I must say I just knew it was a flag in the PE, so I assumed, with knowledge of microsoft infamous optimization prowess, that it would be a full byte.
But one could argue that the program actually write a whole byte even if it only change 1 bit of it. Yes one could argue that if one didn't like being wrong and one talked in the third person.
Hopefully I'm not one

@DarklyDreaming - Did you happen to see the update on the OP?
If you mean your discovery that LAA actually change video memory limitations I must say I'm surprised.
All LAA is supposed to do is give the process full access to its 32 bit address space.
The video memory is obviously not mapped in the address space of the program(it would be complete chaos otherwise) but handled by drivers.
Those drivers are completely independant from the program that call them and should have access to a full address space(4GB on Vista/Win7 32bit, not sure on XP, and 256 TB on 64bit os).
Saying that a LAA patch change the behavior of a driver is impossible since the drivers are loaded when you boot the os...
I must be missing something...