ; Use Ring SSAO?set OBGEWater.enableVolumetricSSAO  		to	1 ; Use Volumetric SSAO? set OBGEWater.enableHBAO  				to	0 ; Use HBAO?;=============================================================================; DOF Choice     ONLY CHOOSE ONE			Toggle On/Off;=============================================================================set OBGEWater.enableDepthOfField		to 	1 ; Use Depth of Field?set OBGEWater.enableCrysisDoF			to 	0 ; Use Crysis DoF?;=============================================================================; Godrays								Toggle On/Off  ;=============================================================================set OBGEWater.enableGodrays 			to	1 ; Use Godrays? ;=============================================================================; NormalFilter AntiAliasing				Toggle On/Off            ;=============================================================================set OBGEWater.enableNormalFilterAA 		to	1 ; Use NormalFilter AA? ;=============================================================================; Color Altering						Toggle On/Off            ;=============================================================================set OBGEWater.enableENBColorEffect		to	0 ; Use ENBColorEffect?set OBGEWater.enableColorMood			to	0 ; Use ColorMood? set OBGEWater.enableHLSLBleachBypass		to	1 ; Use HLSL Bleach Bypass? set OBGEWater.enableHLSLColorGrading		to	1 ; Use HLSL Color Grading?;=============================================================================; Other			  					Toggle On/Off            ;============================================================================= set OBGEWater.enableObSharpen			to	0 ; Use ObSharpen? set OBGEWater.enableColorEffects		to	1 ; Use ColorEffects? set OBGEWater.enableHLSLVignette		to	0 ; Use HLSL Vignette? 

OBGEv2 log :

