OBGEv2 Water Package

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:11 am

Yup, that's the water height bug. Also, I added your video to the tesnexus page.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:48 pm

i found a bug and made a video of it

i am near a river north of cheydinhal using unique landscapes
it's not really a problem and it didn't bother me at all but i thought i should let you know about it :P

You should give him the location so he can fix it.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:31 am

I can't fix it, since its not in an enclosed worldspace
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Lily Something
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:25 pm

I can't fix it, since its not in an enclosed worldspace

Hm. Just for the record, is that a case of "ever", or "for now"?

Sorry if I missed this detail further back.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:52 pm

Until OBGE can hook default shaders, it's "ever" not just "for now"
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:18 pm

Until OBGE can hook default shaders, it's "ever" not just "for now"

Well then We'll just have to wait to see what Ethatron comes up with.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:25 am

Well then We'll just have to wait to see what Ethatron comes up with.

i dunno what that means but cool stuff. like i said it's no problem :)
i really like this water and the new ini but will it ever work with depth of field? oblivions distant land is so ugly without it
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:57 am

I suppose to the things to do before the next release I could add "make dof compatible"

Edit: And yes, I do know how to make DoF compatible to an extent, it just requires some changes, and could have issues with the water transparency
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:38 am

that's great news. i like some light dof for the distant landscape :)
thanks a lot, man
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:31 am

that's great news. i like some light dof for the distant landscape :)
thanks a lot, man

Me too, These are the current shaders I use.


Ideally to upgrade I would want the new water shader to support all of them if possible.

Oh and thanks Tomerk for all your work. I've always wanted to see a replacement shader for vanilla water. Hopefully you can fix the memory leak, add HDR compatibility and also add Depth of Field compatibility. If all those get fixed I don't think I will have any reason not to get it anymore.
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:42 am

edit 2: Just so people have an idea of what's going to be in the next update (once all of the stuff is done):
  • A fix for the memory leak
  • Lava from the mod Real Lava (implemented, still needs LOD system)
  • Semi- HDR fix
  • Better instructions for editing shader variables
  • Instructions for how to customize the water

Hooray, Real Lava! I am a nagging champion! (but seriously having tried all of the lava mods out there it really does look the best and fit in the most, unless you want pure red)

I'd like to say I have feedback on the blue paint-y changes and HDR "fix" but I still haven't been able to play, heh. A few other people have reported issues, though, and before too long I'll be able to help confirm what's working and what isn't.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:32 am

I'm working on a better HDR "fix" as part of the next update, just fyi
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luke trodden
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:47 am

I'm working on a better HDR "fix" as part of the next update, just fyi

Then I'll make sure not to bore you confirming the issue wetibroman reported on the last page if I come across it, I'll only bother mentioning if I encounter something else. That is if I can spend some time in the game instead of spending all my free time http://i56.tinypic.com/2ahegjp.jpg.
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:49 am

There are some screens from Andoran with this beautiful water:

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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:23 am

I just wanted to say, tomerk, I think you mentioned that you should have waited to release the new water due to the various issues that have come up, but I disagree!

I consider this a post-release beta test, hehe.

Though I suppose a pre-release beta test might have been a good idea, unless you shared it with a few people and no problems materialized, in which case the release has been very useful!

Also, it might sound corny, but all of this is like, really inspiring in a way. Nothing makes me want to get into modding myself more than seeing someone put a lot of hard work into building something from the ground up and dutifully ironing out the kinks.
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Jake Easom
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:52 am

Would people mind testing this hdr fix: (replace the same section of the water.fx as the previous fix I proposed)

float3 getWaterNorm( float2 tex, float dist, float camera_vector_z, inout float3 specNorm ){	float lod = saturate( (camera_vector_z*camera_vector_z) * 50 * m44proj[0][0] /(rcpres.x * dist) );		float2 uvLOD = get2DTex( float3(tex / 1024, frame) );	float2 temp_norm = tex2D( waterSampler, uvLOD  ).rg * 2 - 1;	float3 norm = normalize(float3(temp_norm * choppiness * lod,1));	specNorm = normalize(float3(temp_norm * choppiness * max(0.5, lod), 1));	return norm;}

