"People who play role-playing games need more than some pretty graphics and nonstop action to whet their claymores : they want depth and character and wit and drama. They want the thickest, most involving novel that they've ever read translated to their 15" screen, with themselves as the hero." ? The Daggerfall Manual
I. Introduction
II. Oblivifall Released Modules
III. Oblivifall Work-In-Progress Modules
IV. Oblivifall Planned Modules
V. List of Recommended Daggerfallesque Community Mods
VI. Credits
VII. Help Offers
Welcome to Oblivifall, a project that includes and will include gameplay elements from the Elder Scrolls title many veterans and new Elder Scrolls gamers alike claim as the best title of the series and even the best role-playing game that ever existed.
As a gamer who started playing western RPGs by discovering Daggerfall, I've always thought that there are features and gameplay elements that are missing or need replacement in Oblivion. Features that improve the game. I consider Oblivifall to be my "flagship" project, for I would love, as a modder, to present to you, the gamer, things I loved the most about Daggerfall. I am certain Arena, Daggerfall and Morrowind players alike will feel right at home with this project.
Oblivifall is separated in modules to allow you to choose what you want, therefore avoiding possible incompatibilities. Some modules have already been released, some are in the making and others are still at planning stage. In addition to what I'm making, you will find below a list of my highly-recommended mods made by the community that will also make your game feel closer to Daggerfall.
To see the latest and previous screenshots, head over to http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?app=gallery&module=user&user=415&do=view_album&album=8.
(Note : Click on the mod's name to see its poster)
http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1248748972/gallery_415_8_1168476.png? Latest Version: 1.0
What does it do?
The race and class descriptions in default Oblivion are very bland. They only mention the strengths and weaknesses, but do not put the emphasis on the lore behind them. The descriptions found in the Daggerfall manual are more oriented toward roleplay and say more about the race and gives more interesting details about the class you choose.
- Replaces the in-game class and race descriptions with the ones found in the Daggerfall manual.
- Adds two new classes that were in Daggerfall : the Burglar and the Ranger
Not compatible with any mod that changes the default race and class descriptions.
http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1248748972/gallery_415_8_587256.png ? Latest Version: 1.0
What does it do?
One of the ways Daggerfall had for immersing you in its world was to describe your character's senses that you, the player, can't see/feel. As such, each time you approached a dungeon, messages would appear telling you the air was getting colder or that your character had a vague feel of unease. It was an excellent way of putting you, the player, even more in your character's perspective of things.
- Adds informative messages that pop up at the top left of your screen when you get closer to a dungeon.
- Examples of messages include : "You notice goblin tracks", "You feel watched", "You smell a putrid odor"
- 47 different messages available. They show up depending on the location of the dungeon and its theme. You will have more chance of noticing goblin tracks near a goblin cave, for example.
No known compatibility problems.
http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1248748972/med_gallery_415_8_784968.png ? Latest Version: 1.0
What does it do?
Each shop type in Daggerfall had different opening hours. This meant that while doing shopping, you had to plan your trip because the gem store where you wanted to sell your valuable diamond might have already closed its doors. It made shopping more dynamic.
- Changes the opening and closing times of every shopkeeper depending on their shop type. A clothing store closes earlier than a general store, for example.
Will not be compatible with any mod that changes the radiant AI schedules of the game's shopkeepers.
http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1248748972/gallery_415_8_587256.png ? Latest Version: 1.1 - Last updated September 14th 2009
What does it do?
In Oblivion, you get the compass markers which help you find easily your quest NPC's homes and location. Also, the guards are the only people in the city whom will give you directions when you ask them. Finally, Tamriel is a world full of organizations, yet no one knows anything about them. This is changed.
- Ask directions! You no longer need to rely on the guards to know where to go. Ask directions to citizens for guilds, shops, temples, castles or other city landmarks.
- Ask for regional locations. If a city does not have a particular shop or guild, you can ask the citizens if they know what city might offer the required service. Sometimes they know the answers, sometimes they don't and sometimes they send you in the wrong direction.
