Please advise if I'm missing something really obvious (or doing something really stupid) but all I want to do is to make a tiny adjustment to an already existing mod done by the very clever fellows out there in modland.
So, I load up the TESCK, and double click the .esp plugin within the selectable list, to place the red X by it, and set it to be the active file. Then I click OK. Goes off and spends a little time loading in data.
Once completed, even without doing anything to the values, or even clicking anywhere in the windows, I select File then Save. That should, in theory, simply save off the file with no edits, or any changes to the original, right?
So why would it be when I load the game, and on selecting a presaved game to load, I get the dreaded "Oblivion has encountered a problem and needs to close" crash notice.
I re-paste the .esp file back into the Data folder, and voila... the game loads normally with no issues.
Does TESCK do anything to the file headers to make it incompatible with something? I have the GOTY Oblivion/Shivering Isles (version 1.2.0416) set.