» Fri May 27, 2011 12:13 pm
Since the chapels are almost done, I thought I'd list you what services each of them offer to the citizens, and what are the notable details:
Order of Arkay
For the Player: Donation Collector, Potion Maker, Potion Seller, Trainer, Healer, Restoration Spells, Soul Gem Merchant
For the Citizens: Undertaker, Coffin and mortuary services.
Notable Things: Contains a mortuary, an enbalming room/crematorium, and the largest Undercroft (Capacity of 43 bodies)
Notable Decorations: Plants and bushes symbolizing the Cycle of Life and Death
Outfit: Some priest wear black robes, others wear white robes. Again, symbolizing Life and Death.
House of Dibella
For the Player: Donation Collector, Potion Maker, Potion Seller, Trainer, Healer, Restoration Spells
For the Citizens: Art Studio, Erotic Instruction
Notable Decorations: Flowers are found in ivy plants which grow on the columns, butterflies fly around the chapel.
Outfit: Priests and priestesses barely wear any clothing, showing the physical beauty of their bodies.
School of Julianos
For the Player: Donation Collector, Potion Maker, Potion Seller, Trainer, Healer, Restoration Spells, Magic Item Merchant, Item Maker and Daedra Summoner (Not available, but present)
For the Citizens: None. Only members of the School may access the library.
Notable Things: Contains a small vault that has various relics and riches belonging to the School.
Notable Decorations: Large bookshelves containing countless tomes of lore fill the School, a Nirn Globe is available to the public as well
Outfit: Priests wear dark robes filled with designs and writings, some have book belts
Temple of Kynareth
For the Player: Donation Collector, Potion Maker, Potion Seller, Trainer, Healer, Spell Merchant, Spell Maker (Not available, but present), Lodgings
For the Citizens: A lodge to be used by pilgrims visiting the Shrine.
Notable Things: Not far from the Shrine lies the Kynaran Order's headquarters, who are tasked to protect its inhabitants.
Notable Decorations: The exterior shrine is filled with trees, grass and bushes, tame bears, wolves and deers walk around.
Outfit: Priests wear dark blue robes with the symbol of Kynareth on them: A white bird
Benevolence of Mara
For the Player: Donation Collector, Potion Maker, Potion Seller, Trainer, Healer, Restoration Spells,
For the Citizens: Midwife, a small area for children
Notable Things: The Maran alchemists are reputed to be the best and, as such, they have their own laboratory inside the Benevolence.
Outfit: Priests wear deep red robes, the colour of Mara.
Temple of Stendarr
For the Player: Donation Collector, Potion Maker, Potion Seller, Trainer, Healer, Restoration Spells,
For the Citizens: Surgeon, Free beds and food for the poor (Available to player as well)
Notable Decorations: Ceremonial swords that belonged to fallen legionnaires fill the upper arcs
Outfit: The priests' outfit is the same as the Franciscan Monk
Order of Talos
For the Player: Donation Collector, Potion Maker, Potion Seller, Trainer, Healer, Restoration Spells,
For the Citizens: None
Notable Decorations: Statues of past war heroes, generals, Emperors and figures who had an important role to play for the Empire decorate the whole chapel.
Outfit: Priests wear gray or white robes with the Imperial Dragon on them.
Resolution of Zenithar
For the Player: Donation Collector, Potion Maker, Potion Seller, Trainer, Healer, Restoration Spells, clutter merchants
For the Citizens: Merchants selling various clutter items for the benefit of the Resolution are present.
Outfit: Priests do not wear robes, but instead wear exquiste looking sets of clothing.