- A new "Tell me About" topic This sub-topic allows you to ask an NPC what he knows about a particular Tamriel or Cyrodiil organization, wheter it's the Blackwood Company, the Mages Guild, the Knights of the Thorn or others. The NPC's answer differs wheter he is part of that organization or not and if he's a Savant. If you want to gather the best information, ask a Savant.
- New rumors! 35 new rumors have been added. Some talk about how dangerous the streets are, others mention that the Empire might raise the taxes again. (Bastards!)
- Use Scout services. You can pay a scout for geographic or regional information. A scout can mark landmarks, settlements and cities on your map or help you find a specific service in a city without mistakes.
- Annoying Citizens: Be careful when asking directions or asking about organizations. If the NPC is not your friend (Disposition 60 and down), he will like you less with each question until he's annoyed and ends the conversation.
- Over 150 lines of dialogue, most of which is taken from Daggerfall and Morrowind.
Requires http://obse.silverlock.org/ v. 0012 or above
& http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16622 V 0.93 or above
I highly recommend mods that remove the quest markers and the fast travel markers to each city, since the NPCs can identify the cities on your map.
http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1248748972/med_gallery_415_8_272476.png ? Progress : 85%
What does it do?
Cyrodiil is the heart of the Empire's religion, yet it is an aspect that is severely lacking. The only presence of the religion are the cathedrals in each cities.
In Daggerfall, each god had his associated regions, decoration for the temples and a better presence in the game. "Losing My Religion" is a module that restores the religion and overhauls it.
- Each chapel now has its appropriate Daggerfall name.
Order of Arkay
House of Dibella
School of Julianos
Temple of Kynareth
Benevolence of Mara
Temple of Stendarr
Resolution of Zenithar
Order of Talos
- Interior re-decoration overhaul of every chapel
http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1248748972/gallery_415_8_767098.png, goddess of beauty, has been beautified.
http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1248748972/gallery_415_8_754770.png, god of the Cycle of Life and Death, has representations of the Cycle in his chapel.
http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1248748972/gallery_415_8_272476.png is filled with large bookshelves containing tomes of lore and wisdom
The Arkay Undercroft has been re-designed using Barabus' Crypt tileset. The god of the Cycle of Life and Death now has an Undercroft worthy of its name.
Merges http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18407 for improved lighting effects and decoration.
- Kynareth has her Temple
- New NPCs and services offered in every chapel
The chapels offer more services to the believers and lawful citizens of Cyrodiil. Every chapel has a potion maker, potion seller, an healer and a donation collector. Some chapels offer more. Julianos' Worshippers have a magic item merchant while Arkay's have a soul gem merchant.
Some NPCs who work at the temples but do not provide services to the player have also been added, such as librarians and writers, midwives, etc.
- Knightly Orders
Each knightly order possesses an outpost in the wilderness and a representing member guarding its associated city chapel.
Order of the Lily : House of Dibella
Knights Mentor : School of Julianos
Kynaran Order : Temple of Kynareth
Maran Knights : Benevolence of Mara
The Crusaders : Temple of Stendarr
Knights of Iron : Resolution of Zenithar
Knights of the Dragon : Order of Talos
- No more "Nine Divines" name.
Since every god views things differently, some might not be in good terms with each other or, on the opposite, might be allies.
Although no religion is enemy with each other, if you encounter a conversation between two members of an opposing religion, it will be more heated than before.
Inside the chapels, each altar to a god other than the one worshipped has been removed. These empty areas will be make place for decoration and furnishing.
- Identified tombs in the undercrofts
Thank you to those of you who submitted them!
- New dialogue
Each worshipper of his god or goddess can tell you more about his religion's views.
The knights tell you more about their organizations.
You may also ask about the services offered in the temple you visit.
- Misc Changes
In the Thieves Guild quest where you have to steal a relic from the Order of Arkay's Undercroft, the guard got his armor changed to the Knights of the Circle uniform and has been put in the Knigts of the Circle faction.