Ingnoring message.Ingnoring message.Pre HookRESZ format supported.Depth buffer texture (INTZ) (1920,1080) created OK.Depth buffer attached OK. 0Ingnoring message.Received load game message.Loading a game.Creating vertex buffers.Creating shader textures.Width = 1920, Height = 1080Setting shader surfaces.Setting depth texture.Loading the shaders.Error opening shaderlist.txt file.Added to list OK.Loading the shaders.Error opening shaderlist.txt file.Save file links 0 textures.Shader Index = 37Shader num = 22Filename = Ring_SSAO.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\Ring_SSAO.fx)Float scale = 2.000000(1)Float aoRadiusMultiplier = 4.000000(1)Float aoStrengthMultiplier = 3.000000(1)Float aoCap = 1.000000(1)Float aoClamp = 0.700000(1)Float angleBias = 20.000000(1)Float aorange = 150.000000(1)Float FOV = 75.000000(1)Float luminosity_threshold = 0.300000(1)Float Blur_DropThreshhold = 20.000000(1)Float Blur_RadiusMultiplier = 1.000000(1)Float fogStart = 2048.000000(1)Float fogEnd = 150000.000000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 23Filename = Volumetric_SSAO.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\Volumetric_SSAO.fx)Float scale = 1.000000(1)Float aoRadiusMultiplier = 2.000000(1)Float aoStrengthMultiplier = 0.750000(1)Float aoClamp = 0.500000(1)Float ThicknessModel = 100.000000(1)Float FOV = 75.000000(1)Float luminosity_threshold = 0.300000(1)Float fogStart = 2048.000000(1)Float fogEnd = 150000.000000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float m44proj = 0.977419(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 24Filename = HBAO.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\HBAO.fx)Float scale = 1.000000(1)Float aoRadiusMultiplier = 4.000000(1)Float aoStrengthMultiplier = 3.000000(1)Float aoClamp = 0.600000(1)Float Attenuation_Factor = 0.040000(1)Float FOV = 75.000000(1)Float luminosity_threshold = 0.300000(1)Float fogStart = 2048.000000(1)Float fogEnd = 150000.000000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 25Filename = Water.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\Water.fx)Shader compilation errors occured - trying legacy compiler.Found filename : effects\water_NRM.ddsLoading texture (data\textures\effects\water_NRM.dds)Found filename : water\alternatelavaX.ddsLoading texture (data\textures\water\alternatelavaX.dds)Float waterHeight = 0.000000(1)Float sunColor = 0.045559(1)Float fogStart = 2048.000000(1)Float fogEnd = 150000.000000(1)Float fogColor = 0.489018(1)Float lava = 0.000000(1)Float FOV = 75.000000(1)Float frame = 0.994941(1)Float m44world = 1.000000(1)Float m44view = -0.999965(1)Float m44proj = 0.977419(1)Float f4SunDir = -0.900384(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 26Filename = DepthOfField.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx)Shader compilation errors occured - trying legacy compiler.Float DoFAmount = 10.000000(1)Float FullFocusRange = 0.150000(1)Float NoFocusRange = 0.550000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float f4Time = 68047.718750(1)Float m44proj = 0.977419(1)Float m44view = -0.999965(1)Float m44world = 1.000000(1)Int hasWater = 1(1)Float waterHeight = 0.000000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 27Filename = CrysisDoF.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\CrysisDoF.fx)Float NearBlurDepth = 0.400000(1)Float FarBlurDepth = 0.400000(1)Float MaxBlurCutoff = 1.000000(1)Float dofMinThreshold = 0.200000(1)Float ApertureDiameter = 3.000000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)Float m44view = 0.000000(1)Float m44world = 0.000000(1)Int hasWater = 1(1)Float waterHeight = 0.000000(1)Float poisson = 0.000000(8)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 28Filename = Godrays.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\Godrays.fx)Float globalmul = 1.000000(1)Float morningshaftex = 2.300000(1)Float eveningshaftex = 3.500000(1)Float goldendecay = 0.990000(1)Float noonshaftex = 1.000000(1)Float noondecay = 0.990000(1)Float moonshaftex = 0.090000(1)Float moondecay = 0.880000(1)Float showraypass = 0.000000(1)Float scale = 2.000000(1)Float startsunrise = 4.000000(1)Float endsunrise = 10.000000(1)Float startevening = 17.000000(1)Float endevening = 22.000000(1)Float Density = 0.700000(1)Float Weight = 0.700000(1)Float goldensaturate = 0.540000(1)Float noonsaturate = 0.010000(1)Float Luminance = 0.440000(1)Float fMiddleGray = 0.990000(1)Float fWhiteCutoff = 0.400000(1)Float m44view = -0.999965(1)Float m44world = 1.000000(1)Float f3EyeForward = -0.008341(1)Float f4SunDir = -0.900384(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float f4Time = 68047.718750(1)Int hasWater = 1(1)Float waterHeight = 0.000000(1)Float FOV = 75.000000(1)Float m44proj = 0.977419(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 29Filename = NormalFilterAA.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\NormalFilterAA.fx)Float filterStrength = 1.000000(1)Float filterSpread = 3.000000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float m44proj = 0.977419(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 30Filename = ENBColorEffect.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ENBColorEffect.fx)Float OffsetMult = 0.700000(1)Float BrightnessMult = 1.120000(1)Float BrightnessPow = 0.660000(1)Float tempF9 = 0.760800(1)Float tempF0 = 0.096000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float offset = -1.000000(8)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 31Filename = ColorMood.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorMood.fx)Float fRatio = 1.000000(1)Float moodR = 0.400000(1)Float moodG = 0.270000(1)Float moodB = 0.330000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 32Filename = HLSLbleachbypass.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\HLSLbleachbypass.fx)Float Opacity = 0.500000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 33Filename = HLSLColorGrading02.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\HLSLColorGrading02.fx)Float saturatex = 0.650000(1)Float opacity = 0.800000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float f4Time = 68047.718750(1)Float weights = 0.125000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 34Filename = obsharpen.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\obsharpen.fx)Float sharpval = 8.000000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 35Filename = ColorEffects.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorEffects.fx)Float Saturation = 0.800000(1)Float Brightness = 1.100000(1)Float Contrast = 1.000000(1)Float GContrast = 1.500000(1)Float GBrightness = 1.100000(1)Float FGIntensity = 0.000000(1)Float BHMagnitude = 10.000000(1)Float BHBrightness = 4.000000(1)Float f4Time = 68047.718750(1)Float greyscale = 0.299000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 36Filename = HLSLvignette.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\HLSLvignette.fx)Float radius = 4.000000(1)Float darkness = 0.550000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Ingnoring message.Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080Shader (Ring_SSAO.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (Volumetric_SSAO.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (HBAO.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (Water.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (DepthOfField.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (CrysisDoF.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (Godrays.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (NormalFilterAA.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ENBColorEffect.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ColorMood.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (HLSLbleachbypass.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (HLSLColorGrading02.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (obsharpen.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ColorEffects.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (HLSLvignette.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080Received ExitGame message.Calling Release DeviceReleasing thisframe surface.Releasing thisframe texture.Releasing lastpass surface.Releasing lastpass texture.Releasing lastframe surface.Releasing lastframe texture.Releasing shader vertex buffer.Depth buffer : Lost device callback.Releasing the depth buffer surface.Releasing the depth buffer texture.

