Losing My Religion
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abG27GWB4Ik - See it in action
http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/876-oblivifall-losing-my-religion/ - Latest Version: 1.4.2 -
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31668 - Latest Version: 1.4.2 -
Download @ Planet Elder Scrolls - Pending -
Important Note 1: For those having missing textures on the cathedrals' exterior windows:
1. In addition to the latest mod version (Full or update only), download and install the file "Cathedrals Texture Fix".
2. If you also run the patches for Blood & Mud, Better Cities Bravil B&M, Better Cities Full, Better Cities Full B&M or Better Cities Bruma, you must re-download the patches and follow the instructions provided to fix the missing textures. You can find them on the download page, titled "Compatibility Patches".
Important Note 2: For those using the Blood & Mud, Better Cities Bravil B&M or Better Cities Full B&M patches provided in version 1.4, their ESP files have been updated to fix load order issues. If you are not having texture issues, you can simply replace the old ESP file with the new updated one provided in the "Compatibility Patches" download.
1. Oblivifall Introduction
2. Requirements
3. Conflicts/Known Errors
4. Changelog
5. Manual
6. Oblivifall modules and community mods
7. Credits
8. Legal Stuff/Disclaimer
Oblivifall "Vengeance of the Classic" is a project that aims to bring many features from The Elder Scrolls 2 : Daggerfall to Oblivion. For many old fans of Elder Scrolls, Daggerfall is still the best cRPG Bethesda has ever designed or even the best cRPG ever made. I will be releasing many separate mods that will add new features and options to Oblivion.
First, check out the technical details.
The Manual follows after.
- Oblivion version 1.2.0416
- Shivering Isles Expansion
- Oblivifall Master File Version 1.1 or higher (Included in the mod's package. If you still want to download it separately, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31669)
Recommended (For silent dialogues)
- OBSE V.0012 or above (http://obse.silverlock.org/)
- Elys Universal Silent Voice V0.93 or above (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16622)
Compatibility patches have been released for the following mods:
- Animated Window Lighting System (AWLS) - Patch by Brumbek
- All Natural - Patch by Brumbek
- Better Cities (Full, Full B&M and the individual cities)
- DC Sutch Reborn
- Knights of the Nine Official DLC
- Kvatch Rebuilt
- Blood & Mud
- Heart of the Dead
You can get the compatibility patches as a separate download on LMR's download page on the Nexus, TES Alliance or Planet Elder Scrolls. The instructions on how to install them are included.
Losing My Religion conflicts with the following mods:
- West Roads.
- Nine Divines Robes.
- Cathedral Improver
Bug Fixes
- Provided a fix for the missing textures on the cathedrals' exterior windows.
- Fixed a bug with being arrested for trespassing by the Order of the Hour even though you're member of the Order.
- Updated the Blood & Mud, Better Cities Bravil B&M and Better Cities FULL B&M patches to fix the load order issues in the patch files.
Previous Versions:
V1.4.1: - Fixed an issue with shopkeepers not opening their shop.
- Each god faction is joinable. Two Knightly Orders, the Order of the Hour and the Kynaran Order, are joinable as well.
- The Knightly Orders smiths use Shivering Isle’s smiting animation.
- The Knightly Orders' horses use Zira's beautiful Medieval Horse Clothes.
- Ambient sound atmospheres in some areas. Hear the wilderness birds and insects from inside Kynareth’s Shrine houses,the potions boiling in the alchemy lab of Mara or some NPCs who snore while they’re asleep.
- Ask about the location of wayshrines to anyone belonging to god factions.
- Akatosh worshippers at the Order of the Hour now offer the healing service.
- The second floor of Skingrad and Cheydinhal’s chapels have been changed to be more unique.
- Mod is now cleaned.
- The temples’ merchants now have their chests accessible. Meaning the player can steal from their stock. The merchants places their wares at the start of the day and bring them back with them when going to sleep.
- Removed the chants from Gottlesfront Priory and the Temple of the Ancestor Moth’s catacombs.