The chapel altar found in the central area of the chapel no longer cures disease, heal you and restores your attributes. You need to seek the services of an Healer for this.
The Gottlefront Priory is associated with Kynareth. The altar in the priory gives Kynareth's blessing and the Sisters are part of Kynareth's faction
Weynon Priory is associated with Talos. Its members are part of Talos' faction and the Priory altar gives Talos' Blessing.
Cadlew Chapel is associated with Arkay. Its altar thus gives Arkay's blessing.
During the Siege of Kvatch quest, bodies of fallen Hour knights lie in Kvatch.
http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1248748972/med_gallery_415_8_40871.png ? Progress : 75%
What does it do?
Summoning Daedric Princes should be available to everyone, but should also be more difficult to obtain these services. This module brings several features of Daggerfall's daedra summoning in Oblivion.
- Summoning a Daedric Prince comes at a cost...
- ...Or use an alternative route.
- No level requirements to perform the quests.
- Don't bother the Daedric Princes too much...
http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1248566880/med_gallery_415_8_317750.png ? Progress : 75%
What does it do?
The inns of Daggerfall were always filled up with a large diversity of NPCs and music. Better Inns aims to bring this feature along with other additions.
The streets and the inside of buildings were also filled up with NPCs of various classes and, as such, Oblivion Comes Alive takes care of the emptyness of some of Oblivion's areas.
Better Inn Features
- Inn residents
- 110 new NPC "regulars" who fill the taverns and inns
- Inns and taverns "social classes"
Mid-Class : Mid-class patrons (Commoners, adventurers, nobles, traveling merchants), a "normal" sound ambiance, relaxing and moving music, average food and drinks
Upper-Class : Upper-class patrons (Nobles, Knights, Crusaders, traveling merchants), a low sound ambiance (Lots of talking), relaxing music, excellent food and drink quality
- New services and additions when renting a room
Get the ownership of the storage containers and food in your rented room. You can now safely store your items in the wardrobes, chests or drawers that fill your room. And safely eat the food provided by the Inn without getting arrested.
Some higher class inns can sell you a courtesan service, give you food or give you the latest Black Horse Courier article. Some also have butlers. Some lower-class inns provide wenches for their customers. But it's an additional expense.
- Thinking of renting a lower class bed? Think again.
Some lower-class inns don't clean their beds often. Don't be surprised to find rats in your room or catch a disease after having slept in a dirty bed! Now you get what you paid for.
- Ambient sounds and music!
Hear the people talking and the music playing as you get closer to the tavern, outside. When inside, a song is played in the background along with ambient tavern sounds such as people talking and laughing, drinks pouring, stools being pulled, etc.
- Darker taverns
A thin dark gray fog is added to those establishments to give a more "smokey" look. The overall lighting has also been toned down to make these establishments much darker.
- Freelance fences
Freelance fences appear in some taverns at a specific time of a specific day. You do not need to be from the Thieves' Guild to sell them your stolen items. Fences also provide you with hot property such as lockpicks and skooma.
Oblivion Comes Alive features
- 1200 random NPCs of different professions who populate the wilderness inns, city taverns, temples, shops, streets, etc. Knights, hunters, vampire hunters, werewolf hunters, legionnaires, warriors, mages, assassins, healers, travelers, pilgrims, barbarians, archers, crusaders, knights, rogues and more populate those places anytime of the day as opposed to the generic NPCs who only come during the evening.
Loot! Progress : 25%
What is it?
Adds various items that were present in Daggerfall.
- New clothing found in wardrobes and clothing stores
- New armor pieces/weapons found in dungeons and blacksmiths
- Paintings, which can be picked, stolen, sold, bought
- Dungeon maps found on bandits, marauders, vampires, necromancers or conjurers. The maps identify a random dungeon on your world map.
