Bump for awesomeness! Cliff: You still here. Really enjoying Sounds of Cyrodiil and LMR.
Any news on OCA? Super thanks!
News I have indeed.
Let's start with http://www.benjaminlegault.com//photos/Elder-Scrolls-IV-Oblivion/LastCall01.jpg
After many experiments, I've decided to bring the 1200 patrons with the simplified way I used when I first started working on it. They're added in taverns and will not leave or enter the tavern regardless of the time of day. They disappear and get replaced every 3 days (Or more or less days if you have modified how long the cell respawn take)
Having NPCs that enter and exit the tavern at specific time of days would have required me to create individual NPCs associated to individual taverns and that takes way too much time.

I've added another type of NPCs that work in taverns: Bouncers. Wearing black leather armor or black clothing, you'll notice these individuals looking at people arms crossed in most taverns, notably the ones with courtesans or prosttutes. Nords and Orcs are favored Bouncers in most taverns, except the high class ones. They do not have a weapon, but they are excellent at hand-to-hand combat.
In addition to rats, I've also added cats in many establishments. They're a great use for innkeepers at keeping rats out of their establishments. Where there's a cat there's no rat, and vice versa. Also, wilderness inns have horses outside that respawn like the random NPCs, simulating the come and go of mounted travelers.
And I don't remember if I mentioned it, but there are freelance and Thieves Guild smugglers that pop in from time to time to buy your hot stuff and sell you theirs.
For minstrels, I've added a new to use to them. You can pay them to increase your fame or infamy by asking them to tell a tale of heroism or fear with you as the protagonist or antagonist. For a low fee, they can also share with you the latest rumors they heard from the patrons. There are a lot of new rumors, many quest-related, and sometimes they don't make much sense. They are, after all, rumors from drunken men and women.

Don't know if you started working on Daedra Summoning, but you might wanna take a look at http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34367
I think it could go great with the idea you had about makeing every shrine unique.
I've decided to put Daedra Summoning on hold for now, but thanks for the link.