This is your chance to be part of the mod. There are 300 cards (230 in the last available download, the rest is to be released soon) already and I've run out of ideas for another set. That's where you - the player - come in.
Send me an interesting screenshot regarding Collectible Cards - your collection, your character searching for cards deep inside a dark dungeon, your character hanging out with Orenthil, whatever. The more the merrier. Then I and the co-author of the mod will choose the twenty best screenshots and their authors' characters will appear in the next series of cards. That number might be changed in the end, it depends on how many screenshots I'll receive.
Everyone is encouraged to join the contest, though I'd prefer lore-frindly knights/mages/hunters on the cards to a bunch of hentai girls with giant... swords. No offense to anyone.
So if you're interested, you can start sending screenshots to klund(at)seznam(dot)cz OR samlake10(at)hotmail(dot)com. Put "OCC Contest" into the Subject field. I'm looking forward to what you can come up with!
Sam Lake