Oblivion Character Database.

Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:03 pm

Class Name
Tattooed Monk/Rune Monk

Best Race
Khajiit, Argonian

Best Birthsign
The Thief, The Warrior, or The Atronach

Stealth or Magic

Agility and Intelligence/Endurance and Intelligence

Major Skills

2.Block, Marksman/Alchemy/Light Armor/Blade

Tattooed Monks, or Rune Monks by the Nords. Are a collection of Monks who have found a way to bind magics runes or tattoos to their flesh. thus enhancing their physical, mental, and spiritual powers. Though there is much debate of the origins it is clear that much Khajiit and surviving Akaviri knowledge, and art has been impeded into each Monk. By combining, Magic and the ability to focus inner energies to enhance their physical abilities combine with centuries' old martial arts they are able to defeat heavily armored foes.

Combat Purposes
The Monk is a Hand-To-Hand fighter. The great thing about this skill is the ability to drain fatigue and damage your foe. The end results lead to them on the ground, giving you plenty of time to finish them without any retaliation. This of course seems intimidating but is worth the wait and effort to see it at it's peak. If you picked up Block at Journeyman you gain the ability to have a chance to cause an enemy's attack to make them recoil. Free hits anyone? If you chose Blade which is not bad and in our history would be historically correct as Monks practiced with a wide variety of weapons. It is up to you though ultimately.

Magic Purposes
Now you may be wondering why Destruction? Well for Role Play and Game Play purposes it will provide you with special "Martial Arts moves." Example a Touch spell dealing Fire damage can be called, "Dragon's Claw" or "Phoenix Talon". Whilst a Lighting Touch spell can be "Tiger Claw" or "Fist of Storms". Be creative but yes get plenty of Touch spells. Now lots of Fortify spells to enhance your abilities. Example spell for you. "Chi Focus" which would fortify your Magicka, and "Body Over Mind" would fortify your Strength, once again be creative. Now lets remember you are not wearing armor unless you chose Light Armor as a Major. Either way Alteration will help you with Shield spells, to keep you going strong,without hindering your mobility. Example Spell "Genbu's Shell" Genbu being the Northern god of China whom is a black tortoise-just so you understand the name. Water Breathing, Walking and Unlock spells are always fun.

Stealth Purposes
Acrobatics gives you the nice Dodge Ability, and if you picked Marksman good vantage points. Once again Monks practiced with many weapons so a Bow is not a bad idea to fend off casters. Again up you, and Light Armor for those who are too skittish to walk around in twill.

Other Skills
Alchemy of course is ideal for all classes, some are skittish about taking it as a Major and rightfully so. Though it is one of the few that fit this class. Sneak and Security will help get some attribute bonuses, you could practice Blade for some nice Strength Buffs. Use spare Repair Hammers to fix up your loot.

Useful Factions
There are no real suiting Factions for class Unfortunately. Mage's Guild be the only one that may suit the life style of a Monk. Study, practice, study, practice. Main Quest is ideal of course.

Roleplay Restrictions
Wear Robes, or other loose clothing.
Do not kill innocents or steal.
Actively practice your Martial Arts.
Use only your Fists/Bow if you chose Marksman as a Major.
Make occasional Pilgrimages.

Ideal Mods

A cool Third and some what First Person animation replacer for Hand-to-Hand.

Like the first one, but different. Both are good play with both and see what you prefer.

As the name would suggest a mod with some stuff geared toward Monk characters-take a gander.

Here is a link to a great Mod site just do a search for Tattoos to get the design. I would post a link to some but many of that the Tattoo mods show some advlt stuff so would not be appropriate to give links to any of them.
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:27 pm

Class: Scalefletch

Best Race: Argonian

Best Birthsign: Thief

Specialization: Stealth

Attributes (2): Agility and Speed

Major Skills:

1. Marksman

2. Sneak

3. Alchemy (+5)

4. Armorer

5. Athletics (+10)

6. Blade (+5)

7. Speechcraft


Countless hours spent loosing arrows at countless targets, days spent behind the workbench crafting and repairing bows, years of stealth training that allow them to hit any target unseen, months spent alone in the wilderness with only the local flora and fauna to survive. Argonian archers (also known as the Scalefletch) are the finest marksmen the Black Marsh may produce, and are an irreplaceable component of any Argonian city or village's defense corps. In smaller villages a single Argonian Archer is often the only defense the denizens have, and is typically more than enough. On the rare occasion that a bow shot does not bring down a foe from afar, the Argonian archer is trained to quickly dispatch it in close quarters. Their knowledge of various poisons and tonics is unmatched by any except argonian wizards, and their patience in waiting for a clear shot is legendary. They can stand unmoving for hours, in the perfect spot, waiting for the target to move into the perfect place and for the wind to pause. Natural leaders, Argonian Archers are firm and selfless in the defense of their people and the furtherance of their specialized knowledge. Short of an angry mountain lion, nothing is faster than an argonian archer. They can loose an arrow then close with a target with a frightening speed.

Combat Purposes: The Scalefletch is trained for the defense of Argonian cities and smaller settlements. First and foremost archers, they are also able to rally troops in the face of grim odds and have some skill in close quarters combat. The blade is familiar to a Scalefletch, but only in the closest of quarters and most unexpected of situations will you see the Scalefletch engage in melee combat without first hitting the enemy from afar with the bow.

Magic Purposes: The Scalefletch, being Argonian, has certain talents for alchemy, mysticiscm, and illusion. However, he may only claim to be an expert where alchemy is concerned. All Scalefletch know certain cantrips - detect life, starlight, fortify luck for difficult shots, and soul trap to keep enchanted bows fully functioning - but their magical knowledge typically ends there.

Stealth Purposes: A Scalefletch, like most any Argonian, can open even difficult locks. Although the Scalefletch do not specialize in opening locks, their natural dexterity and patience make them good lock-pickers. As for silent movement, the Scalefletch are among the best and practice stealth relentlessly. They are also gifted orators, and with their skills in speechcraft are able to rally many a soldier and change many a mind, even among other races.