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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:19 am

Would people mind testing this hdr fix: (replace the same section of the water.fx as the previous fix I proposed)

float3 getWaterNorm( float2 tex, float dist, float camera_vector_z, inout float3 specNorm ){	float lod = saturate( (camera_vector_z*camera_vector_z) * 50 * m44proj[0][0] /(rcpres.x * dist) );		float2 uvLOD = get2DTex( float3(tex / 1024, frame) );	float2 temp_norm = tex2D( waterSampler, uvLOD  ).rg * 2 - 1;	float3 norm = normalize(float3(temp_norm * choppiness * lod,1));	specNorm = normalize(float3(temp_norm * choppiness * max(0.5, lod), 1));	return norm;}

http://i54.tinypic.com/4t1ov8.jpg! No issues with the normal disappearing when you get close to the water either.

Give me a minute and I'll try the earlier blue paint fix and report back on that too.
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Nicole M
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:50 am

Okay, I applied the "blue paint syndrome" fix and in my opinion it looks great!

http://i51.tinypic.com/16jr410.jpg (compare to the screenshot in my post right before this)

http://i56.tinypic.com/2efteyw.jpg (compare to http://i52.tinypic.com/10xbsk2.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/2ivk611.jpg)

It makes the water darker it seems, but I like it (and actually I'd probably like to see it even darker). Really, it looks amazing. Is there some kind of trade-off when using the "blue paint syndrome" fix?

Also, I didn't check, but does the water still have issues with foggy weathers while HDR is enabled using your new code? Or does it fix that?

Another question (sorry): to edit shader variables for SSAO, NFAA, Godrays, etc. am I correct that I need to replace "extern float" with "static const float" for the variables I want to change, and that the values in the shader file don't correspond to the values that I had previously worked with using the OBGE support plugin? I'm using my regular strength of 0.2 for NFAA and things seem blurrier than they should be, for example. I read through wetibroman's attempts at working with this a couple pages back, I just want to confirm I understand.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:27 am

Okay, I applied the "blue paint syndrome" fix and in my opinion it looks great!

http://i51.tinypic.com/16jr410.jpg (compare to the screenshot in my post right before this)

http://i56.tinypic.com/2efteyw.jpg (compare to http://i52.tinypic.com/10xbsk2.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/2ivk611.jpg)

It makes the water darker it seems, but I like it. Really, it looks amazing. Is there some kind of trade-off when using the "blue paint syndrome" fix?

Also, I didn't check, but does the water still have issues with foggy weathers while HDR is enabled using your new code? Or does it fix that?

Another question (sorry): to edit shader variables for SSAO, NFAA, Godrays, etc. am I correct that I need to replace "extern float" with "static const float" for the variables I want to change, and that the values in the shader file don't correspond to the values that I had previously worked with using the OBGE support plugin? I'm using my regular strength of 0.2 for NFAA and things seem blurrier than they should be, for example. I read through wetibroman's attempts at working with this a couple pages back, I just want to confirm I understand.

The trade-off is that water color is more transparent, and no longer takes view direction into account which also means that the transition between above water and underwater is no longer as accurate. If you want to keep view direction being taken into account, instead of the change I suggested earlier you could try lowering inScattCoeff in the water.fx file (remembering to change it to static const float).

The water still has issues with foggy weathers when HDR is active, because the water is being rendered after HDR, so HDR isn't being applied to the water.

