Do not know if this is the right place to post, but just want to ask do you guys get dizzy when playing Oblivion in 3rd person mode? I got dizzy after playing in 3rd person mode but in first person mode it is perfectly fine for me. This is unlike Morrowind where I can play in 3rd person, somehow I feel the camera panning is strange in Oblivion 3rd person. Any way to change that? Or should I ask the mods sections?
It's quite common to experience this according to (which also has some good remedies for alleviating the symptoms).
Performance can have another impact on this. Lower frame rates will cause a stutter and camera "sway", and playing in 3rd person adds just a bit more of a demand on your system (anywhere from 5-10 fps) since the player has to be rendered as well. The natural inclination is to focus on your character, but train yourself to look over the shoulder and more towards the horizon or a distant object, and keep the camera distance as minimal as possible.