- The sound atmosphere in the Temple of Stendarr plays only when the priests are preaching, and will not continuously loop.
- The healers will now accept to heal you during prayers. Zenithar’s Donation Collector will also accept your donations.
- The preaching time for the priests have been reduced to 2 hours instead of 4, allowing the player to have more time dealing with services NPCs.
- The lighting has been changed inside chapels. I have removed DarkNinja’s coloured lighting to replace with a more natural ambiance.
- The Magic Item Merchant in Skingrad’s chapel, the Spell Maker Merchant in the Shrine of Kynareth and the Soul Gem Merchant in Cheydinhal’s chapel no longer offer their services to the public. You need to be a member to access this privilege.
- Removed the hanging swords in Chorrol’s chapel.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a texture issue with Kynareth’s shields.
- Mara’s alchemists schedules have been fixed.
- Some greeting problems in the Order of the Hour’s restricted areas have been fixed.
- Fixed the schedules for some members of the Kynaran Order.
- Kynaran Order’s horses have proper ownership.
- Service NPCs no longer mention themselves when asked about the service offered.
- Arkay’s Matriarch now wears her proper rank outfit.
- The mage Bralsa Andaren staying near Kynareth’s Shrine will no longer attack the pacified deers.
- Fixed the position of the ladders and statues inside the chapels.
- Fixed two bookshelves in the School of Julianos that were not owned by the player when he subscribed to the library.
- Assigned the right skeleton to Zenithar’s Khajiit healer. Her tail will show up correctly.
- Fixed some conditions for the tresspassing dialogue concerning Akatosh’s worshippers and the Order of the Hour’s employees.
- Several NPCs who had duplicate names now have unique ones.
- Donation blessings now work correctly.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the statues in Bruma’s chapel.
- Added C.Owner and Actor.AIPackages Bash tags.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed another missing bookshelf mesh.
- Fixed seams and floating rocks around the Order of the Hour’s Headquarters
Bug Fixes
- Applied the Unofficial Oblivion Patch corrections on Losing My Religion’s modified references.
- Furniture at the entrance of Bravil’s and Bruma’s chapels will no longer overlap Tamriel Immersion Experience’s charity pots.
- Fixed a mesh issue with the filled bookshelves.
- Added Wrye Bash Tags for better compatibility.
- Zenithar priests will refer Avrus Adas as a man instead of a woman.
- The School of Julianos Librarian mentions the Knights Mentor instead of the Knights of Iron when asked about profit made using his services.
V1.0: Initial release.
- Each god faction is joinable. Two Knightly Orders, the Order of the Hour and the Kynaran Order, are joinable as well.
- The Knightly Orders smiths use Shivering Isle’s smiting animation.
- The Knightly Orders' horses use Zira's beautiful Medieval Horse Clothes.
- Ambient sound atmospheres in some areas. Hear the wilderness birds and insects from inside Kynareth’s Shrine houses,the potions boiling in the alchemy lab of Mara or some NPCs who snore while they’re asleep.
- Ask about the location of wayshrines to anyone belonging to god factions.
- Akatosh worshippers at the Order of the Hour now offer the healing service.
- The second floor of Skingrad and Cheydinhal’s chapels have been changed to be more unique.
- Mod is now cleaned.
- The temples’ merchants now have their chests accessible. Meaning the player can steal from their stock. The merchants places their wares at the start of the day and bring them back with them when going to sleep.
- Removed the chants from Gottlesfront Priory and the Temple of the Ancestor Moth’s catacombs.
- The sound atmosphere in the Temple of Stendarr plays only when the priests are preaching, and will not continuously loop.
- The healers will now accept to heal you during prayers. Zenithar’s Donation Collector will also accept your donations.
- The preaching time for the priests have been reduced to 2 hours instead of 4, allowing the player to have more time dealing with services NPCs.
- The lighting has been changed inside chapels. I have removed DarkNinja’s coloured lighting to replace with a more natural ambiance.