Other Skills: They keep their bows in peak condition - even magical ones - and are entrusted with the crafting of arrows and bolts; and thus are skilled Armorers.

Usefull Factions: Mages Guild, Fighters Guild, Arena (see below).

Roleplay Restrictions:
Will not attack another Argonian unless attacked first. As it happens, this is not difficult to adhere to in Oblivion, since very few antagonists are Argonian. Note, however, that this prevents you from completing the Dark Brotherhood Questline. You may start it but not progress past the point that requires you to slay another Argonian unprovoked.

The Scalefletch, being devoted to Argonian causes, will not complete the Main Quest. The fate of the Imperial Empire is not the fate of the Black Marsh. He may start the MQ, and progress to any depth in it he likes if it provides useful things, but he will never be a hero of the Imperial people or of Tamriel.

The Scalefletch, while not caring greatly for the fate of peoples outside the Black Marsh, is an honorable fighter and will seek to maintain his Fame higher than his Infamy. He is a stealthy fighter and adventurer but not a thief or burglar. Thus the Scalefletch will not complete the Thieves Guild Questline, or even begin it.

In the hope of furthering his defensive knowledge, the Scalefletch will complete the remaining quests, which are the Fighter's Guild, the Mage's Guild, and the Arena. All unexplored forts and ruins are fair game for the Scalefletch, who relishes the challenge.

Ideal Mod(s): I don't use any; pick what you like.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:44 pm

This is my assassin's build; I'm still very early in the game and it's not been thoroughly playtested, so your mileage may vary. 

Class: Spectre
Best Race: Dark Elf
Best Birthsign: The Shadow
Specialization: Stealth
Attributes (2): Agility and Intelligence
Major Skills:
1. Blade
2. Marksmanship
3. Light Armor
4. Illusion
5. Destruction
6. Sneak
7. Security

Description: The Spectre is a stealth-based assassin augmented by magic - similar to the built-in Nightblade class, but this build reverses the emphasis, putting it on Stealth rather than Magic. The Illusion and Destruction skills help with concealment, misdirection, visual acuity and damage, while Blade and Marksmanship provide a basis for raw physical damage at range and at close quarters. The overall purpose is to get to the target without being detected, perform a clean, quiet kill, and vanish into the shadows without a trace.

Combat Purposes: Combat relies heavily on the the advantage of surprise. Engaging targets at range from stealth is almost mandatory. In close quarters, the Spectre must rely on speed, maneuverability, and spells to defeat her enemies without sustaining significant melee damage. Deprived of the opportunity to engage from stealth, the Spectre can escape and re-engage in a more controlled manner, or can opt for open combat ? provided it is brief.

Magic Purposes: The Spectre's magical abilities are used to facilitate movement, visibility, stealth, and tactical intelligence ? to ensure the Spectre is aware of all her enemies before any of them are aware of her. Illusion and Mysticism spells can be helpful in this regard. Destruction, Alteration, and even Conjuration spells are more useful in open combat, to add additional damage and defense when necessary.

Stealth Purposes: The Spectre lives in the shadows; stealth is her highest priority. Whether performing reconnaissance or surveillance, or approaching a specific target, the ability to remain unseen is crucial to retaining situational awareness and controlling a potential encounter. Because a Spectre relies so heavily on stealth, gathering information and creating viable tactical scenarios is very important ? a Spectre approaches all situations methodically, but must be able to improvise and fall back on alternate strategies the instant an encounter goes wrong.

Other Skills: Alteration, Alchemy, Mysticism, and Restoration are all helpful. Blunt and Hand to Hand are good for working on Strength level-up bonuses, while Block and Armoring help boost Endurance.

Usefull Factions: The Thieves' Guild provides a great way to start life in the shadows, and provides a framework for stealth-based characters to hone their skills in content that's specifically designed for their abilities. As an assassin, the Dark Brotherhood is an obvious choice, almost a must for any Spectre to really take advantage of her deadly abilities. A Spectre who wishes to pursue her arcane abilities more rigorously could do so via the Mages' Guild as well.

Roleplay Restrictions: This is very subjective, so it's open to interpretation. Personally, though I'm playing my Spectre, Kaia, as an 'evil' character ? she does commit murder for a living, after all ? I don't play her as a frenzied religious zealot or a bloodthirsty madwoman. Rather, she sees her profession as a higher calling and aspires to elevate her art to sublime perfection. For Kaia, assassination is not a religious pursuit or a gluttinous indulgence, but an elevation to a higher state in which she becomes one with darkness and silence. For her, the act of assassination is merely the culmination of her shadowy pursuit; the moment of death is pure, to be honored in profound silence, not tainted with trappings of ritual ceremonies or befouled in an orgy of gore.

A Spectre avoids excessive bloodshed as both unnecessary and impractical. In seeking to pursue their craft at the highest level, such indiscriminate killing has no value; leaving a trail of bodies takes no skill or dedication, and severing those threads prematurely is dangerous, arrogant and presumptuous. The Spectre's ideal is that of the shadow ? whose passage is silent and traceless, where the only evidence of her presence is a dead body (if that) where a live one used to be.

Ideal Mod(s): I'm sure there are plenty, but I'm the 360 so I don't use them.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:30 am

Name: Poison-Tongue
Class: Shadow Scale
Best Race: Argonian
Best Birthsign: The Theif/The Shadow
Specialization: Stealth
Attributes (2): Strength, Agility
Major Skills:
1. Blade
2. Marksman
3. Security
4. Sneak
5. Alchemy
6. Light Armor
7. Illusion

Descriiption: A seasoned Dark Brotherhood member he, or she never fails at the contract set before them, no matter how challenging.

A stealth class that uses poisens along with blade skills and marksman to take out targets without being detected. Great for looting (now vacant) houses as well as slinking through caves and ruins without being seen. Illusion is for emergencys, spells such as invisibility or chamealion for a quick get away. The night eye spells come in handy in many situations as well. Generally fast leveling and a one hit for the kill kind of attacker.

