To solve a problem with PipBoy Light I started to test an object script attached to a hacked PipBoy .NIF
Well I have serious problem to actually get the ref of itself AND searching about it and similar functions/solutions/white papers gives nada

This is the current object test script:
scn aaaa_pipboyscaleshort bMenushort bGameref selfbegin menumode 1 if bMenu != 1 set self to getself if self == 0 printtoconsole " menumode no ref returned" else self.setscale 1.0 endif set bMenu to 1 set bGame to 0endifendbegin gamemodeif bGame != 1 set self to getself if self == 0 printtoconsole " gamemode no ref returned" else self.setscale 0.1 endif set bMenu to 0 set bGame to 1endifend
It do work as far as running and giving debug messages but I never get the self ref (always 0 result). What do I do wrong?
I can't find an objectself ref function on wiki and searching for the subject or commands give zero results...