OBSE log:

OBSE: initialize (version = 20.6 010201A0)oblivion root = D:\Oblivion\plugin directory = D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\checking plugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\ChangeConsoleKey.dllplugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\ChangeConsoleKey.dll (00000001 Change Console Key 00000002) loaded correctlychecking plugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dllSetOpcodeBase 00002100RegisterCommand GetAvailableGraphicsMemory (2100)RegisterCommand GetScreenWidth (2101)RegisterCommand GetScreenHeight (2102)RegisterCommand LoadShader (2103)RegisterCommand ApplyFullscreenShader (2104)RegisterCommand RemoveFullscreenShader (2105)RegisterCommand SetShaderInt (2106)RegisterCommand SetShaderFloat (2107)RegisterCommand SetShaderVector (2108)RegisterCommand SetShaderTexture (2109)RegisterCommand ForceGraphicsReset (210A)RegisterCommand LoadTexture (210B)RegisterCommand FreeTexture (210C)RegisterCommand CreateHUDElement (210D)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementTexture (210E)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementColour (210F)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementPosition (2110)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementScale (2111)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementRotation (2112)RegisterCommand PurgeManagedTextures (2113)RegisterCommand IsShaderEnabled (2114)plugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dll (00000001 OBGEv2 00000002) loaded correctlychecking plugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\weOCPS.dllplugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\weOCPS.dll (00000001 weOCPS 01328DD8) loaded correctlypatchedloading from C:\Users\IcePanther\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\autosave.obseReading mod list from co-saveLoading stringsLoading array variablesplugin has data in save file but no handlerDoLoadGameHook: C:\Users\IcePanther\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\autosave.essloading from C:\Users\IcePanther\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\autosave.obseplugin did not read all of its data (at 000000000000BA05 expected 000000000000BA06)OBSE: deinitialize

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Marie Maillos
Posts: 3403
Joined: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:39 pm

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:07 am

While my hat-eating threat seems to have been effective in getting this to No. 1 for FOTM, we're still 37 votes short of the 70 votes safety zone. Someone said the hat in question was a baseball cap, I think - it's not. The hat you could be ingesting is a tricorn with a feather lining, so it could be tricky to swallow. Perhaps that provides suitable motivation. :P

In other news, I just realised that this qualifies for a spot on my Environment Mod List, so I'll get around to including it (and Realistic Water!) when I get the time to. Fair treatment has never been so difficult...
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Hairul Hafis
Posts: 3516
Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:22 am

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:55 am


First of all, I finally got to try your mod, and the water is magnificent :).
I however, encounter a bug when I enable night-eye, despite not using any custom night-eye shader.

Windows 7 x64
ATI Radeon HD 5870

Screenshot depicting the problem : http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/1779/nighteye.jpg

Shaders.ini :

