Hmmm - I see history as rife with sinners.
If one were to take the early definition of sin as 'missing the mark' or missing the point.
Countless religious orders who are well indoctrinated into interpretations that are entrenched in misguided understandings of religious experience ... informed more by money, politics, jealousy, greed, hate, xenophobia, and ego endless ego.
Why, just because in this little make believe world where gods are supposedly real, that all the followers of all the religions have got it dead on right?
Perhaps the KOTN can be seen as the outer order while the various gods are then different pathways into differing versions of the inner order ... following their own pathways like snakes up the tree of life.
Perhaps the KOTN have it wrong but even then they have power.
Perhaps the KOTN are a misinterpretation of the various pathways - a surface understanding. or maybe it is more like in real life where god is dead:
"all prophets are true, save that they understand only a little" ... that little being that what they espouse applies only to themselves.
Somehow, I have difficulty understanding your point.

(This is beyond my capacity of understanding English.)
I can't seem to see if you are agreeing with my opinion on the KOTN and the Knightly Orders in general, or if you were simply explaining facts with a neutral point of view.

this looks awesome! cannot wait for the inn mod and all the others!
you dont have an approximate release date do you?
No I don't make mods with a release date in mind. Not even an approximate. It'll be released when it'll be done.

But the order of releases for the current WIPz is the same as I've listed them: Losing My Religion, Daedra Summonning, Better Inns, Loot and Deadly Diseases.
After these five are released, I believe I'll take on the Character Generation.
These mods look great, in fact im actually thining about using MUTE + Lets Talk + Lore 300, im sure it will be an interesting experience, its always nice to ry something new now and then

All three work wonderfully together.

i like the hire wenches option....time to use basic instinct!
A little note here, when you hire services of a courtesan (Both male and female by the way), all you do is activate the bed you rented, sleep in it, and when you wake up the Courtesan returns to the tavern. He/she will undress as well when you are in your room, so if you use body mods you might see him/her naked.
They are there only for roleplaying and to add a bit of "Dirtyness" in the cute, green and happy Disney wonderland Beth turned Cyrodiil into.