You only have 4GB physical memory, yes? Honestly if your game is bailing out close to 2GB you're not likely to see improvement from the 4gpatch until you get more physical RAM.
I don't think that is the case as when the crash occurs, I still show 1.2-1.3gb of available physical ram. That's pretty much the mystery I'm trying to solve here. What is getting used by that remaining memory?
Another update for everyone. I'm running the same test with osr 4.1 default .Ini settings and the 4gb patch. I always knew that osr helped overall system perormance and stability, but this was unexpected. Turns out osr reduces CPU load by half! The test showed CPU usage of 50% but with osr the CPU usage went down to 25%. Also another great improvement, the rate of time in which memory size increases. This was also reduced to half. This may be fro
the 30fps default cap. just crashed again at the same points. 1.6 for win xp64 and 1.7 for win7 64. Adding pcb clearing mod next. Will update.