;=============================================================================; SSAO Filter Choice     ONLY CHOOSE ONE		Toggle On/Off;=============================================================================set OBGEWater.enableRingSSAO 			to 	0 ; Use Ring SSAO?set OBGEWater.enableVolumetricSSAO  		to	1 ; Use Volumetric SSAO? set OBGEWater.enableHBAO  				to	0 ; Use HBAO?;=============================================================================; DOF Choice     ONLY CHOOSE ONE			Toggle On/Off;=============================================================================set OBGEWater.enableDepthOfField		to 	1 ; Use Depth of Field?set OBGEWater.enableCrysisDoF			to 	0 ; Use Crysis DoF?;=============================================================================; Godrays								Toggle On/Off  ;=============================================================================set OBGEWater.enableGodrays 			to	1 ; Use Godrays? ;=============================================================================; NormalFilter AntiAliasing				Toggle On/Off            ;=============================================================================set OBGEWater.enableNormalFilterAA 		to	1 ; Use NormalFilter AA? ;=============================================================================; Color Altering						Toggle On/Off            ;=============================================================================set OBGEWater.enableENBColorEffect		to	0 ; Use ENBColorEffect?set OBGEWater.enableColorMood			to	0 ; Use ColorMood? set OBGEWater.enableHLSLBleachBypass		to	1 ; Use HLSL Bleach Bypass? set OBGEWater.enableHLSLColorGrading		to	1 ; Use HLSL Color Grading?;=============================================================================; Other			  					Toggle On/Off            ;============================================================================= set OBGEWater.enableObSharpen			to	0 ; Use ObSharpen? set OBGEWater.enableColorEffects		to	1 ; Use ColorEffects? set OBGEWater.enableHLSLVignette		to	0 ; Use HLSL Vignette? 

OBGEv2 log :

