Great mod ideas.

I've just downloaded your SNR, LT, CT, and RaCD. I'm looking forward to the improvement these will bring. My wife especially liked the idea of the SNR module... and btw, we prefer it unvoiced so thanks!

I see two "Holiday" mods on the Nexus... Could you describe some of the unique features yours will have?
Thank you.
I will ask SkyShadowing if he would give me the permission to use his script as the "skeleton" for my Holidays version. What I hope to bring in Oblivifall, are lore-safe decoration for some of the holidays, dialogue and basicly add some sort of "festive" feel for some of the festivals. I'm dreaming here but I'd imagine jesters walking around on "Jester Day" and using animations from the various animation mods where they perform acrobatic shows.
But, like mentioned, the mod is only in planning stage. Which means I don't even know if I'll do it or if it's even possible.

I really like the idea of Cure Disease being harder and more expensive to obtain, but how will potions you make with Alchemy affect things?
Hmm, to make things more difficult, maybe I could change some of the effects for some ingredients. I think that many ingredients have Cure Disease as first effect, maybe I could intervert them with its second effect. (But still keep a few ingredients with the effect as the first one)
.... This looks incredible!! I am thoroughly excited about this!
I am just loving these mods coming out lately that are focused on adding depth and background and lore to the game!
Regarding diseases.. I like where you're going with making them more deadly. One thing I really miss when going through an OB phase is the distinction between a blight and common disease as far as true severity and methods of curing. Being halfway to nowhere and having my stats crippled right when I am about to reach the entrance to where some ancient artifact lies, and having to make a decision.. aah.. Good times.
I can't wait for this!! Oh let's be serious.. I'll wait as long as necessary.

There are blight diseases in Oblivion, but I have no idea how to make them curable only with a Cure Blight Disease potion. (Since, I think, the Cure Disease effect is hardcoded to cure any "spell" you have that have the category "Diseases" in the editor, and the blight diseases are part of that.
Regarding diseases - yes deadly and progressive, but not too fancy.
I like the idea of what Realistic Health does but it is reliant upon obge and I cannot even get the fixed version of that as stable as I'd like. TIE In (and maybe main TIE) also made diseases stronger but yet another mod I've had trouble running.
I like the messages from the feedback module - very immersive!
The dialogue mod though seems to have doubled some entries, of course I could be wrong, that has been known to happen. But a lot of the lore dialogue options (from your lore mod) are now doubled up???
And thanks so much for reminding me about Oblivion Sound Sets. I totally forgot about those mods and just spent an hour or so downloading them and repackaging them into one bain package so that I can test them out easily. They really do mesh well.
thanks again.
Great mods!
I've just installed Let's Talk along with Darnified UI, Lore Dialogue 300 Updated and Kragenir's Death Quest, and love the additional topics. However, I now seem to have topics for "little advice" and "little Advice" along with "little secret" and "little Secret"! Seems odd having two versions of the same thing - any idea what's causing this? I'm running lots of mods and so have updated my bashed patch in wrye bash - could it be that one of the mods needs tagging to merge it properly?
Oh my, I must have packaged an "older" version of the mod by mistake! You see, originally, "Let's Talk!" was to include any topics Lore Dialogue 300 by Cleitanious didn't have, but then I decided to ask him if I could finish LD300 myself, and that way keep Let's Talk with only the 4 Daggerfall topics. I'll fix it up in a few hours. Sorry for the trouble!
Since diseases are being discussed. The "cure disease" spell aught to be watered down, maybe it will only alleviate the symptoms but if you want to be properly healed you need to go to a dedicated healer at his shop. Maybe Master Restoration skill can give you healing power equal to a saint.
Cure disease potions same thing really - like taking aspirin and/or penicillin.
Is there any command, OBSE or otherwise, that allows the catching of certain effects and redirection them. I am thinking that the spell Cure is added in many ways by mods, and so is the potion effect. Would be nice if there was a catch all command.....
Coughing is not very good when you are sneaking - penalty.
Fever affects stamina most and then strength I believe?
If you don't rest and keep running around dungeon crawling you aught to get much worse.
If you rest and eat you aught to be able to recuperate from some diseases.
Stuff like that.
The idea of curing only part of the disease is interesting, but the "Restore Attribute" spell can restore some of the damaged by a disease, no? (Or at least, it was like that in Morrowind. I don't remember for Oblivion)
But what I'll do, is that Cure Disease will be available only to Experts in Restoration, and the cost for casting it will be much higher.
I'm also thinking of having "Spoiled Cure Disease Potions" like in Morrowind. So that these cheap potions can cure your disease, but they can also severly damage you.
For how the diseases affect your character, they only affect your stats. (But SEVERLY affect your stats, so your skills will take a serious hit.)
There's only one or two disease that will not be deadly. That are cured overtime. The rest will affect your character until they eventually kill you. Even the strongest hero may be killed by a disease caught from a rat.

Is it possible also to make it so there aren't any starting spells for characters who do not choose destruction and restoration as their major skills? It kind of bothers me how a pure warrior can just fling fireballs and heal themselves.
Also, if you don't choose alchemy as a major skill, is it possible to remove the first ingredient effect, so you can't make potions?
Many mods do this already, but yes I'll include an optional plugin that does just that.
For alchemy, I don't know if it's hardcoded. I haven't checked it. But it would not concern the project though. (But I'd totally download that would restore Alchemy like it was in Morrowind. With failures if you're not good at that skill)

Sounds impressive.