- The Magic Item Merchant in Skingrad’s chapel, the Spell Maker Merchant in the Shrine of Kynareth and the Soul Gem Merchant in Cheydinhal’s chapel no longer offer their services to the public. You need to be a member to access this privilege.
- Removed the hanging swords in Chorrol’s chapel.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a texture issue with Kynareth’s shields.
- Mara’s alchemists schedules have been fixed.
- Some greeting problems in the Order of the Hour’s restricted areas have been fixed.
- Fixed the schedules for some members of the Kynaran Order.
- Kynaran Order’s horses have proper ownership.
- Service NPCs no longer mention themselves when asked about the service offered.
- Arkay’s Matriarch now wears her proper rank outfit.
- The mage Bralsa Andaren staying near Kynareth’s Shrine will no longer attack the pacified deers.
- Fixed the position of the ladders and statues inside the chapels.
- Fixed two bookshelves in the School of Julianos that were not owned by the player when he subscribed to the library.
- Assigned the right skeleton to Zenithar’s Khajiit healer. Her tail will show up correctly.
- Fixed some conditions for the tresspassing dialogue concerning Akatosh’s worshippers and the Order of the Hour’s employees.
- Several NPCs who had duplicate names now have unique ones.
- Donation blessings now work correctly.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the statues in Bruma’s chapel.
- Added C.Owner and Actor.AIPackages Bash tags.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed another missing bookshelf mesh.
- Fixed seams and floating rocks around the Order of the Hour’s Headquarters
Bug Fixes
- Applied the Unofficial Oblivion Patch corrections on Losing My Religion’s modified references.
- Furniture at the entrance of Bravil’s and Bruma’s chapels will no longer overlap Tamriel Immersion Experience’s charity pots.
- Fixed a mesh issue with the filled bookshelves.
- Added Wrye Bash Tags for better compatibility.
- Zenithar priests will refer Avrus Adas as a man instead of a woman.
- The School of Julianos Librarian mentions the Knights Mentor instead of the Knights of Iron when asked about profit made using his services.
V1.0: Initial release.
- 5.1 Welcome to Losing My Religion
Losing My Religion overhauls the religious aspects of Oblivion. In the original game, religion has very low significant importance for the player other than receiving quick healing. The chapels' interiors are uninteresting and most of the lore established in Daggerfall is gone. Welcome to Losing My Religion, where the Nine Divines get changed for the better.
I advise you to read through the manual to know about the features and changes this Oblivifall modules does, since some of the original in-game mechanics have been changed or deleted.
Have fun!
- 5.2 Name Changes
The name of each chapel's institution has been changed for its Daggerfall equivalent. Their new names are as follows:
- Akatosh Chantry
- Order of Arkay
- House of Dibella
- School of Julianos
- Temple of Kynareth
- Benevolence of Mara
- Temple of Stendarr
- Resolution of Zenithar
- Order of Talos
The chapels' new names have also been changed in the books in which they were talked about, such as the city guides.
- 5.3 De-Unified Nine Divines
The Nine Divines faction no longer exists. Each god/goddess has its own faction and each priest has been associated to his god/goddess. Each god faction has different reputations with the other gods or other factions. Since each god views things differently, some might not be in good terms with each other or, on the opposite, might be allies. Although no religion is enemy with each other, if you encounter a conversation between two members of rival religions, it might be more hostile than before.
Inside chapels, all stained glass showing other gods than the one worshipped have been replaced with clear stained glass windows. Every altar dedicated to gods that are not worshipped has been removed as well.
Gottlefront Priory and its priests are associated with Kynareth, Weynon Priory to Talos and Cadlew Chapel to Arkay.
- 5.4 Chapel Interiors Overhaul
Each chapel has been decorated according to the god worshipped there. Wander inside the School of Julianos' Great Library, witness the beauty of the House of Dibella or pay homage to the Empire's heroes in the Order of Talos. Or even walk inside the Order of Arkay's Great Undercroft, where the dead lie. There are many new areas for you to explore inside the chapels.