Tips: This is not a slwo moving character, your stealth level will allow you to advance quickly in any situation. If you are detected try not to reveil yourself to any other enemies. High blade skill allows you to eliminate nearly any enemy quickly and th emarksman allows you to take enemys lives from afar.
recemended guilds, items, ect. The DeepScrorn hallow, along with the Frostcrag Spire. Quilds include The Dark Brotherhood, The Theives Guild, and the Mages Guild.
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:25 pm

Class: Barbarian
Best Race: Orcs seem to work best, but you could use a Khajiit as well.
Best Birthsign: The Steed
Attributes (2): Strength and Endurance
Major Skills:
1. Blunt
2. Marksman
3. Sneak
4. Athletics
5. Hand to Hand
6. Heavy Armor
7. Alchemy

Description: You live each and everyday in the dangerous wilderness of Cyrodiil. Hunt for animals or kill travelers and steal their food. Avoid the "armored men on horses" at all costs. Find a nice cave to live in(with a bedroll). Kill travelers for fun. Avoid being detected by those more powerful than you, and if they do, run like hell.

Combat Purposes: You were never civilized enough to learn how to use a blade, so if you get into close encounters, smash the bastards. Heavy Armor simply so you can take more hits. Just in case you find yourself in a sticky situation without a useful weapon, beat the pulp out of them with your bare hands. Athletics is also considered a combat skill, so use it to run away, or swim away, from a Guard or a powerful creature(daedra).

Magic Purposes: At first he only knows Alchemy as any one who lives in the wild would.

Stealth Purposes: Marksman first of all for hunting purposes, and also a nice secondary weapon. Sneaking goes hand in hand with this, as you wouldn't want the deer to know you were there, would you? These can also be used nicely in other situations to, for instance, find out more about a situation before you rush in killing.

Other Skills: One of the schools of Magic, probably something like Illusion, could be learned throughout the game, but you'd have to figure a way for him to learn an illusion skill to practice, as a barbarian wouldn't just walk into the Mage's Guild and ask for training.

Useful Factions: None, the character is anti-civilization.

Roleplay Restrictions:
1. You hate the Nine Divine, as they contradict strongly with your beliefs. If you see pilgrims traveling to a shrine or something, kill them on instinct for worshiping false gods. As you get more powerful, maybe start breaking into a chapel and destroy it? A possible goal for this type of character would be to eradicate every instance of the Nine Divine in the province(as impossible as it may sound, you might be able to do it one day).
2. Always resist arrest and then run like hell. It usually isn't to hard to lost a guard in the wilderness. As you get stronger you might consider fighting back against the guard.
3. You do not know what the common language of the empire, so if you can only talk to members of your own race. Try to avoid contact all together though, as you are anti civilization.
4. Be proud of your accomplishments. While you might not have plans to loot any gold pieces you find, keeping them in your home might be a good idea. Do the same with any other treasures you may find.
5. You do not own, nor know how to read a map, so you must never look at it in your menu.
6. *OPTIONAL* Perform religious rites at a certain time of the month for instance. Maybe collect some skulls in your home and place them into a pile, or maybe when you grow stronger learn the art of Mysticism and use soulbinding.

Ideal Mod(s):
Any of the mods in http://www.stumbleupon.com/toolbar/#topic=Video%20Games&url=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.gamesas.com%252Fbgsforums%252Findex.php%253Fshowtopic%253D850206%2526st%253D0 work great for any build. If you don't want to get so many mods, then I suggest:

1. OOO
2. MMM
3. Real Hunger
4. Real Sleeping
5. Bedrolls
6. Darker Dungeons
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:27 am

Name: Kiler (M)
Class: {custom} Poisoner
Best Race: Bosmer
Best Birthsign: The Theif
Specialization: Stealth
Attributes: Strength + Luck
Major Skills:
1. Alchemy
2. Athletics
3. Acrobatics
4. Blade
5. Light Armor
6. Sneak
7. Marksman

Description: Typical Bosmer, Mane hairstyler {custom color} sort of a brownish blonde. Blue or green eyes, and sometimes, just for fun, I might add facial hair. But in all honesty I think that kind of takes all the physical attractiveness out of the creation.

Combat Purposes: Rarely enters combat directly. If needed Kiler will stand a few paces behind the front lines and act as a distraction by throwing harmless spells into the ranks of enemy soldiers.

Magic Purposes: Only uses Illusion Magic. Most commonly he uses chameleon, paralyze, and the occasional charm spell.

Stealth Purposes: As a {custom class} Poisoner, Kiler is employed by people all over Cyrodill to murder others. Using mainly a dagger or shortsword and a bow, enchanted with some kind of additional damage such as "Damage Health", "Drain Health", "Absorb Health", and/or "Paralyze", to keep weight low, and most commonly some "Shield" enchanted leather boots, greaves, and gloves, olive vest, and green robe hood, he is quick to the kill and even faster on the escape.

In addition to the Enchantment on the weapon, Kiler will usually use poisons made using Alchemy. I have made a list of good poisons for all the levels of mastery in Alchemy.

Other Skills: In addition to his mastery of poisons, Kiler also knows how to create some helpful potions that, may in fact, will help greatly in those tough situations that occure when running from guards, or a botched kill.

Usefull Factions: Dark Brotherhood [Poison Apples] and Thieves Guild [Bounty Pay Off]

Roleplay Restrictions: Kiler is intended for a stealth based playing style. He is not ment to be used as a face to face fighter. So dont go running head long into a fight. More often than not, thet will get you killed. Hold back, take your time, and loose some poisoned arrows into your opponent or contract. If a close quarters battle cannot be avoided, be sure that your dagger or shortsword is already poisoned and fully charged before hand, and alwayse carry another spare one in case the one you are using either runs out of charge or breaks.