Ingnoring message.Ingnoring message.Pre HookRESZ format supported.Depth buffer texture (INTZ) (1920,1080) created OK.Depth buffer attached OK. 0Ingnoring message.Received load game message.Loading a game.Creating vertex buffers.Creating shader textures.Width = 1920, Height = 1080Setting shader surfaces.Setting depth texture.Loading the shaders.Error opening shaderlist.txt file.Added to list OK.Loading the shaders.Error opening shaderlist.txt file.Save file links 0 textures.Shader Index = 37Shader num = 22Filename = Ring_SSAO.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\Ring_SSAO.fx)Float scale = 2.000000(1)Float aoRadiusMultiplier = 4.000000(1)Float aoStrengthMultiplier = 3.000000(1)Float aoCap = 1.000000(1)Float aoClamp = 0.700000(1)Float angleBias = 20.000000(1)Float aorange = 150.000000(1)Float FOV = 75.000000(1)Float luminosity_threshold = 0.300000(1)Float Blur_DropThreshhold = 20.000000(1)Float Blur_RadiusMultiplier = 1.000000(1)Float fogStart = 2048.000000(1)Float fogEnd = 150000.000000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 23Filename = Volumetric_SSAO.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\Volumetric_SSAO.fx)Float scale = 1.000000(1)Float aoRadiusMultiplier = 2.000000(1)Float aoStrengthMultiplier = 0.750000(1)Float aoClamp = 0.500000(1)Float ThicknessModel = 100.000000(1)Float FOV = 75.000000(1)Float luminosity_threshold = 0.300000(1)Float fogStart = 2048.000000(1)Float fogEnd = 150000.000000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float m44proj = 0.977419(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 24Filename = HBAO.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\HBAO.fx)Float scale = 1.000000(1)Float aoRadiusMultiplier = 4.000000(1)Float aoStrengthMultiplier = 3.000000(1)Float aoClamp = 0.600000(1)Float Attenuation_Factor = 0.040000(1)Float FOV = 75.000000(1)Float luminosity_threshold = 0.300000(1)Float fogStart = 2048.000000(1)Float fogEnd = 150000.000000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 25Filename = Water.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\Water.fx)Shader compilation errors occured - trying legacy compiler.Found filename : effects\water_NRM.ddsLoading texture (data\textures\effects\water_NRM.dds)Found filename : water\alternatelavaX.ddsLoading texture (data\textures\water\alternatelavaX.dds)Float waterHeight = 0.000000(1)Float sunColor = 0.045559(1)Float fogStart = 2048.000000(1)Float fogEnd = 150000.000000(1)Float fogColor = 0.489018(1)Float lava = 0.000000(1)Float FOV = 75.000000(1)Float frame = 0.994941(1)Float m44world = 1.000000(1)Float m44view = -0.999965(1)Float m44proj = 0.977419(1)Float f4SunDir = -0.900384(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 26Filename = DepthOfField.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx)Shader compilation errors occured - trying legacy compiler.Float DoFAmount = 10.000000(1)Float FullFocusRange = 0.150000(1)Float NoFocusRange = 0.550000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float f4Time = 68047.718750(1)Float m44proj = 0.977419(1)Float m44view = -0.999965(1)Float m44world = 1.000000(1)Int hasWater = 1(1)Float waterHeight = 0.000000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 27Filename = CrysisDoF.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\CrysisDoF.fx)Float NearBlurDepth = 0.400000(1)Float FarBlurDepth = 0.400000(1)Float MaxBlurCutoff = 1.000000(1)Float dofMinThreshold = 0.200000(1)Float ApertureDiameter = 3.000000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)Float m44view = 0.000000(1)Float m44world = 0.000000(1)Int hasWater = 1(1)Float waterHeight = 0.000000(1)Float poisson = 0.000000(8)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 28Filename = Godrays.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\Godrays.fx)Float globalmul = 1.000000(1)Float morningshaftex = 2.300000(1)Float eveningshaftex = 3.500000(1)Float goldendecay = 0.990000(1)Float noonshaftex = 1.000000(1)Float noondecay = 0.990000(1)Float moonshaftex = 0.090000(1)Float moondecay = 0.880000(1)Float showraypass = 0.000000(1)Float scale = 2.000000(1)Float startsunrise = 4.000000(1)Float endsunrise = 10.000000(1)Float startevening = 17.000000(1)Float endevening = 22.000000(1)Float Density = 0.700000(1)Float Weight = 0.700000(1)Float goldensaturate = 0.540000(1)Float noonsaturate = 0.010000(1)Float Luminance = 0.440000(1)Float fMiddleGray = 0.990000(1)Float fWhiteCutoff = 0.400000(1)Float m44view = -0.999965(1)Float m44world = 1.000000(1)Float f3EyeForward = -0.008341(1)Float f4SunDir = -0.900384(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float f4Time = 68047.718750(1)Int hasWater = 1(1)Float waterHeight = 0.000000(1)Float FOV = 75.000000(1)Float m44proj = 0.977419(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 29Filename = NormalFilterAA.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\NormalFilterAA.fx)Float filterStrength = 1.000000(1)Float filterSpread = 3.000000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float m44proj = 0.977419(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 30Filename = ENBColorEffect.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ENBColorEffect.fx)Float OffsetMult = 0.700000(1)Float BrightnessMult = 1.120000(1)Float BrightnessPow = 0.660000(1)Float tempF9 = 0.760800(1)Float tempF0 = 0.096000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float offset = -1.000000(8)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 31Filename = ColorMood.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorMood.fx)Float fRatio = 1.000000(1)Float moodR = 0.400000(1)Float moodG = 0.270000(1)Float moodB = 0.330000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 32Filename = HLSLbleachbypass.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\HLSLbleachbypass.fx)Float Opacity = 0.500000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 33Filename = HLSLColorGrading02.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\HLSLColorGrading02.fx)Float saturatex = 0.650000(1)Float opacity = 0.800000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Float f4Time = 68047.718750(1)Float weights = 0.125000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 34Filename = obsharpen.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\obsharpen.fx)Float sharpval = 8.000000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 35Filename = ColorEffects.fxEnabled = 1RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorEffects.fx)Float Saturation = 0.800000(1)Float Brightness = 1.100000(1)Float Contrast = 1.000000(1)Float GContrast = 1.500000(1)Float GBrightness = 1.100000(1)Float FGIntensity = 0.000000(1)Float BHMagnitude = 10.000000(1)Float BHBrightness = 4.000000(1)Float f4Time = 68047.718750(1)Float greyscale = 0.299000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 36Filename = HLSLvignette.fxEnabled = 0RefID = 28000ED5Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\HLSLvignette.fx)Float radius = 4.000000(1)Float darkness = 0.550000(1)Setting effects screen texture.Inserting the shader into the list.Ingnoring message.Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080Shader (Ring_SSAO.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (Volumetric_SSAO.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (HBAO.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (Water.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (DepthOfField.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (CrysisDoF.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (Godrays.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (NormalFilterAA.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ENBColorEffect.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ColorMood.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (HLSLbleachbypass.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (HLSLColorGrading02.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (obsharpen.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ColorEffects.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (HLSLvignette.fx) - Script refID = 28000ed5  Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080Received ExitGame message.Calling Release DeviceReleasing thisframe surface.Releasing thisframe texture.Releasing lastpass surface.Releasing lastpass texture.Releasing lastframe surface.Releasing lastframe texture.Releasing shader vertex buffer.Depth buffer : Lost device callback.Releasing the depth buffer surface.Releasing the depth buffer texture.