The bodies found in the undercrofts have been named after characters from the Official Forums' Oblivion players. Have fun checking up who died, why and what was written on their tomb.
- 5.5 Chapel Services & NPCs
Each religion offers a variety of services to both the player and the general population. Most of them offer the basic services which include alchemists, trainers, spell sellers, healers and donation collectors. But each offers one or more unique services, whether it's usable by the player or a town's population. I will let you discover what they are. Let's not spoil the fun eh?
Each service is offered by a new NPC, except for the services that were already provided in-game, such as trainers and spells. Don't be shy to ask questions to the priests to know who offers what. They'll always give you an answer, though they don't like to be bothered during their prayers.
Healers offer three types of cures. Cure disease, restore health and full restoration. Each cure has a price and you can no longer get these cures by praying at the central altar of the chapels.
Donating to a religion will boost your disposition with its members and, if you donate a large amount, you will receive a blessing. The higher the amount, the better the blessing.
- 5.6 Shrine of Kynareth
Kynareth now has a shrine worthy of her fame and name. Located in the West Weald, south-west of Chorrol's Great Forest, lays a shrine of tranquility and peace where worshippers live in harmony with nature. Close to the shrine is the Kynaran Order, Kynareth's knightly order.
- 5.7 Knightly Orders
Each religion has a knightly order. Their members' duty is the protection of their god's holy place and crusading against its enemies. They are the military arm of their god and the protectors of the worshipers. The knightly orders share the same reputation with other factions as their god's and will be happy to see you donate to their religion as well. While visiting the chapels, you'll see armed guards proudly wearing their knightly order's outfit and keeping watch for those who would dare defile their god's holy place.
As mentioned in the previous chapter, the Kynaran Order has its headquarters close to Kynareth's shrine.
The Order of the Hour, Akatosh's protectors, has its keep west of Kvatch. It is said that a small army have been seen marching from the keep to the city of Kvatch for reasons unknown.
As of the current version, two knightly orders have their headquarters established in Cyrodiil, which you can visit.
- 5.8 New Dialogue
There is a lot of new dialogue, filled with lore. Ask about a religion's services, background and knightly order. You can also engage in conversation with some of the special services NPCs, which can lead to an interesting discussion.
Be polite or not, it is your choice. So do not be shy, talk with every worshipper/knight you see!
- 5.9 Joinable Factions
As of version 1.4, the 9 god factions and 2 Knightly Orders can be joined. Joining a faction requires you to have basic knowledge about one of the faction’s required skills, and you must perform a pilgrimage to the god’s wayshrine. Ask the priests to know where you may find a wayshrine.
You can join only ONE god faction OR one Knightly Order. You cannot join both a Knightly Order and its associated god.
The benefits of joining a faction are that you have reduced prices for the healing service, lodgings in the temple/HQ, access to privileged services (For some religions) and the god/Knightly Order’s outfit. The friends of the god you worship are your friends. His enemies are your enemies.
Ghosts in your faction’s Undercroft will not attack you. Killing a member of your faction or stealing will result in being expelled. Once expelled, you cannot join again and you cannot switch to another god.
For now, there are no quests or possibility of advancements. These *may* be included in the future, but I doubt it.
Beta Testers
Armors & Weapons
Trollf for his Divine Shields resource (Worn by all low-ranked members of the knightly orders)
Bad Andy for his Divine Armor resource (Worn by all low-ranked members of the knightly orders)
ADCK for his Kynareth Armor and robes resource. (Worn by High-ranked Knights of Kynaran Order)
Najaknevrec for the Mage Equipment resource (Worn by Julianos' Priests and Talos')
SoM3 for the Improved Robe resource (Worn by the Priests of Stendarr)
Cosmic-Banana for the Brown Hood resource (Worn by Priests of Stendarr)
KafeiDotour for his Silverthorn Robe (Worn by Arkay's Diviner)
Azumoth for his Red Robe of Seraphim (Worn by Mara's Diviner)
Kikai for his Book Belts (Worn by Julianos' priests)
AlienSlof and Kikai for their Kinky Chainmail (Worn by Dibella's Healer)
Puff for his Princess Leia Outfit (Worn by Dibella's Erotic Instructor)
Gizmodian for his Sorceress Outfit (Worn by Dibella's Diviner)
General Models
Brumbek for the gorgeous clear chapel windows
Zira for her Medieval Horse Clothes resource
EuGENIUS for his Golden Gods resource
Hel Borne for his Filled Bookshelf resource, Alchemy Wall Chart, Alchemist's Sink, lumber pile and Kvatch Architecture
DarkRider for his Tapestries of the Nine resource.