Remember to use sneak as often as possible to deal extra damage and add to the chance of a one-hit kill.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:35 am

Name: Natalia (F)
Class: {custom class}Slayer
Race: Dunmer
Birthsign: The Theif
Specialization: Combat
Attributes: Strength + Luck
Major Skills:
1. Blade
2. Block
3. Heavy Armor
4. Light Armor
5. Destruction
6. Illusion
7. Mysticism

Description: Natalia looks like most young advlt Dunmer. She mostly wears her hair in a ponytail. Hair is always black.

Combat purposes: Natalia is a special kind of soldier that specializes in two things. KIlling beasts and interrogating people for information.
She uses her "Charm" spells and natural good looks to seduce men into giving her the information she seeks. Women, however, she leaves to the others to deal with.
She wields both a longsword and a claymore. Prefers to use heavy armor over light, and has a natural sense of magics.

Magic Purposes: Along with her "Charm" spells, Natalia is adept with most destructive spells, and is also talented with some of the spells in the school of mysticism. Rarely in need of them, she mostly keeps them simple, with the occasional master spell thrown in for that "just in case" effect.

Stealth Purposes: Being primarily a more personal and close up fighter, Natalia does not use stealth often. There are sometimes when she will, but only if her life depends on it, like say sneaking past a couple dozen soldiers at night. Sneak is just for the more extreme occasions.

Other Skills: When Natalia is not killing things with her weapons, she does have her usefullness as a novice armorer, from when she has to repair her armor after the big fight.

Roleplay Rules: Since Natalia is a combat directed charactor there is not much need for stealth or magic. The few schools of magic she is adept in are the exceptions. She is intended to be an "up-close in your face" kind of fighter and therefore has no need for a bow.

Just keep it simple, no fancy poisons or magics. Just heavy armor and a decent blade.
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:02 am

Race: Altimer
Birthsign: atronach/mage/apprentice
Specialization: magic
Attributes: intelligence endurance/luck
Major Skills:
1. destruction
2. illusion
3. conjuration
4. alteration
5. restoration
6. alchemy
7. blade

Combat Purposes
i am guessing you mean the melee uses in that case not a whole lot mostly as a back up

Magic Purposes
its mostly a pure mage so just about anything you can think of it could do

Stealth Purposes
its not made to be a stealthy class but you can use invisibility and chameleon spells/potions

Other Skills
sneak blade/blunt

Usefull Factions
any except fighters guild really just depends on how you want to role play it

Roleplay Restrictions
i would try and stay away from melee if you can and defenetaly no fighters guild other than that its wide open
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:31 pm

This is one i am using right now

Name: Pursuer
Race: Dark Elf, or Wood Elf
Specialty: Combat
Favored Attributes: Strength/Speed and Endurance.
Birthsign: The Mage

1. Blade (Strictly Dagger)

2. Block

3. Light Armor

4. Alteration

5. Illusion

6. Armorer

7. Atheletics/Marksman/Sneak/Alchemy/Restoration/Acrobatics

Description: Pursuers are mostly about taking advantage of their opponent in combat. They favor defense and speed, however, you will find some pursuers that prefer strength over speed. All pursuers use a dagger (usually enchanted) in order to lighten the weight in their backpack, and have a speed advantage in combat. They also heavily favor light armor, and rarely would you find a pursuer in heavy armor. In the defensive aspect of combat, the pursuer uses a shield and excels in the spell school of alteration.

Alignment (Good or Evil): The average pursuer usually remains neutral, helping whoever pays him/her. Such organizations as the Dark Brotherhood, and the Fighters Guild will offer more fitting jobs for the pursuer. Pursuers also may join the Mages Guild in order to make enchanted daggers for themselves. Rarely, will you find them in the Thieves Guild, since they prefer to be freelance.

Alternatives: Pursuers can be a versatile glass, if well designed. Some pursuers favor a bow along with their dagger, so that they may have total control in combat, and be able to attack any ranged opponents without them running away. However, a lot of pursuers have the speed to catch most of their opponents. As good of a fighter as a pursuer can be, they can also make excellent thieves. Since most Pursuers are self relient, they sometimes like to steal, and craft things for themselves.

Things you do not see with this class: A pursuer would never take on destruction as one of their main schools of magic. They do not favor offensive magic, and prefer to use force. Pursuers will never use the art of conjuration, since they are self relient, and often full of pride.
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:02 am

Class: Ajhaki
Race: Khajiit
Specialty: Combat
Favored Attributes: Speed and Endurance
Birthsign: The Warrior

1. Blade

2. Block

3. Heavy Armor

4. Conjuring

5. Sneak

6. Atheletics

7. Marksmanship/Armorer

Description: Long ago, Ajhaki were considered to be the sworn protectors of royalty in Elsweyr. Eventually, the Ajhaki became ruthless, and began to steal and kill. They were eventually exposed, and the population of Elsweyr now scorn them. The few amount of Ajhaki that were able to escape the province fled north to Cyrodiil and Skyrim. Only a few dozen of Ajhaki remain today. Their practices are often kept secret, and some believe them to be connected to Daedric cults and the Dark Brotherhood. The Ajhaki are extremely talented in the use of blade, almost always wielding a longsword, and are skilled thieves as well. They also are adept at the school of conjuring and are considered to be among the fastest warriors in heavy armor. Since Khajiit can see in the dark, Ajhaki often do their work at night. thus making them feared across the land. Some Ajhaki are skilled with a bow as well, however, their weak constitutions can be the death of them.

Alignment (Good or Evil): In the earlier parts of history, Ajhaki were considered loyal to their leader, and they were among the most honorable soldiers in Elsweyr, but now, they have fallen down the path of evil, and often thought to be leaders of bandit groups. They are not well loved by the public, and often live their life alone, thus having no motivations to be good.

Alternatives: Being an ancient type of warrior, not much has been changed about the Ajhaki. They all possess the same skills and talents.