OBSE log:

OBSE: initialize (version = 20.6 010201A0)oblivion root = D:\Oblivion\plugin directory = D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\checking plugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\ChangeConsoleKey.dllplugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\ChangeConsoleKey.dll (00000001 Change Console Key 00000002) loaded correctlychecking plugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dllSetOpcodeBase 00002100RegisterCommand GetAvailableGraphicsMemory (2100)RegisterCommand GetScreenWidth (2101)RegisterCommand GetScreenHeight (2102)RegisterCommand LoadShader (2103)RegisterCommand ApplyFullscreenShader (2104)RegisterCommand RemoveFullscreenShader (2105)RegisterCommand SetShaderInt (2106)RegisterCommand SetShaderFloat (2107)RegisterCommand SetShaderVector (2108)RegisterCommand SetShaderTexture (2109)RegisterCommand ForceGraphicsReset (210A)RegisterCommand LoadTexture (210B)RegisterCommand FreeTexture (210C)RegisterCommand CreateHUDElement (210D)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementTexture (210E)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementColour (210F)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementPosition (2110)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementScale (2111)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementRotation (2112)RegisterCommand PurgeManagedTextures (2113)RegisterCommand IsShaderEnabled (2114)plugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dll (00000001 OBGEv2 00000002) loaded correctlychecking plugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\weOCPS.dllplugin D:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\weOCPS.dll (00000001 weOCPS 01328DD8) loaded correctlypatchedloading from C:\Users\IcePanther\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\autosave.obseReading mod list from co-saveLoading stringsLoading array variablesplugin has data in save file but no handlerDoLoadGameHook: C:\Users\IcePanther\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\autosave.essloading from C:\Users\IcePanther\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\autosave.obseplugin did not read all of its data (at 000000000000BA05 expected 000000000000BA06)OBSE: deinitialize

That happens because the water is rendered after the night-eye shader
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:56 am

Sorry I haven't gotten any new screenshots up tomerk. Had to reformat my harddrive this weekend after installing a new motherboard.
I'll try to have some good ones that can be used on the Nexus page if you're still interested.
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:34 pm

I'll just leave this here...


Should process to HD eventually. YouTube can be slow sometimes.
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:32 pm

I'm still slowly compiling screenshots as I play my game, so tomerk will probably get a flood of screenshots from the combined efforts of Operation Beautiful F#########king Screenshots before too long.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:54 am

Screenshots would be nice, but you guys are under no obligation :)

And thanks for the video D.C!
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:04 am

I'm trying to understand why Realistic Water is so popular, even independent of your water being available. I mean, just based on the look it makes me think of http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34262, which isn't anywhere near as popular (though it is inferior). I think it's because of the name, which is ironic considering your water is significantly more realistic. But there's also the fact that it's "flashier," when you look at screenshots of it and see the "mercury waves" effect. Compared to OBGE water, which accomplishes its excellence through a combination of more subtle effects, I bet people have a tendency to go with the more flashy mod, at least at first. I kind of feel bad for Soolie now though because their work came out when the OBGE water is poised to become the standard. I mean, maybe some people would rather go with the mercury water, but I think in the long run tomerk's work will rise to the top. It's just remarkable to me though that the Realistic Water mod could get so many endorsemants so quickly.

I'm doing a pretty bad job at this "lurk more" thing
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:45 am


It's really just a matter of exposure. Realistic water isn't being developed on the bethesda forums right? I am assuming it's home is the nexus forums. Not everyone here uses nexus like the members there do. For me it's just a file host :P

But this is a good thing for now because it allows threads like this to keep on the topic of development and not trouble shooting. Personally I don't think this mod is "finished" (still new versions coming out every few days). When it's closer to completion, then I would worry about the popularity contest. But thats just me.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:42 pm


It's really just a matter of exposure. Realistic water isn't being developed on the bethesda forums right? I am assuming it's home is the nexus forums. Not everyone here uses nexus like the members there do. For me it's just a file host :P

But this is a good thing for now because it allows threads like this to keep on the topic of development and not trouble shooting. Personally I don't think this mod is "finished" (still new versions coming out every few days). When it's closer to completion, then I would worry about the popularity contest. But thats just me.