And yes, you are correct about needing to change it to "static const float"
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:15 am

Okay, I applied the "blue paint syndrome" fix and in my opinion it looks great!

http://i51.tinypic.com/16jr410.jpg (compare to the screenshot in my post right before this)

http://i56.tinypic.com/2efteyw.jpg (compare to http://i52.tinypic.com/10xbsk2.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/2ivk611.jpg)

These look really good, jeese.
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louise fortin
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:16 am

Yeah I really do like the more transparent, slightly darker water that results with that change. I suppose it's because it's closer to what I had in mind back when I was nagging/suggesting to tomerk that the water should have a darker reflection of the sky (compare Enhanced Water with Natural Water, for example). Of course it's all personal preference, plus I need to play more and see different weather conditions. But damn, even with all of the greatly appreciated updates on the details and progress of the new water before its release, somehow it ends up being even better than expected. I'm sure once tomerk has the time to include documentation on variables people can change it'll be a lot more versatile (I'm just guessing, anyway). Perhaps an ini? heh (actually maybe that's only useful if changing variables in the esp?)
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:55 pm


not getting any water at all, tried the water.fx from 4shared didn't make a difference
win7 64bit
AMD 6970

im assuming setting benable to 0 in OBGE.ini disaabled OBGE plugin?






; Shaders.ini
; Intended for use with the OBGE Water Package and the OBGEv2 Shaders Pack
; http://www.tesnexus.com/_______________

; SSAO Filter Choice ONLY CHOOSE ONE Toggle On/Off
set OBGEWater.enableRingSSAO to 0 ; Use Ring SSAO?
set OBGEWater.enableVolumetricSSAO to 1 ; Use Volumetric SSAO?
set OBGEWater.enableHBAO to 0 ; Use HBAO?

; Godrays Toggle On/Off
set OBGEWater.enableGodrays to 1 ; Use Godrays?

; NormalFilter AntiAliasing Toggle On/Off
set OBGEWater.enableNormalFilterAA to 0 ; Use NormalFilter AA?

; Color Altering Toggle On/Off
set OBGEWater.enableENBColorEffect to 0 ; Use ENBColorEffect?
set OBGEWater.enableColorMood to 0 ; Use ColorMood?
set OBGEWater.enableHLSLBleachBypass to 1 ; Use HLSL Bleach Bypass?
set OBGEWater.enableHLSLColorGrading to 0 ; Use HLSL Color Grading?

; Other Toggle On/Off
set OBGEWater.enableObSharpen to 0 ; Use ObSharpen?
set OBGEWater.enableColorEffects to 0 ; Use ColorEffects?
set OBGEWater.enableHLSLVignette to 1 ; Use HLSL Vignette?

OSBE log

OBSE: initialize (version = 20.5 010201A0)
oblivion root = K:\oblivion\
plugin directory = K:\oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\
checking plugin K:\oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dll
SetOpcodeBase 00002100
RegisterCommand GetAvailableGraphicsMemory (2100)
RegisterCommand GetScreenWidth (2101)
RegisterCommand GetScreenHeight (2102)
RegisterCommand LoadShader (2103)
RegisterCommand ApplyFullscreenShader (2104)
RegisterCommand RemoveFullscreenShader (2105)
RegisterCommand SetShaderInt (2106)
RegisterCommand SetShaderFloat (2107)
RegisterCommand SetShaderVector (2108)
RegisterCommand SetShaderTexture (2109)
RegisterCommand ForceGraphicsReset (210A)
RegisterCommand LoadTexture (210B)
RegisterCommand FreeTexture (210C)
RegisterCommand CreateHUDElement (210D)
RegisterCommand SetHUDElementTexture (210E)
RegisterCommand SetHUDElementColour (210F)
RegisterCommand SetHUDElementPosition (2110)
RegisterCommand SetHUDElementScale (2111)
RegisterCommand SetHUDElementRotation (2112)
RegisterCommand PurgeManagedTextures (2113)
RegisterCommand IsShaderEnabled (2114)
RegisterCommand DumpFrameScript (2115)
RegisterCommand DumpFrameSurfaces (2116)
plugin K:\oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dll (00000002 OBGEv2 00000002) loaded correctly
checking plugin K:\oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.dll
plugin K:\oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.dll (00000001 sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover 00004100) loaded correctly
loading from C:\Users\admin\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\autosave.obse
Reading mod list from co-save
Loading strings
Loading array variables
DoLoadGameHook: C:\Users\admin\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\autosave.ess
loading from C:\Users\admin\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\autosave.obse
OBSE: deinitialize