Things you do not see with this class: Ajhaki will never be wielding a blunt, or pursue the art of hand to hand. They strive to be a better swordsmen their whole lives. Also, they will never learn any other school of magic, because they lack the magicka to do so.ursuers will never use the art of conjuration, since they are self relient, and often full of pride.
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:12 am

Name: Skadi
Race: Nord
Birthsign: The Warrior
Class: {custom class} Skadi
idea from: My Gods. Skadi is my beloved Goddess of winter! :)


1. Conjuring

2. Blade

3. Atheletics

4. Light armor

5. Marksmanship (trying to max it over blade skill)

6. Destruction(trying to get equal with conj.)

7. Restoration

Description: Fair nord skin like, soft brown hair like the mosit earth, soft ice blue eyes that can seem warm in the coldest of places and times.

Alignment (Good or Evil): She is a middle balance of both. Kind hearted soul until else wise. Once she is mad or a person speaks to her in a rude tone, she will snap. She has done work for the dark brotherhood in the past. She has put that aside for now, aiming mainly for a high rank in the mages guild and fighters guild. She plans on returning to finish what is left undone in the dark brotherhood, until what she seeks is reached.

Roleplay Restrictions:
She is unsure about the nine, but still respects them and seeks them when badly hurt. So, she can be healed at the alter.
She respects other Nords and helps them when needed, as of yet she has no issues with other races. Only Trolls and Goblins she greatly disslikes.
Respect her and she will respect you. If not, then be watchful for her arrows, her frost, and her summoned creatures.

(keeping it short and sweet.)
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Big Homie
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:57 pm

Class : Paladin
Race : Nord
Birthsign : The Antronach
Specialization : Combat
Attributes : Willpower & Strength
Major Skills :
Heavy Armour

Description: Holy Warrior with a priority of combat with magic for protection

Combat Purposes: Hunt down and destroy the undead, exterminate the vampire at every opportunity, protector of the innocents.

Magic Purposes: White magic only for defense and use against the undead

Usefull Factions: Fighters and Mages Guilds, Priory of The Nine, Arena (although this one pushes the RP aspect)

Roleplay Restrictions: Must at all times retain a zero infamy rating. No fast travel. Six hours sleep minimum. Daily prayer at either a shrine or chapel. Uphold honour and act with justice and compassion.

Ideal Mod(s): KOT9, Lost Paladin of The Divines, Hoarfrost Castle, Judgment of The Nine. See my signature for other recommended mods, otherwise this build will be severely handicaped using three Endurance and Willpower based major skills.
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brenden casey
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:59 pm

Class: Fallen Knight (Someone who was once a Knight of an Order but has left due to specific circumstances)

Best Race: Nord (could be changed, but my personal preference)

Birthsign: The Warrior

Specialization: Combat

Attributes: Strength

Major Skills:
1. Blade
2. Alchemy
3. Marksman
4. Block
5. Armorer
6. Heavy Armor (or light depending on personal preference)
7. Mercantile

Description: A once noble knight (of specified order) who was either kicked out, left, or the order was broken up. As a warrior he now travels the provinces until he finds a purpose. They rely on their strength to get by in the wilderness. They raid forts, search dungeons and loot anywhere they can find good items. They become well adverse when selling and find that one shop keep to focus on. They also learn to wilderness as they travel through it. They learn what to eat and what not to eat, along with hunting they can make many meals. They can also repair their arms on there own as they may not find themselves in town often as they make their living in the wild finding gold, completing quests and what not.

Combat purposes:
Quick to learn sword power attacks and use them to their advantage. They surely block to stumble their enemies.

Magic purposes: Most Fallen knights are warriors as the mages can easily make their way in scholarly jobs. However restoration and some other spells are within learning reach.

Stealth purposes: They are no longer members of the noble knight orders, and some will find themselves in a life of crime.

Other Skills: Speech Craft can become useful for making those shop keepers like you and pay higher prices. Sneak along with restoration are focused on by knights as they must sneak around enemies at times and restoration is a grand help.

Useful Factions: Depending on role, Fighters Guild, Grand Champion, Champion of Cyradiil, and possible thiefs guild

Roleplay restrictions:
As a person who was once a true knight they do hold some of their old ways and thoughts. However as they are no longer restricted by anyone but themselves some of the fallen knights do branch out into other life styles. (Over all restriction is to fast travel as little as possible as your a character who is based in the wilderness, so get out their and explore!)

You should only choose one. Either

The noble knight who fights for good and rarely gets into trouble. They pray at chapel alters when they reach a town for thanks for the safe journey behind and to come. They also visit the local weapon and armor shop to speak with the keeper and see what he has to sell. You also sell the things you don't need that you found in the wild.


The knight who has lost his way and is now either a thief for a living or has become a dark brotherhood member. You would do more sinister quests and be a highly greedy person, craving wealth and prosperity by any means.

Ideal Mods: Have Oblivion for 360, but I would recommend Battle Horn Castle for your character to own later on in his long life.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:17 am

Class: Ashlander
Best Race: Dunmer
Best Birthsign: The Warrior
Specialization: Magic
Attributes (2): Intelligence, Willpower
Major Skills:
1. Armourer
2. Heavy armour
3. Blade
4. Marksman
5. Conjuration
6. Destruction
7. Alchemy

Description: An Ashland warrior whose tribe was exiled to Cyrodiil after the Imperial garrisons on Vvardenfell said that their raids were becoming too brazen for the wilderness forts, and that the tribe had to be disarmed. However, the disarmament of the tribe did not work as the Imperials intended. As the tribe's lands officially changed hands in a bloody uprising by Telvanni supporters, Ashina Zelaku was left to take command from the ashkhan. She did indeed comply with what the Imperials had told her, and crossed the Valus Mountains. However, she nor any of her tribesmen were found by the Imperials at Cheydinhal, where they were meant to sign a document that meant they could be housed within the city walls despite laws defending the Ashlander way of life. Although the Imperials searched the mountains, they did not find the tribe, although they heard from locals that their cattle had been stolen and even that a few villagers had been killed by the nomads.
The tribe and its supporters have been raiding Imperial Legion outposts and attacking patrols for as long as the government has been failing to capture Ashina Zelaku. She gets what she needs from raiding villages and hunting animals, and is an expert in combat with steel, magic, arrows, potions, and poisons.
Prisoners of the tribe have told of animal sacrifices to Azura and Boethiah, and bizarre ceremonies involving the conjuration of Daedra.