I agree with your comment D.C. - Right on target. I decided to leave my comment on Realistic Water over at Nexus. Just my opinion, but I think I speak for most of us here regarding the similarities between Wavy Water and MrMuhs and RPG-BlackDragons Waterrefraction mod.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:17 pm

Ha, just checked out your comment on it, nice criticism without being too jerky about it-- I'd be too scared of insulting the author, hehe.

I don't know, maybe I just haven't paid attention to how much attention certain mods can get, but the number of downloads and endorsemants on Realistic Water is just staggering to me. I know water is one of those things people are still trying to improve five years on, but it must have some kind of popular thread on the nexus forums or somewhere to get that kind of attention. But like I said I don't really have anything to compare (except OBGE water of course).

Anyway, need to shut up now lest I accidentally employ my special thread-derailing power.
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El Goose
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:55 am

Not sure if this is a dumb thing to ask but, we now got this really awesome visuals for water. How about add some awesome audio for water?
Like add some ocean-wave sounds from near Anvil (Abecean Sea), and some near Topal Bay as well? And perhaps increase the volume of some water sounds? (I've always thought they were kind of low-volume)

Just a thought for a possible add-on or something :P
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Trista Jim
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:40 pm

I'm not an audio guy, so can't really do anything about that :P
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:35 am

Not sure if this is a dumb thing to ask but, we now got this really awesome visuals for water. How about add some awesome audio for water?
Like add some ocean-wave sounds from near Anvil (Abecean Sea), and some near Topal Bay as well? And perhaps increase the volume of some water sounds? (I've always thought they were kind of low-volume)

Just a thought for a possible add-on or something :P

That doesn't really have as much to do with water as it does the location that the water is in. Placing audio into certain cells can be done in a few different ways, but I'm pretty sure you can't attach it to different bodies of water. Not to say that employing watery sounds to the coasts and such would be extremely difficult; it just requires a different skill-set.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:43 am

That doesn't really have as much to do with water as it does the location that the water is in. Placing audio into certain cells can be done in a few different ways, but I'm pretty sure you can't attach it to different bodies of water. Not to say that employing watery sounds to the coasts and such would be extremely difficult; it just requires a different skill-set.

Well I thought sounds could be placed as hand-placed activators near the big coasts. That could work, right?

The reason I'm asking this is because when I played Morrowind there was a really nice sound mod that changed the sounds of the water. Was really nice and fit very well with the good water visuals :P
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:30 am

Also, any more comments about what places should have unique water settings?

I'd suggest sewer water looking much more murky and brown/green. With the way your water blends in the shallow depth in sewers often makes it seem out of place when in sewers or harder too appreciate to the same extent when outside.

Would heat haze help with the lava effect in oblivion ? maybe thats for another mod.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:38 am

Awesome Mod. Definitely worth the hassle.
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:31 am

Some more screenies I plan to upload to TESNexus...

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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:54 pm

Those look very nice!!! I'm still tweaking the new settings to try to find the best balance, not too mirror-like and not too aliased. I am so glad it's easy to change it though. Now that it's finally stopped raining I can take some nice screenshots (with barely-perceptible water differences as I play with the settings). I should link some I've taken when I'm less lazy hehe
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Danny Warner
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:09 am

Some more screenies I plan to upload to TESNexus...


That first shot is simply stunning,wonderful, wonderful shot.It`s perhaps one of the best Oblivion screenies I have seen.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:00 am

I swear, I go into free cam mode just to check something out specifically, like the distortion and aliasing of distant water or the caustics or transparency from different angles, and I end up just flying around for a few minutes admiring the water and how it somehow improves the scenery all around it just being there. I'm having to be selective or I'm going to end up with a million screenshots to dump on tomerk.
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Ann Church
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:12 am

That first shot is simply stunning,wonderful, wonderful shot.It`s perhaps one of the best Oblivion screenies I have seen.

I beg to differ, I rather like the second shot. and aren't you Darkstone on the Oldblivion forums? I thought I recognized your location. but wasn't there a Darkstorne with some kitty avatar or am I mixing up Darkstorn on youtube? or are all three you? lol
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