In case you did not notice, the latest version of Losing My Religion has been released two days ago. - Latest Version : 1.4 - - Latest Version : 1.4 - - Latest Version : 1.4 -
With many things changing and added in version 1.4, I felt Losing my Religion needed a new trailer that better showed the mod's features.
Compatibility Patches
You'll find in the package a folder called "LMR_Patches". This contains the compatibility files for the following mods:
- Atmospheric Window Lighting System (AWLS)
- Better Cities
- DC Sutch Reborn
- Knights of the Nine Official DLC
- Kvatch Rebuilt
- Blood & Mud
Also the Oblivifall Master File has been updated to support LMR's new version. It is included in the package, but if you still want to download it separately
Have fun with the new stuff!
It'll most likely be the last version where there are additions. The next releases will be aimed at compatiblity patches and additional bug fixes if needed.
Full Changelog
- Each god faction is joinable. Two Knightly Orders, the Order of the Hour and the Kynaran Order, are joinable as well.
- The Knightly Orders smiths use Shivering Isle’s smiting animation.
- The Knightly Orders' horses use Zira's beautiful Medieval Horse Clothes.
- Ambient sound atmospheres in some areas. Hear the wilderness birds and insects from inside Kynareth’s Shrine houses,the potions boiling in the alchemy lab of Mara or some NPCs who snore while they’re asleep.
- Ask about the location of wayshrines to anyone belonging to god factions.
- Akatosh worshippers at the Order of the Hour now offer the healing service.
- The second floor of Skingrad and Cheydinhal’s chapels have been changed to be more unique.
- Mod is now cleaned.
- The temples’ merchants now have their chests accessible. Meaning the player can steal from their stock. The merchants places their wares at the start of the day and bring them back with them when going to sleep.
- Removed the chants from Gottlesfront Priory and the Temple of the Ancestor Moth’s catacombs.
- The sound atmosphere in the Temple of Stendarr plays only when the priests are preaching, and will not continuously loop.
- The healers will now accept to heal you during prayers. Zenithar’s Donation Collector will also accept your donations.
- The preaching time for the priests have been reduced to 2 hours instead of 4, allowing the player to have more time dealing with services NPCs.
- The lighting has been changed inside chapels. I have removed DarkNinja’s coloured lighting to replace with a more natural ambiance.
- The Magic Item Merchant in Skingrad’s chapel, the Spell Maker Merchant in the Shrine of Kynareth and the Soul Gem Merchant in Cheydinhal’s chapel no longer offer their services to the public. You need to be a member to access this privilege.
- Removed the hanging swords in Chorrol’s chapel.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a texture issue with Kynareth’s shields.
- Mara’s alchemists schedules have been fixed.
- Some greeting problems in the Order of the Hour’s restricted areas have been fixed.
- Fixed the schedules for some members of the Kynaran Order.
- Kynaran Order’s horses have proper ownership.
- Service NPCs no longer mention themselves when asked about the service offered.
- Arkay’s Matriarch now wears her proper rank outfit.
- The mage Bralsa Andaren staying near Kynareth’s Shrine will no longer attack the pacified deers.
- Fixed the position of the ladders and statues inside the chapels.
- Fixed two bookshelves in the School of Julianos that were not owned by the player when he subscribed to the library.
- Assigned the right skeleton to Zenithar’s Khajiit healer. Her tail will show up correctly.
- Fixed some conditions for the tresspassing dialogue concerning Akatosh’s worshippers and the Order of the Hour’s employees.
- Several NPCs who had duplicate names now have unique ones.
- Donation blessings now work correctly.
And also, there's been some modifications on Oblivion Comes Alive.
I had started this project in 2008 and didn't really mod it with a specific plan in mind. The result is that the file I was working on was very messy. So I started from scratch 3-4 months ago.
The project is now called "Last Call!" and is focused only on taverns/inns. The new NPCs do not show up at other public places than these establishments.
As for what's done so far:
- CorePC's Minstrels of Cyrodiil are fully implemented.
- Most taverns have a barmaid who will greet you when you take a seat in the establishment.
- prosttutes in lower-class inns and Courtesans in Upper Class inns offering their services to the player. (It is done Fallout: New Vegas style. No visual advlt content)
- Rats can be found in some lower-class inns.
And what's left:
- Street/Castle Performers and Acrobats (Also found in some taverns)
- The 1200 random NPCs to populate the establishments. (there might be less. Much less)
- Dancers and drunkards.
- Sound design for the tavern atmosphere.
For the Minstrels' songs, it is with pleasure that it will include songs from the Stronghold 1 and 2 soundtracks. The composer, Robert Euvino, had made them freely available on Stronghold's most popular fansite. The songs may be used in any projects as long as no money is earned doing so.
So those are some of the songs you'll hear from the Minstrels:
There are more songs from different composers who also generously freely share their works. I'll post more about those.

Those are the Oblivifall news.
Signing off.