Combat Purposes: To be a guerrilla. That is, to know every advantage. Marksman, blade, speed, agility, all whilst being mostly (although not entirely) clad in heavy armour has as many advantages as possible.

Magic Purposes: Conjuration, destruction, and alchemy are all the tools you need for successful fighting. If you could do over five hundred points of frost damage or restore the same amount of health, what can't you do?

Stealth Purposes: Marksman and agility are good skills for assassins, but perhaps not thieves, especially in heavy armour.

Other Skills: None required

Usefull Factions: Arena or Fighter's Guild, but unless you want to fight guards whenever you go into a city no others will be useful, although you will be suited to them.

Roleplay Restrictions: Stay mostly in the wilderness, hunt for food when required, get a tribe either at Lord Drad's estate after the Malacath quest and adding Modryn Oreyn to the tribe's numbers, or by doing that and making some followers using the construction set. Or you could just clone Modryn Oreyn if realism isn't a major problem. You could also be the ultimate traditionalist and raid villages for sacrifices and conduct rituals, but that's optional.

Ideal Mod(s): Anything and everything
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Amber Ably
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:12 am

Class: Night Warrior
Best Race: Khajiit
Best Birthsign: The Warrior
Specialization: Combat
Attributes (2): Strength, Endurance
Major Skills:
1. Athletics
2. Blade
3. Block
4. Light Armor
5. Security
6. Sneak
7. Restoration

Description: With a slow start, but relatively fast leveling. the Khajiit Night Warrior is a great mix of both Combat and Stealth. The Night Warrior can sneak past an enemy if he pleases, but if an enemy spots him, he can hold up very nicely.

Combat Purposes: Quick, light and strong; the Night Warrior can hold his own in a fight using blade and shield and restoration magic to gain a footing on the opponent. If needed, he can flee from an ill-fated fight to to his speed.

Magic Purposes: Restoration. Since the Khajiit have the power of Night-Eye, there is no point in using illusion magic for stealth missions. Restoration keeps the Night Warrior from losing a battle when the enemies are proving to be very skillful or overwhelming.

Stealth Purposes: A strong sneak to move unseen and unheard and strong security to open locks to loot and doors and a strong blade to deliver devastating sneak attacks on unsuspecting enemies. Light Armor gives him protection while keeping him quick, agile and quiet.

Other Skills: Armorer, Marksman and Acrobatics can be useful for maintaining the blades and shields, shooting an enemy from far away, and jumping from high distances or rolling from harm's way.

Usefull Factions: Arena, Fighter's Guild, Thieves' Guild, and Dark Brotherhood. Mage's Guild is optional as well.

Roleplay Restrictions: Steer clear from most magic spells. Damage and effectiveness will be low and will be extremely weak compared to the stealth and combat abilities of a Night Warrior. Charge spellcasters if spotted and keep a good Restoration spell handy as well as a good shield, blade, and light armor.

Ideal Mod(s): Whatever you want.
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:19 am

Class: Cleric or something similar

Best Race: Breton

Birthsign: Mage

Specialization: Magic

Attributes: Personality, Willpower


Speechcraft (either trade out with another spell type or with mercantile)
Hand-to-Hand (or another major weapon type)
Light Armor

Description: They rely heavily on healing and conjuration to fight in combat. They heal their allies and keep them alive to fight the battles. They have a bit of knowledge in the arts of destruction but only like relying on it in tight spots.

Combat purposes:
Again rely heavily on others they stay out of combat. They can use any weapon type but prefer hand to hand.

Magic Purposes: They are adept at healing and conjuration. They also use their magic to confuse enemies. They effect them in many ways.

Stealth Purposes:
They don't use stealth much. Only hide when in need to get somewhere else without being sited.

Other skills:
Acrobatics, Mysticism, and alchemy. Being able to avoid danger is essential in the clerics travels. They try to avoid damage as much as possible. Mysticism allows them to spot enemies from afar as well. Alchemy allows them to brew poisons and potions to assist themselves while their spells help the allies.

Useful Factions: Mage's Guild mainly. They aren't really fit to join the other guilds.

RP Restrictions: They are good through in through. They heal allies as much as possible and try not to rely on attacking on their own. They are nice to most people. They are also heavily into the study and worshiping of the Nine. They pray at churches whenever they reach towns because they are pleased for the safe arrival to the area.

Ideal Mods: Companion Mods. Possibly any other mods to make this class type more entertaining to play.
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:59 am

Class: Dark Lords

Best Race: Impriel

Birthsign: The Lord

Specialization: Combat

Attributes: Inteligence, Strength


Heavy Armor
Speech Craft

Uselly Helps The Brotherhood but is known to helps those in certain needs. Have some weird obsesion with killing with no reason. Also for some reason hate the Poor and when seen They quickly kill them.
There Are Only 8 The First Is The King Of The Dark Lords and has his own ClassSee below
Name of The 8 Dark Lords: (Messege Me if You Want to be A Dark Lord)

Name: User Name:
Unknown(Known as The Dark Lord){King OF The Dark Lords} King Of The Dark Lords Now

Combat purposes: Usally act alon or with one of the other Dark Lords. Very Strong on there own

Magic Purposes: They are adept at Destruction conjuration.

Stealth Purposes: Nothing stealth about them. They want the crowd to know who has killed them.

Other skills: Great With most all skills except Swimming

Useful Factions: Dark BrotherHood, Rarely in the Fighters Guild

RP Restrictions: Hate The Poor. Rarely will like the Impriel Legion or the Emprorer. Carry out The Emperor's Dark Deeds or The King Of The Dark Lords Work.

