Best Race: Any
Best Birthsign: Any
Specialization: Magic
Attributes (2): Personality, Intelligence
Major Skills:
1. Illusion
2. Restoration
3. Athletics
4. Acrobatics
5. Speechcraft
6. Mercantile
7. Mysticism or Alteration
Menthats are highly intelligent beings with a great aversion for fysical violence. They believe everything can be solved with a mere word. If the case should arise that they find themselves in a battle they will turn the tide by simply hypnotising there opponents and make them fight each other.
In order to do so, a Menthat requires to be very charismatic.
Combat Purposes:
Menthats do not combat, ever. there are certain cases where Menthats have been known to be driven in such a tight spot where even there powerfull hypnotising skills were not sufficient, they resolved to absorbing health out of there foes. Wich cases mostly occur on novice Menthats.
Magic Purposes:
Illusion is there main way to survive. Some have an additional knowledge of mysticism, others alteration. It is assumed that is for personal reasons, whatever they have the most affinity for.
Stealth Purposes:
Menthats do not use stealth. They know they are intelligent beings, they know they are charismatic. They want to be seen, they fear noone or no situation will ever make them cower and hide in shadows. If they should be given a task where stealth is required to be able to fulfill that task, they will refuse to do so.
Other Skills:
Some seem to be showing a little intrest for alchemy to increase there intelligence even further, others use conjuration for the same reasons.
Usefull Factions:
As they are very egocentric, Menthats will not accept quests very fast, unless it fits there ultimate goal. If the reward is right in there alley they will complete it. Acces to the Arcane University is the one thing every Menthat desires.
Roleplay Restrictions:
No fysical combat, no magical combat except for absorb healths, but with limited use. Menthats rely only on there massive knowledge of the Illusion shool to anger, command or even demoralize there foes. Personality and intelligence should be the first attributes to reach 100.
Ideal Mod(s):
Played this char with mod. Although the rate to kill things might seem very slow to some, this was probably the most fun character I ever played.