Any screenshots would do, I'm not looking for anything specific.
If you're trying to essentially advertise your mod to make players interested enough to download it, I think the key is to have beautiful screenshots.
One thing about the folks on these forums is that we are all somewhat advanced thinkers with our modding and such. Most of us probably do a bit more research in the read-me files rather than base our judgement to install a mod based on photos. That is the Official Forums way of going about it...
I like to consider TESNexus more of a mainstream hub for mods. Therefore, many people on TESNexus are going to be newcomers to the game, or people that are just looking for a couple enhancing mods. They may not want to get to technical with their mod installations due to fear they might break something.
BUT, they may not be aware of how absolutely beautiful you can make Oblivion look.... That is until they see a STUNNING screenshot of your water mod.
Then suddenly they want their game to look like the screenshot on your mods opening page on TESNexus. Now suddenly they are interested to mod a bit more hardcoe.
The moral of this story...
six sells and your mod is DAMN sixY!!! So strut it's stuff dude! Don't just post some low res screenshots with jagged edges and nasty Vanilla LOD.
Make the opening pics beautiful!! And get rid of the ugly ones. More pics doesn't equal more downloads. It's the quality of the pic.

OH, and the videos linked are only hurting your mod. The videos showcase issues. Why would anyone want to download a mod that has issues? Not me. But luckily, we read up on things here and know the fix to those issues. The average TESNexus JOE is not going to go to the same great length. He will move on to the next water mod because the videos and screenshots didn't show bugs. So yah, get rid of those vids and lets get some beautiful videos of your water in action. Use some of the ones you showed us in the forums when you were building up our excitement! The one with Water Caustics, and the other one showing off underwater godrays...