Ideal Mods:

Class: King Of The Dark Lords

Best Race: Impriel

Birthsign: The Lord

Specialization: Combat

Attributes: Inteligence, Strength


Heavy Armor
Speech Craft

Uselly Helps The Brotherhood but is known to helps those in certain needs. Have some weird obsesion with killing with no reason. Also for some reason hate the Poor and when seen They quickly kill them. There Skin i Myseriously Black and there hair can reflect light (Seriously it does it in the game)
There is Only one until that one dies or is killed

Combat purposes: Usally act alon or with one of the other Dark Lords. Very Strong on there own

Magic Purposes: They are adept at Destruction conjuration.

Stealth Purposes: Nothing stealth about them. They want the crowd to know who has killed them.

Other skills: Great With most all skills except Swimming

Useful Factions: Dark BrotherHood, In The Fighter Guild

RP Restrictions: Hate The Poor. Rarely will like the Impriel Legion or the Emprorer. Gives Work For The Dark Lords to do. Does The Hardest Jobs Himself.

Ideal Mods:
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Grace Francis
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:51 am

Class: Mage Hunter
Race: Breton
Birthsign: The Lady
Specialization: Magic
Attributes (2): Endurance, Willpower
Major Skills:
1. Hand 2 Hand
2. Alteration
3. Restoration
4. Acrobatics
5. Illusion
6. Marksman
7. Speechcraft

Description: Born to kill magic users (well, gamewise he's born to kill any enemies but especially magic users)

Combat Purposes: Uses bows while hidden to damage and draw enemies close, then slice up with 2 handed blades.

Magic Purposes: Silence mages, heal up, go invisible, fortify shielding (character does not wear armor), paralyze, destroy

Stealth Purposes: Pick locks, pickpocket

Usefull Factions: All of them

Roleplay Restrictions: Cannot wear armor, kill all mages (necromancers and regenerating mages)
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Rach B
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:48 am

Name: Elizabeth
Class: Vampire
Race: Altmer
Birthsign: Warrior/Theif/Lady
Specialization: Stealth
Attributes (2): STR/WIL
Major Skills:
1. Armorer
2. Blade
3. Destruction
4. Conjuration
5. Marksmen
6. Sneak
7. Light Armor

Description: A Vampire. Undead. Cursed to roam in the land on living, while your soul is as cold as Bruma's newly fallen snow.

Combat Purposes: Blade, Light Armor. You have Light Armor for decent protection and be ablet o mvoe around faster than if you had Heavy Armor. The Blade is used while Sneaking to get 6x damage. Aswell as when your spotted, comboed with Destruction, this combo is deadly.

Magic Purposes: Conjuration for when you need aid. This also backs up Marksmen, giving you a "wall" between you and the enemy. Destruction combo as said above is a heavy damage dealer, when they block, use spells to avoid a parry, then hack at them with a Blade as they fall back.

Stealth Purposes: Sneaking everywhere. Marksmen combo with Conjuration gives you all the space you need to inflict the damage needed for a kill. While Sneaking don't Conjure anything as things will notice you, only Conjure after you're saw to give you time to react.

Usefull Factions: Mages Guild(Alters), DB and possible TG, if you want.

Roleplay Restrictions: Can't go out during the day. No eating anything but meat. CAN'T make potions from Garlic. I'd try not to feed alot, as you want to be stronger. MUST be a Vampire, NO FAKING!
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:12 pm

Class: Supreme Mage. Two steps higher than ArchMage. One step higher than GrandMage.

Best Race:Altmer. Male or Female. But any race works aswell. Preferably Human

Birthsign:The Apprentice

Fighting Style:Magic

Attributes (2):Willpower, Intelect

Major Skills:

Description:Had his hands crushed, now he does magic

Magic Purposes: Kill creatures with it.

Stealth Purposes: Doesn't need to sneak around. He can just walk through a cave killing all bandits and goblins with ease.

Other Skills: He has a 100% weakness to Magicka, but also has 200%+ in it.

Usefull Factions: Mages Guild, Arena maybe.

Roleplay Restrictions: Dont use hand to hand. Try to train your alchemy and Conjuration and all other non combat magic in Frostcrag Spire. Don't talk to alot of people. Where hoods and ride the Unicorn to places.

Ideal Mod(s):
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:44 pm

Class: Ranger
Best Race: Elves
Birthsign: Mage/Steed
Fighting Style: Stealth/Combat
Attributes: Agility/Speed/Intelligence/Willpower (Any Combinations)
Major Skill: Alchemy, Athletics, Light Armor, Marksman, Mercantile, Mysticism, Conjuration

Description: The Elven Rangers are a mix of Summoners and Hunters. Hunters in souls, their Magic knowledge allow the Rangers to sense their preys at far distances. Using their Hunters instincts, the use of plants to create Poisons helps them with toughter preys. Learning the art of Conjuration at young ages, allows the Rangers to be helped by their inner beasts in times of needs.

Magic Purpose: Mysticism is to detect the Preys and Soul Trap is the way to fetch Hunting Trophies. Alchemy is used for the production of Poisons and Health Recovery. Conjuration is the way for Rangers to call their beastial instinct.

