The first release will be after about 30 books are added. However I need YOUR help, I can't write a heap of books on my own. So all I ask is that you all have a go at writing a book for Oblivion. it can be as short or as long as you want,
I just ask that:
1. You split your book up into the pages it will use ingame
2. you do a spellcheck on your book
3. It is in someway related to oblivion (could be a lore book, could be a fictional story (to do with Oblivion))
4. you state it's value, weight, and whether or not it's a skill book and what skill to upgrade.
[b]Title:[/b][b]Page 1:[/b][b]Page 2:[/b][b]Page 3:[/b][b]Weight:[/b][b]Value:[/b][b]Skill:[/b][b]Found:[/b]
Title: Example Book 1
Page 1: Example of Page 1
Page 2: Example of Page 2
Page 3: Example of Page 3
Page 4: Just keep adding pages as needed
Weight: 1.000
Value: 90
Skill: Alteration
Found: First Edition, Imperial City
Thanx ~ Matty