David WhiteFang for his Nirn Globe resource.
Barabus and Razorwing for the Crypt tileset and the coffins.
jcd13 for the Marble Pedestal resource
Assassin_456 for the Medieval Resources
Khugan for the Torture Devices resource and the Gold/Silver bars
MickTheMage for the Wooden Toys resource
Andysaurus for the School Lab Class resource
Fearabbit for his Forts of Cyrodiil resource
Omegacron for his Armory Clutter resource
Mr. Siika for his Balista & Ballista ammo
PacificMorrowind for the Kvatch Keep Collision mesh
Dragon Blade for his Books resources
The following people for the character suggestions who got buried in the cathedrals:
Segvirion, Yevic, Jaden, HeX_0ff, RichardRocket009, Orbitor, Celestina, blackouTT-117, Tank1519, Gregasaurus, Timewalker, ElDani, Zabre, Tanya, Mr. Bibliophile, Mishaxhi, Nextmastermind, Riveon, cobb, ArgonianPimp, IglooGreenhouse, bobbety, Mutt, Synnoveance, Lokee, Siric, Koops-64, Mitchman, Arabian Knight, Hunter Parasite, DemonsShade, Barihawk, Dakorma, Starwing, ElDani, NZdawghaus, Nightmare470, F0xHunter, Squirrel93, CryWolf, Pushkatu, Kylejustgot, Bodevanlot, RavinXX, StarX, Locksley, Jonarus_Drakus, obbob, Jaden, darkmast508, bionicle, Neo Matrix, Cold Steel, Seamus Finnigan, CorePC, paladin181, Wintercross, biulding3015, Ogemacron, Nanu Ra, xXAequitasXx, Redemption121, Ulmarik Oblivion, Darkom95, Jaguar Knight, Trademark, AyumiFan, Bites-His-Tail, acrb101, John123, Who Cares?, Marken-DK, jon7985, migck, Jonarus Drakus, Fiore1300, Allstarn08, Yorp, Mirelurk21,
DarkNinjaProductions' Cathedral Improver Mod
The Daggerfall Dev Team for the best cRPG ever created.
The Daggerfall Dev Team writers
Dave Humphrey and the contributors for http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page.
The OBSE team for passing through every barriers they see.
Elys for his Elys Universal Silent Voice OBSE plugin. Because of you, we can now freely mod dialogue without worrying about creating hundreds of silent lip-synched voice files!
The Construction Set Extender Team for bringing the CS updates we desperately needed.
http://www.imperial-library.info/ for the countless information I've taken and learned from.
Bethesda Game Studios for continuing to develop the best RPG series on the gaming market.
7. Oblivifall modules and Daggerfall-related mods by the Community
To know which Oblivifall modules have been released or are in the works, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1088895-relzwipz-oblivifall-vengeance-of-the-classic/.
If you want to extend furthermore your Daggerfallesque experience, I recommend you to take a look at http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/1346-list-daggerfallesque-mod-list/
You may redistribute this mod as you wish, but as long as you put me as the Author.
If you want to use the custom resources I used, check up the ressource's readme found in your Oblivion\Data\Oblivifall Docs\Losing My Religion folder to see if the author agrees with you using it in your mod. This is important.
If you wish to use the retextured workstations I made, no permission or credit is required.