ZOMG you were right
No idea it was there.
Probably dropped there when I installed ScreenEffects back last Sunday
Thank you :icecream:
extern floatwith
static const floatIt could be that the plugin is making it impossible to change your shader settings by saving the data for those values.
//#define RAW_SSAO //uncomment this line to show the raw ssao
//#define RAW_SSAO //uncomment this line to show the raw ssao
float3 getWaterNorm( float2 tex, float dist, float camera_vector_z, inout float3 specNorm ){ float lod = 0.15/max(0.01,camera_vector_z) + dist/2250 - 1; float4 uvLOD = float4(get2DTex(float3(tex / 1024, frame)), 0, lod); float2 temp_norm = tex2Dlod( waterSampler, uvLOD ).rg * 2 - 1; float3 norm = normalize(float3(temp_norm * choppiness,1)); uvLOD.w = min( 0.1/camera_vector_z + dist/3250 - 1, 5 ); temp_norm = tex2Dlod( waterSampler, uvLOD ).rg * 2 - 1; specNorm = normalize(float3(temp_norm * choppiness, 1)); return norm;}
float3 getWaterNorm( float2 tex, float dist, float camera_vector_z, inout float3 specNorm ){ float lod = 0.15/max(0.01,camera_vector_z) + dist/2250 - 1; float4 uvLOD = float4(get2DTex(float3(tex / 1024, frame)), 0, lod); float2 temp_norm = tex2D( waterSampler, uvLOD.xy ).rg * 2 - 1; float3 norm = normalize(float3(temp_norm * saturate( choppiness / lod ) , 1)); uvLOD.w = min( 0.1/camera_vector_z + dist/3250 - 1, 5 ); temp_norm = tex2D( waterSampler, uvLOD.xy ).rg * 2 - 1; specNorm = normalize(float3(temp_norm * choppiness / lod, 1)); return norm;}