OBGEv2 Water Package

Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:31 pm

Problem is, I'm not sure which pics to delete and which to keep :P

These are the only ones I considered good ones... IMO

35 (rename it so people know your mod changes lava too)

Ideally, you should give a name to each screenshot highlighting the feature of your mod you are showcasing...
So If you have a nice shot of water caustics, you should name it something like "New water caustics effect"
Definitely need to make sure to name the lave screenshots appropriately since some people might just glance over the shot and think, "wow that's orange water... That's weird..."
Make sure you highlight a screenshot that shows off all the features... underwater god rays, no blue line on the horizon.... etc...

You sold us in the OBGE thread, now sell it to the TESNexus newbs... :tongue:
If it was my mod, I wouldn't have any screenshots up unless they were really HQ.

We can also take some for you and you can pick and choose the ones you like.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:00 am

Now I feel like I'm on a mission, to take the best, most beautiful f######king screenshots I can to give OBGE Liquid Water the representation it deserves! haha.

I guess I'll do an archive of them like I mentioned unless told specifically to just upload them myself on tesnexus.

This is my new project. The website can wait!
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darnell waddington
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:18 am

Thanks for the suggestions! Also,
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Miragel Ginza
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