I am trying to send you PMs about my latest testing, but it is always blocked. Can you get it unblocked? The world is waiting like crazy for this mod!!!!
Sorry Richard!
My Inbox is full.

It's about time I clean it.
Now a suggestion or two:
For Losing my religion you could
1. implement new ambient music inside the churches (maybe choirs). Also it would be nice if there are actually NPC that would "sing". Also there could be different music for different gods, or no music at all for some of them (School of Julianos comes to mind, as that is a place to study).
2. use these robes (if the creator gives permission). They are very nice and I think would fit the theme of the mod. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15636
For Daedra Summoning the player could still search for the offering needed and give it (with the money) to the person who is to do the summoning for him/her.
I don't know if and how difficult are my suggestions to realize in real life because I'm no moder.
Continue the excellent work.
Thank you Illusionist!

As for your suggestions:
1. Ambiant music is already implemented. There are 3 different sound ambiances that fit the gods. You can hear them in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW8qEAv17u0 Except the last music used.
2. Each god's worshipper wear an outfit that represent the god. In addition, the head priest of each temple wears a unique outfit. You can see some of them in http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/gallery/album/415/8-oblivifall-picture-gallery/ The robes of Seraphim are there as well, worn by Mara's Matriarch.

For Daedra Summoning, I prefer to keep it only in gold. It's already a hell of a task to make 50 000 gold.

Losing My Religion's Betatesting is almost done. There's one last thing that needs to be checked (Meshes/Textures issues with the new resources) and then it's up for release. Hurray!
Big applause to YX33A & RichardRocket009 for testing!

In other news, I'll make a nice change on Daedra Summoning. Right now, when the player pays the Summoner to speak to a Prince, the dialogue closes and you immediately hear the Prince speaking to you about his quest.
I found this not to be immersive enough. Here's what I'll try to do:
- The Summoner takes your money, goes on one side of the summoning circle and tells you to stand on the other side, facing him.
- All light sources turn off, ambiant sound of summoning
- After a few seconds, a light source appears in front of the Summoner who is playing the Lich Idle animation (Floating slightly above ground, arms extended on each side)
- The Prince's speech is said by the Summoner, as if the Prince possessed the body of the Summoner to talk to you.
Should be more immersive.