» Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:59 am
Class: Infiltrator
Best Race: Imperial, Female
Best Birthsign: The Thief
Specialization: Stealth
Attributes (2): Speed/Agility or Endurance/Strength, possibly ?/Luck
Major Skills: Illusion, Security, Sneak, Marksman, Light Armor, Blade, Block
Description: You were born as a remarkably gifted individual. Intelligent, beautiful, charming, strong, agile. You've got it all. You're better than most people, you know it, other people know it, but somehow you're able to get them to like you anyway. Life is your playground. You're not necessarily a bad person, but are you good one? You probably think you're good... After all, most people do. Hell is paved with good intentions.
Interested in furthering her own ends above much else, just because she can (and also believing in her own inherent Goodness as described above), the Infiltrator uses a variety of talents in order to get where she wants to be: Natural charisma and charm, stealth and thieving skills, as well as some good old fashioned Brute Force. You're a consummate Adventurer as well as a Social Climber, so Fortune and Fame go hand in hand. Some controversy may swirl around you, but not all publicity is bad publicity.
Combat Purposes: The Infiltrator prefers to kill from afar with her Bow, using camouflage and terrain to her advantage, but sometimes this isn't an option. A silent backstab is the next most preferable option, but sometimes you must stand and melee your way through a situation. The Infiltrator has a versatile array of combat techniques to suit whatever the situation requires.
Magic Purposes: Deception, guile, stealth. The Infiltrator isn't a wanton killer; people are useful tools. Getting them to willingly step out of her way, or help her along, is usually preferable to intimidation or bloodshed. Unfortunately, some people just won't listen or be reasoned with. They can be sidestepped, or if necessary, eliminated... the more discreetly, the better. Fireballs and blasts of Lightning give away your position; conjured monsters cause too much commotion. The Infiltrator uses magic to conceal her intention, or her location.
Stealth Purposes: Well, an Infiltrator... infiltrates. That can mean rising within the ranks of society in order to further one's aims and status, but it also means being able to go where you want, when you want, and not being caught off-guard. After all, you have a reputation to maintain, as both Adventurer and Socialite. No Faux Pas for you, whether it be a cave or a castle's courtyard. Every move you make is calculated and deliberate.
Other Skills: Alteration, Destruction, Restoration, Alchemy, Mysticism, Speechcraft, Mercantile, Athletics, Acrobatics and Armorer may all prove to be useful. Since this is an RP sort of build, the major skills are what I see as the main focus, but many other skills can contribute. Alteration could be used as a direct sub for Security.
Useful Factions: All of them. You're not necessarily evil, at least not overtly so. You're mostly a ruthless self-promoter and pragmatist. Joining the DB is well within character. The DB is as morally ambiguous as you are.
Roleplay Restrictions: Maintain your illusion. Kill sentient NPC foes (Bandits, etc.) as stealthily as possible, unless they attack you first (overworld only; inside a cave/fort, you are the provocateur, and should remain undetected). You can be more freeform with Beasts/Daedra, etc., but the damage bonuses from Stealth will always work in your favor, so try to use them there too.
Avoid the appearance of being a wanton/random criminal or killer. Your goal is to appear as a Pillar of the Community; some controversy may swirl around you, but you shall never be convicted of any crimes. You shall never be accosted by a town guard to pay a bounty or go to jail. That doesn't mean that you'll never commit crimes. What it means, is that you'll know your way "around the law".
Ideal Mod(s): Can't say for sure.