OBGE log

Init: D3D9.DLL loaded.
Init: Took over Direct3DCreate9.
OD3D9: D3D queried from 0x00763e24
OD3D9: D3D constructed from 0x0307a28e
OD3D9: D3D queried from 0x00761e31
OD3D9: D3D constructed from 0x0307a28e
OD3D9: Device queried from 0x0076a547
OD3D9: Device constructed from 0x0307ac61
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x095f7e40
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x094dc1a0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x095f7e80
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x094dc2c0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x095f7ec0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x094dc3e0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c4f7a0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71024520
Loading a game.
Creating vertex buffers.
Creating shader textures.
Width = 3072, Height = 768
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c51920
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x030b07fa: 0x71025680
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c51960
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x030b083b: 0x710257a0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c519a0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x030b087c: 0x710258e0
Setting shader surfaces.
Setting depth texture.
ShaderList has been disabled by the INI file.
Added to list OK.
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c528e0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71025b20
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c52920
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71025c40
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c52960
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71025d80
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c52aa0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71026460
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c52ae0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71026580
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c52b20
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x710266c0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c52f20
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71026da0
OD3D9: CreateDepthStencilSurface from 0x0076ded8: 0x096610e0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c52f60
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71026ec0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c52fa0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71027000
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c52fe0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71027120
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c53020
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71027240
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c53060
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x71027360
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x70c530a0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x710274a0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a99e3a0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa235a0
Alt Render target - width = 3072, height = 768
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a99f120
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa23dc0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a99f160
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa23ee0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a99f1a0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa24020
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a99f1e0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa24140
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a99f260
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa24260
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a99f7a0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa25aa0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a9a9320
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa2a4a0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a9a9360
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa2a5e0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a9a93a0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa2a700
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a9a93e0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa2a820
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a9a9420
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa2a940
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a9a9460
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa2aa80
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a9a94a0
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7aa2aba0
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a9aee20
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7c576080
OD3D9: GetSurfaceLevel[0]: 0x7a9aee60
OD3D9: CreateRenderTarget via CreateTexture from 0x007617f3: 0x7c5761a0
Alt Render target - width = 3072, height = 768

edit:i cant really tell if other shaders are running because all i seem to get is dark rain...lol . will try and determine that

edit2: doesn't look like other shaders are loading
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jessica breen
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:36 am

Tried the HDR fix, and personally i think the far away reflections and water look a little too smooth, compared to the water near to the player. Is it possible for the reflections to be "rougher" to match the near by reflections?

Edit: Problem fixed. I feel stupid as this is a mistake I commonly make, which is not putting a ; after the edit for the blue-paint-syndrome fix....
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:21 am

Tried the HDR fix, and personally i think the far away reflections and water look a little too smooth, compared to the water near to the player. Is it possible for the reflections to be "rougher" to match the near by reflections?

Edit: Problem fixed. I feel stupid as this is a mistake I commonly make, which is not putting a ; after the edit for the blue-paint-syndrome fix....

Er, was the edit for some other issue? Or did your editing for the blue paint fix somehow affect the far reflections? I'm actually curious about the [lack of] roughness of the far reflections too. I think it might be the trade-off for having the HDR fix (in addition to foggy weather issues)? I wonder if tomerk's tired of explaining various things yet, haha.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:36 am

Er, was the edit for some other issue? Or did your editing for the blue paint fix somehow affect the far reflections? I'm actually curious about the [lack of] roughness of the far reflections too. I think it might be the trade-off for having the HDR fix (in addition to foggy weather issues)? I wonder if tomerk's tired of explaining various things yet, haha.

Nah my edit was, a bad edit within the shader for the blue-paint fix as I had forgotten to add a ; after 1, which caused my water to render at all haha.
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jenny goodwin
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