Stealth Purpose: Sneaking for Rangers can be an option for Preys quick kill, thought the Marksmanship allows the prey to die before the Ranger gets Armed.
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:22 pm

Class: Warlord
Best Race: Nord or Orc
Best Birthsign: The Warrior
Specialization: Combat
Attributes (2): Endurance, Willpower
Major Skills:
1. Blade
2. Heavy Armor
3. Block
4. Destruction
5. Armorer
6. Alteration
7. Marksman
Description: The Warlord is diverse in his or her ability to deal offensive damage and to mitigate damage taken. She/he can attack enemies from a distance or up close and personal, and can defend effectively against both magical and melee attacks.
Combat Purposes: The Warlord is designed to perform well in all types of combat settings, against all types of opponents.
Magic Purposes: Magic is used both for offensive attacks and to enhance his/her own melee abilities
Stealth Purposes: Stealth is not used much, its primary usage is for developing combat strategies (i.e. reconnaissance, getting into a strategic position)
Other Skills: The Warlord may also use Conjuration to summon a creature as part of a combat strategy, and Restoration to heal after a long, difficult fight. He/she is focused on "getting the job done" and often has a somewhat Machiavellian attitude towards his/her objectives. Thus, the Warlord does not find much value in having a strong personality or in skills like Speechcraft or Illusion -- he/she would rather simply use superior force to get what is needed out of other people (be it information, an item, anything)
Usefull Factions: Arena, Fighter's Guild, Dark Brotherhood
Roleplay Restrictions: Can't join the Thieves Guild ... though the Warlord often takes a "my sword for the highest bidder" attitude towards things, he/she finds sneaking around, pickpocketing, and the general style of thievery to be inefficient, boring, and just plain not fun.

Ideal Mod(s):
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:04 am

Name: Brandon Chen
Gender: Male
Race: Breton
Class: Battlemage (custom)
Birthsign: The Mage
Attributes: Strength/Endurance, Intelligence
Specialization: Combat
Major Skills:
1. Blade
2. Block
3. Restoration
4. Destruction
5. Heavy Armor
6. Illusion
7. Conjuration

Bio: Brandon was a normal Breton living in High Rock, helping his family farming, then occasionally taking a caravan out to town to trade. Brandon was always prayerful, and worshipped the Nine Divines in the local Temple every Sundas. Eventually, when Brandon became 18, he wanted to move on to bigger things, hoping to become a Legion Guard in the imperial City.

Brandon had worked hard to become a Legion guard, excercising hard everyday to have the physical prowess and agility to join the Imperial Legion. By the age of 19, Brandon had set off to Cyrodil, only packing the little his parents could provide for him. It took him many a year before he reached Cyrodil. His first Location was Bruma. He had been found nearly Dead in the mountains. A pack of Nordic hunters rescued him and took him into their home. He was nursed back to health, and his Provisions were re-stocked.

He continued on his way, finding money and work to fund his entry to the Legion. One of the most notable jobs was in Cheydinhal, at Borba's Good and Stores, when he was leaving, and was attacked by a Mythic dawn cultist. He was wounded majorly, and hospitalized for many weeks. This was Brandon's first encounter with the Mythic dawn. After 4 years, now which means Brandon is 28, He finally had enough to join. He entered the Imperial City very late at night. He was looking for lodging in the Talos Plaza District, when he encountered a Bandit mugging a woman. The Bandit murdered the woman, and fled into the night. The Guards were reported to by a citizen. When the guards arrived, Brandon was taken to the Imperial Dungeon.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:51 am

This is probably the most fun way I've ever played Oblivion:

Class: Spectre
Best Race: Anything other then Argonians, and Kahjits.
Best Birthsign: The Apprentice, or Lord (Apprentice for good, Lord for evil)
Specialization: Magika, and Blade Combat
Attributes (2): Intelligence/Willpower, Agility/Speed
Major Skills:
1. Destruction
6.Heavy Armor
7.Restoration or Sneak, depending on weather or not you wish to be a Good or Bad character. (Restore=Good Sneak=Bad)

Description: The Spectres are from a long blood line of some of the most elite warriors. Known by some people as "Demi-Gods", they are to have been created during the clash of Hercules and Hades. They inspire many with their speed and power, but have a deep running hatred for the "Animals". (Kajhits, and Argonians)

Combat Purposes: No specific style, other then to end the fight as quickly as possible. No wounds is their goal.

Magic Purposes: Any spells that can end the enemy quicker. Some healing spells, to give off the veil of immortality.

Stealth Purposes: Only the Darkest of the Spectres rely on sneaking.

Other Skills: The Spectres inspire many people, and are brought up in many folks tales, but they always travel alone, and only enter cities after they have done something worthy of mention.

Useful Factions: If he is a Hercules Spectre, the Fighter Guild is ideal. If he is a Hades Spectre, the Dark Brotherhood may be a choice. Both must be the Arena Champions of his/her universe.

Roleplay Restrictions: The Spectres give off a sense of immortality, thus they are never approach a civilian, unless they know of a challenge. Their are other Spectres in Cyrodiil, and once a week, every year, they will band together to pray to their masters, Hades and Hercules. Know Spectre may ever take arms against a brother.

Ideal Mod(s): Nothing really, other then graphic enhancements.
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sally coker
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:59 pm

Class: Cerberus (for the tri-specialization)
Best Race: Breton
Best Birthsign: The Atronach, The Lady
Specialization: Combat, Magic, or Stealth (play to your strengths)
Attributes (2): Willpower & Endurance
Major Skills:
1. Blade
2. Destruction
3. Marksmen
4. Restoration
5. Sneak
6. Light Armor
7. Block/Alteration/Athletics

Description: This character tries to maximize everything that can be thrown at an opponent. They remain on their toes and and have a defensive maneuver for any possible situation.

Combat Purposes: The main Combat will be from their bow and arrows, but they don't want to force this on a enemy that is rushing towards them. Once they get close enough, bring out the Blade to finish it.

Magic Purposes: Sometimes an enemy can be quite tricky. Take them off guard and harp on their weaknesses with spells. Since you are a close combat fighter with Blade, Touch Spells maximize efficiency and provide you with more pop to for each Magicka point used.

Stealth Purposes: This is the basis of their arsenal. They try to kill the enemy in the first hit, if possible, with their bow. Don't rely too heavily on this once spotted.

Other Skills: Throw in a wink for the ladies (or gentlemen, whichever).

Usefull Factions: This character can truly fit into any, but don't overlap them.

Roleplay Restrictions: Play one side, not all.

Ideal Mod(s): Ask someone on the PC ;)
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