This is the mod I have been waiting for since Oblivion's release!
You haven't really said anything specific about the music playing, only story telling. Can I hope that you have included the lute playing animation to play songs? You could find some free traditional lute songs online. I have DLed a few things like
3 Ravens and such that would be pretty good for Lute music (if only you were able to get permission to use songs from "Blackmore's night", that would be a dream!).
I'll probably make my own modifications to this (as in add songs to the playlists, etc.) or make my own mod like this if I have to wait forever for it, but I am patiently waiting and hoping this will be completed.
I kinda wish this had been a separate module b/c although I like all the other stuff you guys are adding, I really wanted this Minstrel mod to be finished. I know CorePC didn't have time to finish it though. Hopefully you guys can!

Lute animations are definately in. Music wise, I have around 10 songs. I'll add more. The basic package of Better Inns will have lower quality sound for the music, but I'll release a separate package that have an higher quality.
Adding your own songs is easy, as long as they're in WAV format and mono. Then you just drop them in the right folder and the minstrel might play it randomly.
- certain nights of the week/certain times of the day)
- have a list of random tunes to play from if a Minstrel/Bard is present with a minute or two break in between songs (in case the player wants to make a request)
- animations for lute playing have been created already
- it should be possible to have the npc emit an mp3 song file which is locational (gets louder as you get closer to musician, etc.)
- the player can talk to the Bard between songs and request (though dialogue) the next song that is played (from the aforementioned list)
- the player cannot talk to the Bard while a song is being played! (he is not listening while playing a song!) That's just rude.
- if the player is really rude and decides to attack, then the Bard and guards will retaliate, of course!
- (optional/low priority) NPCs who are present may dance while song is being played and clap at end(?)
- Minstrels travel around towns and don't have the same schedule. So they're not always playing at the same time at the same place.
- There's a very short breaks between songs. You can't request songs.
- Yep, animations are there already.

- As mentioned above, songs are in wav format and, yes, they are locational.
- Yes, interrupting the Bard is not a good thing to do. The disposition towards the bard gets a -1 penalty each time you interrupt him.
- Bards, unless they have some fighting/magical skills, flee if attacked or if a fight starts around them. Of course, the song stops playing when that happens. When the fight is over and the minstrel is still alive, he'll restart playing songs... even if bodies are scattered around him.

- Some dance. Depending on the tempo of the song. For instance, a fast tempo song will have patrons dance more wildly. If the song is slow, you won't see people dancing. Clapping at the end is not possible, but I can add some clapping sound effects or some cheers at the end of some songs.

I was just wondering...since there were fewer people who could read the written word in days of yore, is it possible to make a storyteller who could travel from city to city and actually read stories for the masses?
If I ever decide to include storytellers, they would tell their stories via a descriptive message box with the option to continue listening to the story or simply leave in the middle of it.
Cliffworms is on vacation this month.
Yup...I can just see Clifford now...enjoying himself on a beach in the tropics...Oblivifall not even registering in his mind...
Actually replace the beach and the tropic by mountains and germans.