- Misc items (Holy tomes, holy daggers, bandages, lamp oil, gold bars, religious items, statuettes)
http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1248748972/med_gallery_415_8_292375.png ? Progress : 15%
What is it?
In Daggerfall, catching a disease could mean the death of your character. Especially when caught in the middle of a dungeon. In Oblivion, diseases are only a nuisance and do not affect much your character.
- Catching a disease is now something to care about.
- New diseases
Daggerfall Character Generation
What would it do?
Optimizes the options when making a character.
- Answer 10 questions to define what class could fit you best.
- Distribute/Deduct points in stats
- Give starting bonus points to your skills
- Select your advantages and disadvantages for faster/slower level ups
- Edit your reputation with the social classes or leave it neutral.
- Answer 12 questions that define your character's backgrounds, giving you bonuses/maluses to your skills/reputations, acquire starting items and more.
- Choose your starting location, including Privateer's Hold, Daggerfall's starter dungeon.
Let's Go Banking!
What would it do?
Bring a banking service in all of Cyrodiil's cities.
- Each town has a bank where you can deposit, withdraw, take a loan, purchase the town's house or purchase a ship.
- Counts and countesses no longer sell you a house. The bank takes care of this.
- Exchange/deposit Letters of Credits
- House costs will be much higher.
Daggerfall Vampirism
What would it do?
To bring some of Daggerfall's vampirism features in Oblivion, without overhauling it too much.
- After 3 days of having the disease, you die a normal death and are then resurrected one month later in the nearest town's graveyard or undercroft.
- Vampire hunters will be after you and offer you a quest to get cured of vampirism.
What would it do?
Bring a criminal/justice system in Cyrodiil.
- When caught by guard, choose to go to court instead of being sent to prison.
- In court, either plead guilty of your crime for a shorter time in jail and lower fines or...
- Plead not guilty and defend your cause by either lying or debating. (Speechcraft)
- If you have friends in the Dark Brotherhood or the Thieves Guild, they can bribe the judges to let you go free.
What would it do?
Bring Tamriel's holidays back in Cyrodiil.
- Some holidays reduce the shop prices, others are merely celebrations.
- Decorations inside cities and buildings to celebrate the holiday.
For a more "Daggerfallesque" experience, take a look at my "Daggerfallesque Mod List" here on http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/1346-list-daggerfallesque-mod-list/.
Here are listed everyone who helped me with any of my modules. Thank you very much to those who are listed. You guys rock!
General Credits
The Daggerfall Dev Team for the best cRPG ever created.
The Daggerfall Dev Team writers
The Devs who wrote the Daggerfall manual
Dave Humphrey and the contributors for The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page
Dave Humphrey's DFText Hacking Tool.
The OBSE team for passing through every barriers they see.
Elys for his Elys Universal Silent Voice OBSE plugin. Because of you, we can now freely mod dialogue without worrying about creating hundreds of silent lip-synched voice files!
Bethesda for the Oblivion CS
Cabron for commenting and suggesting ideas of the modules.
Samtam99 for his support and feedback on Oblivifall
WhoGuru for her support and feedback on Oblivifall
Daedra Summoning
Rumpleteasza for linking me resources to create the Daedra Summoner
AlienSlof's Oblivion Robe Trader for the Daedra Summoner's robe and hood
Capucine's Eyes for Daedra Summoner's Eyes
Hel Borne for the Filled Bookshelf resource
Losing my Religion
DarkNinjaProductions for his Cathedral Improver mod.
