Actually, I'm thinking more that I should probably provide more than one default water settings, and instead provide multiple pretweaked settings to choose from

That's a good idea, you can do kind of like the OBGE thread with its recommended settings, and include it somewhere prominently in the readme, with screenshots! Oh boy, another excuse for me to play with settings and take screenshots! Ha man, I've spent as much time doing that the last few days as actually playing the game probably. But it's fun, maybe I can come up with some equally appealing variations since I've got my preferred settings down.
Anyway, here are I had lying around. The last one slyly avoids the issue with that fog around the water rendering "underneath" it. Anyway all of these shots I post are going to end up in an archive on 4shared for you to choose which to add to the tesnexus page to show it off the best, once I'm satisfied with what I've got, which should end up aroung 10,000,000 screenshots or so. :teehee:
Any way to fix that gradient next or soon? I don't think thats normal.
and any way we can get an update from Jon and make the underwater more like this?
and recreate those procedural water splashes?
Not sure how possible any of that is, but watching that video has me even more impressed with OBGE Liquid Water. It may not have as many atmospheric and splash-y effects as the Crysis water, but otherwise it looks just as good as Crysis', at least in my opinion.