Some new helpful information that I've discovered today...
Soo, I recently cautioned players after posting my last video that once a certain amount of memory had been cached within a single cell, Oblivion would CTD if I tried to switch cells or run PCB. This
was true, but I found out why...
I'm sure most of you knew this already. I even knew it, but thought I was stable. Oblivion hates overclocked hardware! I had to let go of my 4.44ghz OC today.

I kept getting crashes during my testing because I was stressing my components soo much that I started getting harddrive corruption errors in my event log. Oblivion was crashing because it couldn't access a file! First time I've ever seen that message, so it definitely made me re-think OCing. I went ahead an went back to stock clocks on my CPU (3.33ghz) Not slow, but certainly a noticeable loss of FPS. However, my stability improved 10 fold! Here is the highest test result I've seen for combined VRAM and system memory usage! (The system memory didn't show in the FRAPS ss, but it was about 2.35gb.)
Even though I was nearly rock solid stable, I did end up with a CTD after about an hour. The interesting thing though is Oblivion didn't cause the crash... A windows system file did...
Faulting application name: Oblivion.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x462392c7 Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7100.0, time stamp: 0x49eea706 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0002e1c3 Faulting process id: 0x20c Faulting application start time: 0x01cab345c481e190 Faulting application path: D:\Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll Report Id: b1c3fad0-1f3c-11df-873e-001fbc0081eb
"ntdll.dll" Guess it's time to research some more on this. Let me know if you guys have any ideas on that type of CTD.
***EDIT - Although getting rid of my overclock on my CPU did increase stability, I still ended up with frequent CTDs when entering new cells or running PCB once my VRAM exceeded past it's dedicated amount. Usually the instability began around 300mb above the dedicated amount.