Armors & Weapons
Trollf for his Divine Shields resource (Worn by all low-ranked members of the knightly orders)
Bad Andy for his Divine Armor resource (Worn by all low-ranked members of the knightly orders)
ADCK for his Kynareth Armor and robes resource. (Worn by High-ranked Knights of Kynaran Order)
Najaknevrec for the Mage Equipment resource (Worn by Julianos' Priests and Talos')
SoM3 for the Improved Robe resource (Worn by the Priests of Stendarr)
Cosmic-Banana for the Brown Hood resource (Worn by Priests of Stendarr)
KafeiDotour for his Silverthorn Robe (Worn by Arkay's Diviner)
Azumoth for his Red Robe of Seraphim (Worn by Mara's Diviner)
Kikai for his Book Belts (Worn by Julianos' priests)
AlienSlof and Kikai for their Kinky Chainmail (Worn by Dibella's Healer)
Puff for his Princess Leia Outfit (Worn by Dibella's Erotic Instructor)
Gizmodian for his Sorceress Outfit (Worn by Dibella's Diviner)
General Models
EuGENIUS for his Golden Gods resource
Hel Borne for his Filled Bookshelf resource, Alchemy Wall Chart, Alchemist's Sink, lumber pile and Kvatch Architecture
DarkRider for his Tapestries of the Nine resource.
David WhiteFang for his Nirn Globe resource.
Barabus and Razorwing for the Crypt tileset and the coffins.
jcd13 for the Marble Pedestal resource
Assassin_456 for the Medieval Resources
Khugan for the Torture Devices resource
MickTheMage for the Wooden Toys resource
Andysaurus for the School Lab Class resource
Fearabbit for his Forts of Cyrodiil resource
Omegacron for his Armory Clutter resource
Mr. Siika for his Balista & Ballista ammo
The following people for the character suggestions who got buried in the cathedrals:
Segvirion, Yevic, Jaden, HeX_0ff, RichardRocket009, Orbitor, Celestina, blackouTT-117, Tank1519, Gregasaurus, Timewalker,
ElDani, Zabre, Tanya, Mr. Bibliophile, Mishaxhi, Nextmastermind, Riveon, cobb, ArgonianPimp, IglooGreenhouse, bobbety,
Mutt, Synnoveance, Lokee, Siric, Koops-64, Mitchman, Arabian Knight, Hunter Parasite, DemonsShade, Barihawk, Dakorma,
Starwing, ElDani, NZdawghaus, Nightmare470, F0xHunter, Squirrel93, CryWolf, Pushkatu, Kylejustgot, Bodevanlot, RavinXX, StarX, Locksley, Jonarus_Drakus, obbob, Jaden, darkmast508, bionicle, Neo Matrix, Cold Steel, Seamus Finnigan, CorePC, paladin181, Wintercross, biulding3015, Ogemacron, Nanu Ra, xXAequitasXx, Redemption121, Ulmarik Oblivion, Darkom95, Jaguar Knight, Trademark, AyumiFan, Bites-His-Tail, acrb101, John123, Who Cares?, Marken-DK, jon7985, migck, Jonarus Drakus, Fiore1300, Allstarn08, Yorp, Mirelurk21,
Better Inns + Oblivion Comes Alive
Neoptolemus, author of Morrowind Comes Alive
Someone 1074 for his Capes and Cloaks
Eyren for his Vampire Hunter Armor
Kalia & Luchaire their Eyren's Vampire Hunter Armor Revised mod
Blue Destiny for his Paladin Armor
Kire for his Black Leather Armor
Karelceusters for his Dark Leather Armor
Ren for his Ren's Beauty Pack hairs
Daggerfall Character Generation
DarkRider for his Map of Tamriel resource
Here I will post any request I may have. It can be meshes, retextures or scripts.
Losing My Religion
As part of Losing My Religion, I'm replacing the bodies found in the Undercroft with bodies with a name and an epitaph. I'm also adding new ones. Should you have character ideas you'd like to submit (How about having your character buried there?), you can suggest them in http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1044133&hl=
Armors for the Knightly Orders:
- Should be highly based on Jeremy's Knights of Tamriel mod for Morrowind. In the best of worlds, I'd love to see them modeled after Jeremy's. But if that proves too complex, retextures of existing armor, with the symbol and colors of each god would suffice.

- Reference link: http://jw_mcguinn.rethan-manor.net/page1.htm
Note: The Kynaran Order armor has already been done by ADCK.
Thanks for reading the whole post.